You're not being a pushover, you're being smart. Me and Inui have passed certification tests on All is brawl, and have been quizzed on tournament hosting and bracket theory. This isn't something in some kid's basemnet, we're paying part of our entry into a tournament to the place, and with that, should have the best possible results.
It's not like we wanna run your tournament. Trust us, we don't. We wind up having to at most places because hosts just think sitting behind a laptop is all you have to do. Honestly, it ****ing annoys us. Making brackets is one thing, but the hosts usually just sit and play friendlies, while we call matches. We just want to make sure the bracket is fair, and balanced. We do this every week, and we know our stuff.
While we're here, I could fully explain bracket theory to you, if you'd like.
And don't ****ing sit out!!! Play in the tourn! Don't think that you have to commit 100% to the hosting job. You're there as a player, too. We would happily help call matches, and stuff, so long as the sole responsibility (edit)IS NOOOOOT)(/edit) on us. We do that to ensure the tournament moves, ya know?
Which is why at EC events, you see about 10 different people calling matches and running things. We're a community.