The Spook Factor
"Main difference is that she eats considerably more often than Peri does."Altera: "I don't know if the flavors would mix well..." <--- Also an alien
-That's impossible- :V
-Imaginary skill-showing window appears-
Beach Crisis: A+
How much one "ends up gathering" public attention on a beach.
Unlike Beach Flower, even gazes that deviates from the domain of yearning are gathered.
There is a risk that the beach will fall into chaos just by Scathath walking around.
-Okay, she may not be in a beach, but in FGO it serves as a taunt skill that attracts all enemy attacks to the target for a turn-
-It seems they were summoned by the World itself to deal with problems...-
Peridot: ...We'd find out through experimentation, but maybe I'lljust take the show's word for it...
"Then until they can reconcile somehow? Otherwise it'll probably never happen :V"
"The Head Hathys actually blush nervously at the sight of her in that bathing suit..."
(What's with them, Miss Scathach?)
(...She's charming them.) "Finds the sight amusing"
"Their reactions are similar to how Mr. Fish used to be around her...And sometimes still is

"It makes some of these newly summoned Servants question if they were summoned on the right side..."
"And Toffee made it personal by using "gramps" as a vessel..."-but it's only one...-
-she will...after her bath :v-
"Yeah, no more worries about that, her bath is top priority :V What's her current thoughts?"
Palu: -looking around-
-Hedlok turns around and spits a blast at Ele-
Rook: "Now, to Ludo."
HELL YEAH! "Hugging her GF"Medea: "39 episodes, 3 seasons. You both ready?"
-The people present are warry-
-One of her arms protects her, but shows damage-
-One way to know, Kirb, as they keep attacking-
Guifei: "We're close, right?"
Peridot: Immediately!
"They instead get stuck in one of Rouxls Kaard's "puzzles"
"His puzzles are still as basic as ever so all they do is slow them down and leave them vulnerable to more enemy attacks."
"He turns his Jet ability into a star which he promptly inhales and fires back at A-Squad Red."
Moon: If he's in the royal sleeping quarters, then yes...
"And given that Ludo's Spider and Mecha Ridley have been on patrol near here, that seems very likely..."