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Spin Dash Cancel to FSJ


Smash Cadet
Jul 27, 2006
In a building in Indiana.
This is worth reading, it's possibly a new sonic tech.

Just doing some fun 1vs.1 with my brother before he went to a tournament one day, found this neat thing I did on complete accident.

He's playing Snake for the hell of it (mains Lucario) and I use side B right at him, see a mine in front of him and hop over the mine. Well I must've pressed jump twice, because right as I was spinning over his head, Sonic acted like he just did a footstool jump...

It effectively slammed Snake on the ground so that he had to get up again.

Basically, Sonic spindashes at an opponent and foostool jumps as he passes above them. It works too from spin charge (down B). Spin at your opponent as fast as possible, hop from the ground into them and then foostool them. It works because if you jump into them from the ground as you are going up, it knocks them into the air slightly so that you can slam the to the ground with a foostool meteor.

I can't pull it off consistently, but that's the best way I can describe it... I'm pretty sure that's what happens when I do this. Currently, I'm going to try to chain this move together with some of the moves described on that one spin dash forum... I'll edit with link.


Smash Cadet
Jul 27, 2006
In a building in Indiana.
I checked most places, can't find this anywhere on the forums, but it shows up as a 3 hit combo in training when you use spin dash. Jump as you are hitting them, get 2 hits then foostool them.

I think I may not be explaining it well enough.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
what's cooler is the Calibur Champ/Tenki 'chain shuttle loop', where you spincharge, hit+FSJ backwards, (A)SC >FSJ and repeat.

I pulled it off twice in a row recently in a match against someone, but I haven't been able to go Calibur style and chain like 4-5 together D:


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
This was in the "True Combo Thread" in the tactical discussion area. It's listed under a combo that's escapable by DI.

Terios the Hedgehog

Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2006
Shenandoah, PA
what's cooler is the Calibur Champ/Tenki 'chain shuttle loop', where you spincharge, hit+FSJ backwards, (A)SC >FSJ and repeat.

I pulled it off twice in a row recently in a match against someone, but I haven't been able to go Calibur style and chain like 4-5 together D:
Huh. Haven't heard of that. I'll have to try it out.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
what's cooler is the Calibur Champ/Tenki 'chain shuttle loop', where you spincharge, hit+FSJ backwards, (A)SC >FSJ and repeat.

I pulled it off twice in a row recently in a match against someone, but I haven't been able to go Calibur style and chain like 4-5 together D:
Wanna make a demo of it/send me a replay? I'm curious as to this.


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2007
Long Island NY.
I get these occasionally, I usually just spring out of it dair to the ground (auto canceled) and dash attack


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
I usually just run around until the other player can't handle sonic's speed until they suicide until the game is other until i start running around throwing shizit


Smash Cadet
Jul 27, 2006
In a building in Indiana.
Ignore the little diagram text things they are messed up.

I think you understand what I’m saying..
I don’t have equipment to take videos from my TV, otherwise I’d have one up of this by now.
I can pull this off up to 6 times in a row since I have been practicing, and with more careful observation it’s basically canceling your spindash while simultaneously foostool jumping during the hitstun from the second spin damage. You take the foostool jump backwards while still facing the opponent and DI and fastfall towards the ground. Immediately spin again as they will be getting up from the previous fall, and repeat. Works best when within a standard block’s (from the stage builder) range.

The close range creates problems for me on the initial execute. You leave yourself relatively defenseless..

They can break out of it by DI’ing. Usually after the third repetition they manage to DI or roll back away from you so that you miss your footstool and end the combo. If they move forward it’s not a problem but when they move back it becomes harder to execute. As for DI… based on the opponent and their ease to DI you’ll have to decide whether or not it is worth using.

Where sonic is the circle and X is opponent:

Charging the spin: (quick charge of the spin)


First contact: (from off the ground to initial attack) [tap jump]

______________ _xO_________________

Second contact: (occurs in nearly the same position) [This is the part where they can start to DI or shortly after it]


The Footstool and Retreat: (Immediately after or during second hit/hitstun) [tap jump again]


________ _x_x_xO_________________

Fastfall back on to the ground facing opponent who has just recovered, execute spin again.
Additional X’s show possible locations of opponent, they may have had time to roll or teched into a roll.

That’s as much as I know, and other than that I don’t know how many times you can repeat it if your opponent is unable to DI as well as some of the character I tested it on.

I’ve used it on a MK, a Snake, and Lucario.
I repeated it 6 times over on a human controlled Meta Knight.

All I know is it works pretty well and that I intend to use it. I’m not going to argue or debate over what it is or whether it has been discovered already.

As far as I’m concerned, the thead is overwith.
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