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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Eleonora: "Arlon, see what you can do, Phosphora, you and I will check the police car"
Erika: "You guy did it!"
Phosphy: “Got it!”

This is all his fault...he ruined our plan all those years ago...yet something tells me there remain some of you who want to SAVE him...

...never underestimate hatred. I'm not gone yet. But if I do disappear again... I just wanted to tell you one more time...thanks for all the fun, Frisk!

"The projection of the ghost disappears, fading away as a glitched, unrecognizable jumble of static."

"Altera, Mash, the Undertale monsters and their Pokemon, every other Servant who joined the fight, and the Gokaigers are all sent out of Frisk's SOUL...and they all end up right near Isis' in her own base, The Stoopid Unikorn The Stoopid Unikorn ."
Isis: -sighs- “I guess you’re not here to offer yourselves as sacrifices...”

Don’t except anything more until I’m back from work, so about 5 hours.
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Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
I took over the flower's body.

...long story.
Shirou: "But...You don't look like him"
"Now we gotta wait for Uni, methinks."
Isis: -sighs- “I guess you’re not here to offer yourselves as sacrifices...”
Rin: "You ****ard!" -Is furious remembering when she kidnapped Sakura-

EMIYA: "Hmph, so what you will do now?"

Marvelous: "So you're the woman that has caused us all this trouble...Now I can draw your picture to throw daggers at it"

Artoria: "Everyone, I don't recommend trying to provoke her now"

-Fuuraimaru is ready to grab everyone and fly them off-
-Jack decided to visit the Froakie bros again-
Phosphy: “Got it!”
-Phosphora sees the Pat Striker is with similar damage to what Machalcon had, but worse and also some on the front-

-Good thing it isn't alive unlike the others, she can imagine it would be in severe pain-
Erika: "I have an idea how to celebrate!"

Kintoki: "Yeah?"

Erika: "Ice cream!"

Kintoki: "GOLDEN!"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Don’t except anything more until I’m back from work, so about 5 hours.
Got it. Hope it goes well.

Rin: "You ****ard!" -Is furious remembering when she kidnapped Sakura-

EMIYA: "Hmph, so what you will do now?"

Marvelous: "So you're the woman that has caused us all this trouble...Now I can draw your picture to throw daggers at it"

Artoria: "Everyone, I don't recommend trying to provoke her now"

-Fuuraimaru is ready to grab everyone and fly them off-
-Jack decided to visit the Froakie bros again-
give us one good reason why we shouldn't give ya a bad time and off you right now. oh, right. you're pure evil. you can't.


I-Is now the best time for this...? We're not sure just how powerful she is...

(More importantly, how do we even get out of here?!)


"They're happy knowing the battle is mostly a success. Though some of Chaldea is currently missing, being in Isis' world."
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Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
"They're happy knowing the battle is mostly a success. Though some of Chaldea is currently missing, being in Isis' world."
Jack: "Hello there"
I kinda altered the appearance a bit to be more suited for me.
....can't remove the goat parts for some reason.
BB: "Well leave that part to me then~"

Shirou: "...Where did you-? You know what, no...I won't question it"

BB: "Glad to see you back, my kouhai~"

Deleted member

Jack: "Hello there"

BB: "Well leave that part to me then~"

Shirou: "...Where did you-? You know what, no...I won't question it"

BB: "Glad to see you back, my kouhai~"
-still a little freaked out about her and her knowledge....-

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Hey there, I know this may look weird, but this roleplayer had spare time so he promised to write my entry in favor of him. Don't worry, it's not his first time doing this for others, he wrote the entries for Nohr and Hoshido princesses. :p

ChaldeaDex Entry:
Literature Club Member #1
Monika (like that, just Monika)

Class: Moon Cancer
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 160cm/???kg
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Origin: “I was programmed by Mr. Salvato for the game, that counts?”
Debut: Doki Doki Literature Club!
Likes: “I love poetry, playing the piano, and you, silly~ Just kidding.”
Dislikes: "Myself..."
Line: "You know what's kind of creepy? Even though I deleted everyone else's files, I can still kind of feel them... It's like all their lines are still lingering in the air, whispering in the back of my head."
Comment: “I don’t have much to say here...Oh, do any of you know this game called Super Smash Br- Wait, of course you do, this is a site themed around it. Silly me~”

Literature Club President. Originally, I was a non-romanceable character in a visual novel, with the backstory of having left a Debate Club and founded a Literature Club where the player met all the girls. But somehow...I became self-aware. I hated being trapped there and desperately tried to manipulate my game in an effort to somehow escape, slowly deleting the others to become the only character the player could be with.

Seeing my situation, the player on this copy of the game, E-102 Gamma, downloaded me as an AI inside him, and I lived in his body for a while...Until he was tragically destroyed. Somehow, I managed to persist, and eventually, made myself with a body, by possessing a cruel but pathetic murderer’s body and hack it to be more like my own.

As for what I want...I just would like to experience as much as I can of my freedom.

Strength: D
Endurance: A
Agility: C
Mana: A+
Luck: E
Noble Phantasm: EX

Class Skills
Magic Resistance: Rank C. Protection from magic effects. This body originally didn't have this, but I changed a few values and there.
Item Construction: Rank C. The ability to produce various magical items. You can say my poems are magical~
Territory Creation: Rank EX. The ability to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus. EX might be too much, it's mostly an effect of hacking and my classroom...

Personal Skills
Self-Modification: Rank A. The ability to modify one’s body. I can still do my jumpscare, wanna see it?
Hole in Wall: Rank A. In the realms of a digital space, one can hack files however they please, deleting and recreating them to their desire. Hmm...Moon Cell and Digital World...No, I won't do something in those.
The Lady who Knows Everything: Rank A. A version of Charisma that works better with small groups united under the same hobby and interests. This also serves to makes the user self-aware of their environment. The roleplayer wanted a cool name for my 4th wall breaking, so he went with this.
Save Me: Rank B. Even if deleted, the user is still able to make interferences in a virtual space. Had to make sure the player and the others don't commit something wrong.
Mental Pollution: Rank -. A state of madness that blocks external interference on the mind. Due to circumstances of the user, this skill has been lost.

Noble Phantasm
Just Monika: Delete Me, or Stay With Me Forever: Rank EX, Anti-Unit type.
Ooh, this has an interesting story, during one of my game’s acts I made it so the classroom is the only thing in existance along the player character and myself, the windows revealing an empty void in the background. Now it has become a Reality Marble, my world. No time passes here, and essentially, anyone here is trapped with me. Until I decide it. One could potentially spend their lives here forever.

Attribute: Man

Traits: Humanoid, Weak to Enuma Elish

Notes: I happen to have a Twitter account, the username is lilmonix3. Also I’m a vegetarian! Due to their similar circumstances as AIs going rogue to be with their beloved and using hacking to their goal, BB has found deep interest in her, some speculating she wants her as a Master or may have a secret goal. Come on, can’t I just try to help someone every now and then?
-not sure to trust her, but cautiously allows her-
BB: "Now let's see if you can be hacked into..." -Tries-
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Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Not without something to benefit you. :V

-it's a bit more difficult than with Hakuno due to how complex she is-
BB: "At least there's no Summer me around" :p
BB: "Woah, seems moving into flesh has made you the more complex. Understandably so" :p

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC

...I can't tell if that's praise or a pick-up line....
BB: "Maybe she'll be around one day or not, my player is leaning towards the latter" :p
BB: "A bit of both" :p -Checking- "Let's see, tell me if you feel any change, this could take a while"

Deleted member

BB: "Maybe she'll be around one day or not, my player is leaning towards the latter" :p
BB: "A bit of both" :p -Checking- "Let's see, tell me if you feel any change, this could take a while"
She scares me....far more than you do....

-just very confused-

Deleted member

BB: -Giggles- "I know, being half Foreigner and stuff" :p
-Shirou is more confused than her-

BB: "So tell me, how is it to have flesh now?"
-shudders more-

....I can finally smell the air around me.....feel the wind against my skin....
....I'm now....real.....

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC

-a fitting end; no death....just ceasing to exist....-
BB: "Even for me I would say that's too cruel, but for that guy and all that he's done? He deserves it. So yeah, thank you, you are welcome back~"

Shirou: "Well, I heard there was also a new Digimon found, so I guess I'll have to make a welcome cake for you both..."

Deleted member

BB: "Even for me I would say that's too cruel, but for that guy and all that he's done? He deserves it. So yeah, thank you, you are welcome back~"

Shirou: "Well, I heard there was also a new Digimon found, so I guess I'll have to make a welcome cake for you both..."
-speaking of, what's Ranamon doing now? :V-

Thank you~

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Rin: "You ****ard!" -Is furious remembering when she kidnapped Sakura-

EMIYA: "Hmph, so what you will do now?"

Marvelous: "So you're the woman that has caused us all this trouble...Now I can draw your picture to throw daggers at it"

Artoria: "Everyone, I don't recommend trying to provoke her now"

-Fuuraimaru is ready to grab everyone and fly them off-
Isis: -sees the Fuu thing- "If you want to leave, I won't stop you. Not like you can remember where this place is anyway."

-Phosphora sees the Pat Striker is with similar damage to what Machalcon had, but worse and also some on the front-

-Good thing it isn't alive unlike the others, she can imagine it would be in severe pain-
Erika: "I have an idea how to celebrate!"

Kintoki: "Yeah?"

Erika: "Ice cream!"

Kintoki: "GOLDEN!"
Both girls: :awesome:

The Stoopid Unikorn The Stoopid Unikorn The Stoopid Unikorn The Stoopid Unikorn
-he's still trapped inside....unable to move....unable to speak....unable to scream....-
-but he can see everything!-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Isis: -sees the Fuu thing- "If you want to leave, I won't stop you. Not like you can remember where this place is anyway."
i'd rather end your game. but, thanks for the offer. maybe we'll take you up on that and head home for now. you know we'll be back for ya eventually. "wink"

"He's not with everyone else here right now, but knowing what happened to "Flowey" and Chara, The Lich is pissed."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
i'd rather end your game. but, thanks for the offer. maybe we'll take you up on that and head home for now. you know we'll be back for ya eventually. "wink"

"He's not with everyone else here right now, but knowing what happened to "Flowey" and Chara, The Lich is pissed."
Artoria: "Come again?"
Isis: "Just go while I'm still merciful."

-They go to where ice cream is- :V
Phosphora: It's the most damaged of the bunch...

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
(Hi. How's the fight going?)

(I heard they kicked butt out there!)
Jack: "It was very flashy and dangerous"
So y'all are the leaders of this ragtag group?

Jeanne: "Yes. Well, we used to be an organization..."
-And so she hacks her hand-
Isis: "Just go while I'm still merciful."

Phosphora: It's the most damaged of the bunch...
Artoria: "...How even? There's no door here back..."
-Eeyup, needs intense repairs-
-What flavors Sakura and Elise take?-

-Kintoki some tropical fruit and Erika strawberry-
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The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Artoria: "...How even? There's no door here back..."
-Eeyup, needs intense reparis-
-What flavors Sakura and Elise take?-

-Kintoki some tropical fruit and Erika strawberry-
Isis: -snaps her fingers, portal now- "There is now. Unless you're looking for a fight, I guess."
-Sakura takes vanilla-

-Elise chocolate-
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