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someone please help me...


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
my pit...he used to be great, espicially arrow control...but....i seemed to hit a brick wall, i couldn't progress with him anymore it felt like, so i took a break from him for awhile, and training my secondary, link, hoping that some rest from pit, would maybe help him feel fun to use again, and maybe help me to figure out how to surpass that "brick" wall with him....

now i seem to play 10x worse, :( please, someone help train me, and get my pit skills back :(

lil cj

Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
I know how u feel
Pit is somewhat complicated.
He takes alot of skill to master
U just got to keep playing as him,
that break u took from Pit
made u forget how to use him.
I recommend going to training mode for about an hour and start from square one,then work on AT's
Then use Pit in All Star Mode on a hard difficulty
And watch vids of these pro Pit players: Sagemoon, Kown, Kupo, Admiral Pit, and Undrdog
That really helped me out, I even played Kown about a month ago and lost almost every match against his Pit...lol....it was a good learning experience.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Pearland ,Texas
my pit...he used to be great, espicially arrow control...but....i seemed to hit a brick wall, i couldn't progress with him anymore it felt like, so i took a break from him for awhile, and training my secondary, link, hoping that some rest from pit, would maybe help him feel fun to use again, and maybe help me to figure out how to surpass that "brick" wall with him....

now i seem to play 10x worse, :( please, someone help train me, and get my pit skills back :(
maybe your forcing pit to become you character. maybe hes not a character that fits ur playstyle but if u disagree than:

work on playing to learn rather than winning.
focus on playing smart. (this makes u good with all chars)
and have fun!


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
maybe your forcing pit to become you character. maybe hes not a character that fits ur playstyle but if u disagree than:

work on playing to learn rather than winning.
focus on playing smart. (this makes u good with all chars)
and have fun!
i've been using pit from day one in brawl.....and beleave me, i've tried EVERYONE else.....he feels the most comfortable for me, its him, then Link, and then....well....everyone else I kinda use for fun....I THOUGHT mk would fit me.....he felt nice for awhile, but then I finnally relized he WASN'T my character, it seems pit is the only one that Feels natural to me.....beleave me, i've tried everyone....I just can't seem to find anyone else who feels right...:(


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
so umm...can someone here play me and help my pit get his skills back? (other then admiral... <_< he doesn't seem to be too good at helping people figure out What they're doing wrong)...all he's ever told me was i "need more training" instead of actually telling me WHERE i need help at T_T...


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
well, you already know how i fight snakes when i use pit rogue, and like i said, you yourself were doing alot better against MY SNAKE when you were arrow spamming, IDK how kupo can do it, but the way i fight snakes, works well enough for me, even if it IS considered being the pit "stereotype" i ONLY fight like that against Snake, AKA most broken character in the game.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Snake really isnt broken at all. His biggest weakness is his major strength...his tilts. Focus on spacing yourself away from them and half of your problems go away. Avoiding his traps are also easy and that helps alot too. MK on the other hand has no weaknesses and is the biggest threat atm.
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