Disney isn't stingy, AT ALL. HMK went the other day showing yall how much merch has disney allowed other companies to make of KH, nevermind the fact disney themselves reminded this year (or was it last year? who cares) that they are willing to let game developers to play with their IPs.
With Disney It's just about whether or not you're willing to pay them for -insert whatever here- lol, other than that they are not stingy really.
Square Enix on the other hand… they ARE stingy, and it has nothing to do with money, and we literally have seen it already to back that up. Whether Sora happens or not has only to do with Nintendo is willing to pay for it, other than that Nintendo and Disney have been buddies before even Nintendo made games, lol, and like i said, they are open for people to do stuff with their IPs and KH has proven that already plenty of times. Nevermind the fact of the amount of disney games in general and also KH games present on Nintendo consoles pretty much shows they would be the company to let play the most with their IPs and such.
That said I'm on the boat of wanting both characters in the game, so i have hope for both, since they are unrelated in the end.