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Something notes about Megaman...


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Link to original post: [drupal=1302]Something notes about Megaman...[/drupal]

So I was thinking, considering that Megaman is pretty likely to make an appearance in a potential SSB4, I was thinking about the most important part to consider for the Megaman series in particular. The music. I love Megamans music, I really do, but will a bunch of 8-bit tracks really be something good to fight to? Plus, how will the other main line Megaman series be represented? Megaman has the unique case of having spin offs (or a cult following) that are just as established series as the original, X, Battle Network, Zero, and to a degree Legends. Another issue with Megamans potential list of music choices is because there is SUCH a variety people are bound to be unhappy, someones favorite Robot Masters theme is bound to be left, and making a medley for every game is not logical either. This is my list of a potential My Music set for Megaman:

*NOTE: If Megaman was to be included, his stage would have an indoor, mechanical setting; thusly all tracks would have to suit such an environment while being relatively good for fighting. A stage like Dr. Wily's Castle or Robot Master Museum are the most likely choices for a stage, so we must envision our music around that setting Here is my fictional list. I actually found 3 videos with songs from this list that were "uploaded" as BGM for Brawl, credit goes to the individuals who did that.

Megaman's Theme (Credits)- Megaman 4
Metalman - Megaman 2
Snakeman - Megaman 3
Napalmman - Megaman 5
Knightman (Complete Works) - Megaman 6
Intro - Megaman 8 (imagine a looped, re-arranged version)
Galaxyman - Megaman 9
Dr. Wily's Stage - Megaman 2
Spark Mandrill's Stage - Megaman X
Bank System (Quickman) - Megaman Network Transmission
The Flutter VS. The Gesellschaft - Megaman Legends
Cannon Ball - Megaman Zero 3

I know many people do not get why I chose the final four tracks I did, but consider this. Megaman is the only series I know of that has spin offs that are just as established as the original spin-offee? One thing the Megaman universe as a whole is known for is its music (sorta), since there really is no clear way to represent the series as a whole through any other option, why not through music? There are several benefits to this:

1: Like I said previously, you can tribute the main spin offs without including 5 slots for different Megaman characters. lol
2: It keeps the Megaman track list from being filled with a bunch of 8-bit tracks, I love Megamans music, I really do. It may just be too much to have 12 tracks of nothing but 8-bit music in a fighting games.
3: They all are very good tracks in their own right.

Now it does not HAVE to be these tracks, but something from Megaman X, Megaman Battle Network (in which case it HAS to come from Network Transmission IMO), Megaman Legends and Megaman Zero would really represent the universe well. Discuss...

A few other notes I would like to make about Megaman...

*He does not have to be a camper, his normal shots can be like Fox's Laser, no knockback and 1-2% damage for speed. His charge will have power and knockback, but you will take time.

*He is not a clone of Samus, just because they share a similar weapon does not mean tey are a clone. They are about as much of a clone as Marth, Ike, Link, and Metaknight are.

*Classic Megaman is the most likely choice Capcom would choose, since he is the original.

*Most likely, instead of having a Kirby-like system created for him where he copies peoples attacks. He will probably have a special that allows him to switch from various previous Robot Master abilities ala MvC, except with more choices and variety. They seem to gimp stuff like that, plus I do not think Sakurai, if he makes it again, will allow any character to compete in any way with his character's... Look at Starfy...

*His stage (as mentioned before) would be an indoor, colorful, mechanical laboratory type stage. Thusly music will have to fit such a setting.

*If 3rd party PC's got second reps (which won't happen), the most obvious choice would be Zero due to Inafune's affection towards his character and just how easily a moveset could be created for him. In fact, I would even say that if they were not afraid of ticking people off, they would put Zero in over Megaman... Which might make me unhappy, if it was not MMX style Zero. So, most likely, he would be the AT.

These are opinions, NOT FACTS! I do not want to get flamed for various reason 1 and 2. I know the grammar and structure is terrible, but you begin to not care after a time.

Here are youtube links to my song choices:

Megaman's Theme (Credits) - Megaman 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_80lwB-fS0g&feature=player_embedded
Metalman - Megaman 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLbQRnmsQBo&feature=player_embedded
Snakeman - Megaman 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9DWqjKBUNQ&feature=player_embedded
Napalmman - Megaman 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvw2GVlJWVk&feature=player_embedded
Knightman (Complete Works) - Megaman 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ge5yElxXj0&feature=player_embedded
Intro - Megaman 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUfnz9V0ths&feature=player_embedded (imagine a looped, re-arranged version)
Galaxyman - Megaman 9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hnjjzXpXsM&feature=player_embedded
Dr. Wily's Stage - Megaman 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl35611spgE&feature=player_embedded
Spark Mandrill's Stage - Megaman X http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQ2mhI93uPM&feature=player_embedded
Bank System (Quickman) - Megaman Network Transmission http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXakwHyXiM4&feature=player_embedded
The Flutter VS. The Gesellschaft - Megaman Legends http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAemJrGVnqo&feature=player_embedded
Cannon Ball - Megaman Zero 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FISzgZC7bfw&feature=player_embedded


Bird Law Aficionado
Dec 14, 2008
I'd like to see the Megaman assist trophy.
They need to get his dog in there.

Man of Popsicle

Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2008
Redlands, CA
Battle network intros/boss battles/emergency music/lan's house.
BN had good music.

And if it got two reps the second would be bass/protoman. Not zero.


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2009
I think they'll most likely use a Battle Network Megaman. My reasons for saying? Look at Link =X And plus There's a good amount of GBA n DS Battle Network games. As well it would be easier to work around his Final Smash (In the new Battle Network I think he can turn into some kind of animal? Iunno I dropped Battle Network after Blue Moon) Either way, I like your opinions and hope Nintendo warms up to 3rd Parties more and abuse the fact alot of people love to play game where their favourite character is able to fight with another character from another game.
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