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Spam Strategy Please


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
The Woodlands, Texas
Alright, so basically I've been playing with a friend of mine recently and everytime I play him, he always resorts to the cheapest strategies he can find. He basically (depending on the character) spams his Forward Smash and one other move OVER AND OVER and then he continually dodges and shields throughout the game. We will play a five stock game that stretches out over like 10 minutes just cause he keeps running and spamming. Now, a big part of the reason I lose alot is becuase i get really impatient, but I was wondering if there was an especially goodway to deal with this kind of thing. I kick his butt when he plays a straight game, but that only lasts a little while until he gets cheap.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2007
Slowly starting to enjoy my mothertongue again. :)
If he always does the same thing, you should beat him easily. Fake running in, then WD out so he misses his smash. Then WD back in and punish him with an insame combo because if he only spams one attack, he probably can't di.:laugh: Just the first thing I would do.

Also, one of the best approaches in the game: rush in and put your shield up. If he plays as marth (so he is some distance away after he smashes your shield) WD out of shield and grab.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
The Woodlands, Texas

the thing is that he doesnt really shield as often as hes is dodging back and forth. i suppose i just get really impatient with him, cause its so annoying.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2007
Slowly starting to enjoy my mothertongue again. :)
the thing is that he doesnt really shield as often as hes is dodging back and forth. i suppose i just get really impatient with him, cause its so annoying.
What do you mean by dodging? If he's,
1) Spot dodging, wait for the dodge to end, then grab him
2) Rolling, get a fast character (like sheik, marth, c falcon, or fox) and just chase his roll and grab him.
3) Running away from your attack, get a character with a spammable projectile ( falco works best, but sheik and peach and fox are also good) and just increase his damage meter until he's forced to attack you.


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2005
Sidestep or rolldodge the fsmash, then kick his *** during the lag.
If he's rolldodging your own fsmashes, occasionally stand in place behind him and wait for him to roll, then attack. Just don't use smashes all the time; if you use faster attacks like jabs, it'll be harder to punish you for missing.

Basically just fight faster so you have a speed advantage, and consider trying out his character so you can learn when the attacks he spams don't work.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 17, 2007
Fresno, CA
If he only uses the same 2 attacks over and over it should be easy to read exactly what he's going to do. act like you're going to get in range, then WD back, dodge, short hop or just run the other way, then let him do whatever f-smash he does then punish him.

Number 1 DK

Smash Apprentice
Sep 17, 2007
Toledo, Ohio
If all he does are those two attacks, then you dont need to even think about wavedashing. An easier way would be to just pick Marth or Roy and counter him when he goes for the fsmash. If he goes to throws, use your fsmash on him. Of course, that will only work if he is really predictable, which if he isn't, use someone elses strategy involving a wavedash.


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2007
West Lafayette, IN
If he's just F-smashing, jump up and fair/bair (bair on smashes that make him move forward). It shouldn't be too hard since most F-smashes last twice as long as they're actually active.

Button Smash

Smash Rookie
Sep 13, 2007
La Crosse
DD and then go in with a combo or whatever you want. If not, then use Falco and SHB him til he comes to you. Its always fun. Also, use mindgames.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
The Woodlands, Texas
alright so i tryed again, and he still won, its just that he is constantly shield rolling, so his sheild doesnt go up, and if i miss the grab hes already trying to fsmash me. i was trying with marth and it was working ok when i countered but then it just went south, with link i could definately spam him with the projectiles but ive been trying to improve my marth game. i tryed with fox also, but he really just rolls REALLY fast and stays on top of me so even if i roll or something in response hes right back on me so i gotta move or feel the wrath of his spammed fsmash. its pretty gay.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
The Woodlands, Texas
i just have the worst time grabbing him really. and i cant get combos started cause he just starts button mashing right away so that he has an attack waiting for me. i dunno, ive been working on my advance techniques so i can take someone ALRIGHT but its juust this annoying spam that i cant seem to get by. it makes me mad cause hes so terrible when he just plays a real game.

The |Egg| Sniper

Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2006
I don't know who you play as, so I can't offer any specific sort of advice for this. However, I have a similar case here, and he's now becoming easily frustrated with the crew here. Want to know why?

We actually announce exactly what he's going to do just as he does it, then counters it justly.
"Forward Smash....Forward Smash...." etc... It's an out-of-game possible mindgame that could work to your advantage as it has for us here. He's breaking his habit....VERY .....SLOWLY.... X_X

As said before, shieldgrabbing works best for most Fsmashes. Another decent idea is to simply roll behind him as he approaches, then grab from behind. SHL only work for a certain amount of time before the cheapness approaches, but they're decently effective, nonetheless.

A fun strategy that I use on cheapies like this: UP+B....but not with Link. Mario's UP+B is very quick and can scoop the opposition away for a decent amount of damage each time. Since each hit does about 1%, they aren't powered down like most moves when abused (either that, or it takes a lot of abuse to see 0% hits....I've never spammed it THAT much). Feel free to throw in a line or two as you rack up the %s ...like "GIMME YO COINS, SUKKAH!" Or something along those lines. It's funny, it works most of the time, and it might shun his ways.

Remember Roy's Down+B? Yeah, if he's predictable, wreck his face with it. It hurts, trust me >.<

A lot of character's dash attacks can beat a fsmash if timed right. It depends on the matchup, however....
Remember: All the females in the game are professional football players! They can and WILL tackle on command. :p (And no, I dont count Shiek or Jiggs.....because its questionable... :p lolz)

Chaingrabs? Nuff said.

If he rolls a lot, chase him down during his rolls into a grab. Patience is a virtue with cheapies like this. Playing defensive is your best bet when he turns into that sort of player.

I can't think of any other possible tips. Hope these help =)


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2007
Slowly starting to enjoy my mothertongue again. :)
alright so i tryed again, and he still won, its just that he is constantly shield rolling, so his sheild doesnt go up, and if i miss the grab hes already trying to fsmash me. i was trying with marth and it was working ok when i countered but then it just went south, with link i could definately spam him with the projectiles but ive been trying to improve my marth game. i tryed with fox also, but he really just rolls REALLY fast and stays on top of me so even if i roll or something in response hes right back on me so i gotta move or feel the wrath of his spammed fsmash. its pretty gay.
If he's constantly rolling so his heild doesn't go up, I'm pretty sure you can still grab him just before he starts his second roll with the proper timing. However, I'm not sure and it could be pretty hard, so you should just wait until he reaches the edge of the stage, then kill him. With fox, gay him more than he gays you. Just sorta run away and then rapidly press b. Even if he's constantly rolling, some shots will still hit him. Eventually the damage will pile up.:laugh:

With marth, just play calm. If he's constantly shield rolling, just do something like chase him to the edge of the stage and spam jab or something. Really, you can stop him from rolling again with almost anything with the right timing. Grabs can also be tough to punish. Try to grab, and since he's still rolling, he can't punish your lag. When he's next to the ledge and rolling just spam grab. In general, when he's next to the ledge, his options are limited.

Or, the easy way, as Mood4food said, Just shl spam.:laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2007
Glendale, AZ
Get Samus, spam the hell out of the missiles constantly. When your friend starts to get tired of being hit by the missiles, he'll come at you eventually. When he comes near you, just spam the hell out of bomb dropping. :D

Get him mad enough and eventually he'll have no choice but to change his ways.


Smash Champion
Jan 20, 2006
Manliest city in Texas
Get Samus, spam the hell out of the missiles constantly. When your friend starts to get tired of being hit by the missiles, he'll come at you eventually. When he comes near you, just spam the hell out of bomb dropping. :D

Get him mad enough and eventually he'll have no choice but to change his ways.
End it with your own f-smash then.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Oh jesus. Punish every one he misses and shieldgrab every one he does.. rolling is predictable so just grab him and spotdodging doesnt work well if its abused either, especially not with most characters.

I dunno, spamming 1 move = predictable = no good. Trust me, players with mixups and mindgames are what you should be worried about, smash attack spam is for nubcaeks.

, but he really just rolls REALLY fast


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2007
The Woodlands, Texas
what i think it was, is that i was so set in the mindset of fighting someone who would be dynamic, that i just never thought about fighting someone with a one road strategy. its basically like i tryed to prepare for one thing and then got smacked with another. eitherway, ive been just shieldgrabbing, wavedashing and otherwise playing mindtricks on him to get a victory.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2006
Los Angeles
If you "prepared for one thing and got owned by another" it also means that you are not being dynamic. A good player should be able to adjust to an opponents strategy during the match. Also, there is no such thing as cheap in smash. Cheap is a scrubs way of saying efficient. You say you "own" your friend when he plays straight up, but not when he plays "cheap." Well, I would say your friend is the smart one since he does what works againts you to win. All that matters is that he wins, and you aren't adjusting to 1 single move...

Also, lol @ you saying that you never thought about fighting someone who spams 1 move. I dunno, but that sounds pretty easy to get around. After all, you know exactly what he's going to do next. This makes it incredibly easy to counter.

This thread makes me cry on the inside because it was written with such a scrubbish mentality.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2006
I'm mark, and i like this cookie monsta.
1. pick fox, because of his quick pivoting ability (not quite the tech pivot)
2. dashdance, this is just only doing to dash animation by tapping left, or right. left+right to go back and forth , l+l to go forward, ect.
3. pretend you are on left. go right + right +dashdance infront of him, and wait for him to miss an attack, then do a running attack out of your dash and follow up.

repeat, and mix it up! (this is for if you dont really have any tech skill, easy/fast to learn to beat these kind of people)
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