Holy **** Camalange I had no idea you were so clutch! Fantastic stuff, thanks for sharing! Seems like Peach noticeably gives Sonic a hard time... guess we can add this to the list of Sonic's bad MUs.
I don't think it's as bad as it was in Brawl, but definitely a challenge. The edge we have now though is that in Brawl, we basically wanted the ground and she wanted the air, but neither Peach or Sonic could kill... Now, Sonic can kill.
Lol tbh how you played your last stock is how you should always play, **** getting hit.
Yeah, that was pretty hype. Low ceiling, max rage, Uair, etc. I knew I wouldn't win unless I embraced the rage and just went reckless.
You escaped death a few times (popped out dash attack, he couldve traded/hit you with bair a few times you were close.
Really greedy on those ledge guards(; (fsmash, downsmash) Took alot of unnecessary damage because of it and only converted once(?) You still won though so props!
Admittedly I could've played safer, and this was some time ago, but I think my heart really is what persevered in this set, lmao.
For some reason I kept going for the clutch and it was working so... I just kept believing.
I think my ledge game is a hell of a lot stronger now. I was pretty on point today at least.
HA is kind of a counter to Peach's float tbh. It works specially well when they use it before their 2nd jump to recover.
HA is not the answer to everything... Or most things, lol.
A bad HA or just too many HAs are really easy for Peach to bait and beat with like literally any aerial.
It has its uses, though. Mostly for interrupting, imo.