There was nothing good about the matches because it was completely one sided. Your down smash is completely safe, right after you down smash you can go right into forward tilt in an instant. No matter how much I waited as you whiffed it, I try to go in and punish you and instantly you can forward tilt. Every attack I threw you absorbed it as he didn't flinch at all and still canceled me out. Then I rack your percentage each and every time to 120% you would not die, and the hit box on your down tilt is wide. I space myself each time you use it and I think that I am far enough not to get hit, it hits me anyway even your forward tilt. You were able to even Run and do your A attack lunge and into a completely safe A jab right afterwards. I had to literally find little to no window of opportunities to attack. This is not just your little mac but all of them I fought, this character is too good.