Well, careless cancelling doesn't do much for mindgames, like spamming SH ASC cancels as seen in Ophelia's 'return to Sonic' video vs the cpu Falco. At the most, all I can think of is "uhh.. when is he finally going to attack? OH here he comes now. lemme shield it"
I mean, for example, sometimes, I'll run full dash at a Pikachu then do a sudden momentum cancel with side-B. They tend to D-smash, shield, spotdodge, or roll- all timed assuming that I'll actually go through them.
Also, after doing some instant-cancelled side-B's, I noticed that I tend to do a charged down-B for an actual attack afterwards, so I'd mix it up sometimes with a 1-second-charged side-B cancel into a dash or something. I mean for SH-aerial fighters, it could get them to start their jump early and get them off-rhythm.
The predictable ASC cancel in and of itself usually baits a shieldgrab, does it not?
So... baiting reflexive or defensive moves: does it tend to work against Sonic mainers?