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Some Possible G&W Advice


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
Ok so that friend of mine who plays GW has gotten completely used to my aggressive Falco playing style, not only can i not laser anymore but he counters everything but neutral air, that includes falcos awesome Dsmash because GW has an even better one.

it was really annoying me that somebody who I used to consistently 3stock could beat me, so my next game I spaced like nobody has ever spaced before and played the most conservative game ever: walked EVERYWHERE, barely left the ground, moved very slowly, and continuously spammed 3 things: Ftilt when he's on the ground, shield > Jab combo when he comes at you in the air, and shine reflector when he would charge smash attacks or throw bacon. Perhaps it's just because he has no experience against that kind of play, but I ***** him so **** hard, the only ways he could basically get dmg on me were the few times i ****ed up > grab > dthrow > follow-up
Anyways, it seems against G&W, Falco's effective strategy changes dramatically.
It's possible that this was very situational just against my friend, but perhaps it isn't, so I thought I would share.
My hypothesis for why this is legit: GW is quite slow thus he can't surprise you with things very easily, so using your attacks that outrange him and come out quickly are the best way to rack up dmg even if it does end up making the match last a long time (which btw it does, I forgot to check but i think the 4stock match went over 10 minutes)

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
I think the thing you described would never work consistently on a G&W player worth his or her salt.
It's probably because he isnt used to the new way you play.
You became predictable, and you finally figured out switching styles actually works.

Good job, but I dont think this will help Falco much.
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