Smash Apprentice
My Ideas on a sonic stage are as following:
Green hill zone(obviously)
3 platforms, and a tree, which has the robo-monkey, perhaps as a side scrolling stage for SE, which has a loop-the-loop, which only fast characters can move through.
Space Colony ARK
Starts on the moon (low gravity), then about 1/3 of the way through (in a time match, i.e. 40 sec. in a 2 min. match), or 1:00 through (in a stock match), the cannon destroys the moon, and you land on the cannon's edge (which has no gravity, you have to hold down to float down), then the colony opens up 1/6 more of the way (time) or 30 sec. (in a Stock match) and you're sucked into the colony (Normal gravity), shoots you out of the cannon at the moon 1/3 of the way later (time), or 1:00 (in a stock match), then it re-starts.
Eggman's Main gunship
A circular platform and 2 other platform above. There are turrets at each side, that shoot at the closest person. The Egg Emperor and Metal Sonic occasionally attack, and are almost unavoidable.
Green hill zone(obviously)
3 platforms, and a tree, which has the robo-monkey, perhaps as a side scrolling stage for SE, which has a loop-the-loop, which only fast characters can move through.
Space Colony ARK
Starts on the moon (low gravity), then about 1/3 of the way through (in a time match, i.e. 40 sec. in a 2 min. match), or 1:00 through (in a stock match), the cannon destroys the moon, and you land on the cannon's edge (which has no gravity, you have to hold down to float down), then the colony opens up 1/6 more of the way (time) or 30 sec. (in a Stock match) and you're sucked into the colony (Normal gravity), shoots you out of the cannon at the moon 1/3 of the way later (time), or 1:00 (in a stock match), then it re-starts.
Eggman's Main gunship
A circular platform and 2 other platform above. There are turrets at each side, that shoot at the closest person. The Egg Emperor and Metal Sonic occasionally attack, and are almost unavoidable.