in short my D1 progression was like this:
1) Didn't like UP -> asking to many questions -> could be sorcerer
2) Weirded out by the Xivii-Pythag interactions, slight scumlean on both -> assuming one might be the sorcerer and the other a scum
3) Pythag pokes me but doesn't voice his real read on me in the conclusion -> scum ping, hard scumread -> start tinfoiling the Xivii-Pythag
4) Z25 makes a similar post but despite scumreading me all his arguments picture me as null -> call out his parroting, can't see him and Pyth on the same team, null read
5) Xivii starts talking like he's under the effect of six different drugs -> what the ****, I guess he's scum having a meltdown? -> tinfoiling them more
6) Xivii claims and clears Py -> oh **** me, they become townreads and I'm left with no conclusive leads because I wasted my D1 tinfoiling