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Some dumb roleplay thread, I guess (Warning, it's not dumb)

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Steven: "I know you didn't ask for anything in return, but I still wish we could do something to return the favor..."

(Got it.) -Nods affirmatively, then looks around in every direction-

-There's no clear signs of either of the Frogadier Bros. nearby, not even on the ceiling--


-That was the idea- :V
Sothis "There is no need to. I'm sure you have a tendency of being kind and want nothing in return so I'm certain you can understand that I truly want nothing in return."
Weiss: "Nothing?"
-then yes lmao-

Alice: "Maybe she'll fibd a not Illager-infested village next time!"
Oriko: Or something worse...
Iskandar: "I can see where your personalities might compliment each other!"
Jalter: The smell is worth it already...
-While Iroha tried to shoot at her from behind-
-For what is worth, Byleth can at least see they're not complaining about this being unfair, as if they have already accepted that fighting for survival is harsh-
Sitonai: "So you don't need to worry about it being close like Kamui-oneechan and that green-haired dragon lady at least. And small Kanna"
-what could be worse?-
Rafal: "Well, at least your eyes function."
-it sure is! then the food is served!-
-Byleth is struck and tries to whip strike behind her-
Alear: "Which is good since mine... well... shattered." :lol:

-given what they just said, Alear straight up admitted to having been killed-

Martha: "I understand your kingdom may have had tragic circumstances... But that doesn't takes out how putrid you are!" -flying on top of Tarasque in an attempt to get to the Megazord-
Grimlock: -Damaged, some circuits showing- "Only a fool makes the shadow fall over the weak..." -he said as he transformed back to robot mode, flaming sword in hand-

Yukari: It's a little catchy.
Poppy: "Don't worry, that would be me" :)
Sayori: "I'd love to hear~!"
Homura: "I...I suppose I have some experience"
Oriko: So she's not revealing she could travel back in time. Embarrassment upon her failures, perhaps, understand that too well.

Kagari: I see... There has to be more like her alive, seemingly as some sort of experiment to bring a species of demon back to life.
Sasa: Wait, this girl's a demon?! "Huh? To where?"
Kagari: One serpent disguised as a human, so no wonder we could feel such magic from her~

-Indeed. Epimenides can see her and Nemu currently excited upon the prospect of awakening Embryo Eve as they gather energy, slipping up the facte the two are still children by the fact they're singing and dancing like this-
Uwasa means rumor
Iroha: "True. I hope they can be dealt with... Not only so they don't harm others, but also so they can rest in peace"
Kama: Don't worry, I got this under control "What you want to know?"
Ophanimon: "Why are you not hostile?"
Kama: "...Why would I be? I was summoned as a n Assassin, dunno what the previous me I've heard about has done here"
Ophanimon: So she's keeping her little ruse on...

Medusa: "Sorry, but it's as it is"
You are nothing but mere pawns before the KNIGHT! And soon, you will not even be THAT! -Uses the flamethrower on Tarasque and Nel, while brandishing the White Tigerzord's own greatsword to try and counter Grimlock's flaming blade-

Tetra: "We've got to take this flying machine out! Medli! Can you fly one of us up there?"
Medli: "I'm not fully confident of it, but I'll try my absolute best!"

-Very quickly, the Dark Fountain starts to dissipate entirely, and various Darkner soldiers around the base start to seemingly vanish, turning back into their Light World forms such as toys, electronic appliances, and cards corresponding to the suits their Darkner counterparts wear on their uniforms-

We'll help set up a stage!

XJ-7: "Are we allowed to square dance?"

Star: "How long have you been studying or casting magic?"

???: "I gotta be back at my house before dinner, sorry! It was nice meeting you all!" -Already running off, and quickly turns a corner-
-Not only a demon, but one that seems to have been from a dimension other than the one that Earth resides in, as there's a variety of tree and plant species visible in the area that don't match any native flora on Earth, and the ocean visible near the area appears to be constantly boiling-

-Even Epimendes is disturbed by their behavior?-

-Heavy sigh- I-I think all of us who know about Witches and their true origins do... :urg:

Peridot: "Ugh, fine, but my original hypothesis was still at least half-right either way!"


Hekapoo: "I've seen far worse fashion statements, but I get what you're saying." -Takes another sip of orange punch-
-Nel does more dragon beams to strike the Megazord-
-Veyle instead does a beam from her palms because I remember her doing it in at least one cutscene-

Ingrid: "They've done it... Incredible."
Alear: "....What's a square dance?"

Shez: "Oh, you got a lot to learn about other cultures, Your Highness."
-far too long?-

Epimenides: The brainwashing these children are under is quite potent...
Zelda: "How is it half-right? It's not an alternate dimension..." :facepalm:
-indeed she is...-

Byleth: "Is my sense of fashion really that bad?"

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-what could be worse?-
Rafal: "Well, at least your eyes function."
-it sure is! then the food is served!-
-Byleth is struck and tries to whip strike behind her-
Alear: "Which is good since mine... well... shattered." :lol:

-given what they just said, Alear straight up admitted to having been killed-
-She'll accidentally stumble into the Nether- :V
Zelestia: "He's like this with everyone, but don't worry, he's really nice" :)
Iskandar: "Reminds me of someone even!"
Jalter: "Wooooaaah..."
-Iroha is hit! While Oriko tried to fire from above and Suzune was recovering-
Sitonai: "And how did you revive?" -also asked casually given that hasn't been rare around here-
The full track was well worth the wait. Now I want to see a full-fledged crossover of both games even if it's non-canon.

K_K: "Do you guys have any other name ideas?" -Throwing the

Exactly, Kazumi! -Gives a thumbs-up with a wide toothy grin

-All the while Steven is actually suggesting that they temporarily help the DJD, solely to save Breakdown himself and to stop Overlord...-

-Doesn't initially say much afterwards feeling bad that they couldn't have saved them-

-Shuriken goes on to ask that very question-

Sweet: "You bet we can!"
Cap'n: "It doesn't cost money to listen to music at Sound Test!"
K_K: "Only to buy the album itself!"
Maybe some time, there was this too.

-Throwing the what?-
-Kazumi gave a goofy smile with a nod as a result-
-Is Undyne curious about Kazumi's old group of friends?-
Shatter: "The clock is ticking..."
-If Breakdown could gulp, he would...-
Tart: "...I wonder if they could have been saved..."
Atalanta: "...Sorry..."
Jack: "Then let's listen to one now!" :D
You are nothing but mere pawns before the KNIGHT! And soon, you will not even be THAT! -Uses the flamethrower on Tarasque and Nel, while brandishing the White Tigerzord's own greatsword to try and counter Grimlock's flaming blade-

Tetra: "We've got to take this flying machine out! Medli! Can you fly one of us up there?"
Medli: "I'm not fully confident of it, but I'll try my absolute best!"

-Very quickly, the Dark Fountain starts to dissipate entirely, and various Darkner soldiers around the base start to seemingly vanish, turning back into their Light World forms such as toys, electronic appliances, and cards corresponding to the suits their Darkner counterparts wear on their uniforms-

We'll help set up a stage!

XJ-7: "Are we allowed to square dance?"

Star: "How long have you been studying or casting magic?"

???: "I gotta be back at my house before dinner, sorry! It was nice meeting you all!" -Already running off, and quickly turns a corner-
-Not only a demon, but one that seems to have been from a dimension other than the one that Earth resides in, as there's a variety of tree and plant species visible in the area that don't match any native flora on Earth, and the ocean visible near the area appears to be constantly boiling-

-Even Epimendes is disturbed by their behavior?-

-Heavy sigh- I-I think all of us who know about Witches and their true origins do... :urg:

Peridot: "Ugh, fine, but my original hypothesis was still at least half-right either way!"


Hekapoo: "I've seen far worse fashion statements, but I get what you're saying." -Takes another sip of orange punch-
-Nel does more dragon beams to strike the Megazord-
-Veyle instead does a beam from her palms because I remember her doing it in at least one cutscene-

Ingrid: "They've done it... Incredible."
Alear: "....What's a square dance?"

Shez: "Oh, you got a lot to learn about other cultures, Your Highness."
-far too long?-

Epimenides: The brainwashing these children are under is quite potent...
Zelda: "How is it half-right? It's not an alternate dimension..." :facepalm:
-indeed she is...-

Byleth: "Is my sense of fashion really that bad?"
-If Grimlock didn't have such innate strength, he'd have been sliced in half, but right now he's managing to struggle with his sword, albeit barely-
-Tarasque's high defenses managed to tank the strikes, but the dragon groans in pain-
Martha: "There, there..." -reassuring him-

Yukari: "Thankfully with no more interruptions"
Poppy: "Oh, is she from a medieval-like world too?" -what is 'medieval'?-
Homura: "...A while" -would be awkward to say how many years she's chronologically lived-

Sasa: "Wait! Aaaaand she's gone" Should we follow her?
Kanna: First, did you see where that demon came from?
Kagari: Yes~ Seems we have found yet another different dimension, girls. One of boiling isles~
Alina: Please, do tell more~! I'm highly intrigued already!
Minou: Though make it as brief as you can
-And thus Kagari explained to them what she saw-

-Indeed, he really may need to do somethibg about them... Though their abilities do make them quite useful...-
Iroha: "It's why even after finding the truth, I chose to keep fighting them..."
Kama: ...What do you think?
Kiara: You could feel it too, huh?
Kama: The fact she sonehow irradiates an aura similar to us two? Of course
Kiara: Similar to a Beast, but much moreso us two. I don't what that could mean, but so far I have heard how highly dangerous some Digimon can be.

Medusa: "Sorry, but yes"
Sakura: "Hmmm, but also you may not want to change it..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Maybe some time, there was this too.

-Throwing the what?-
-Kazumi gave a goofy smile with a nod as a result-
-Is Undyne curious about Kazumi's old group of friends?-
Shatter: "The clock is ticking..."
-If Breakdown could gulp, he would...-
Tart: "...I wonder if they could have been saved..."
Atalanta: "...Sorry..."
Jack: "Then let's listen to one now!" :D
I remember that one. It's still also badass. I think ZUN said he'd be collaborating with Toby Fox again in the future, so whatever projects they're working on is something to look forward.

I think I originally meant to type something like "Throwing out the suggestion for everyone to think of more name ideas", but decided K_K's dialogue was clear enough without it. I ended up forgetting to erase most of the leftover text by the time I posted.
But I also already edited "Throwing the" out over 7 hours ago. :V

-She is, but is worried that asking Kazumi about them right now might be insensitive...-

Say...What was your role on you and your friends' team? Were you a support as well or were you the team leader?


Steven: "You still haven't said whether or not you'd be okay with teaming up. We don't like the Decepticons or the fact that you just go around hurting innocent people and taking over planets, but Overlord and everyone he's trying to revive sound even worse..."

(...) -Now he's wondering if they should ask how Tart and the others survived, beyond getting help from Ingrid, or how they survived long enough for her to be able to help them in the first place...-

Sweet: "You got it!" -Puts the CD from Miku's Pokemon album on, playing a random track from it that isn't the first or final track-

Sothis "There is no need to. I'm sure you have a tendency of being kind and want nothing in return so I'm certain you can understand that I truly want nothing in return."
Weiss: "Nothing?"
-then yes lmao-
Steven: "...Well, when you put it that way..." 🤔

(There's no obvious signs of anyone nearby...) -Trying to hide the fact they're onto the Frogadiers' prank-

-Then Penny thankfully isn't seriously damaged, but the pinch still depletes her Aura and surprisingly launches her a much shorter distance away- :V

-Nel does more dragon beams to strike the Megazord-
-Veyle instead does a beam from her palms because I remember her doing it in at least one cutscene-

Ingrid: "They've done it... Incredible."
Alear: "....What's a square dance?"

Shez: "Oh, you got a lot to learn about other cultures, Your Highness."
-far too long?-

Epimenides: The brainwashing these children are under is quite potent...
Zelda: "How is it half-right? It's not an alternate dimension..." :facepalm:
-indeed she is...-

Byleth: "Is my sense of fashion really that bad?"
-If Grimlock didn't have such innate strength, he'd have been sliced in half, but right now he's managing to struggle with his sword, albeit barely-
-Tarasque's high defenses managed to tank the strikes, but the dragon groans in pain-
Martha: "There, there..." -reassuring him-

Yukari: "Thankfully with no more interruptions"
Poppy: "Oh, is she from a medieval-like world too?" -what is 'medieval'?-
Homura: "...A while" -would be awkward to say how many years she's chronologically lived-

Sasa: "Wait! Aaaaand she's gone" Should we follow her?
Kanna: First, did you see where that demon came from?
Kagari: Yes~ Seems we have found yet another different dimension, girls. One of boiling isles~
Alina: Please, do tell more~! I'm highly intrigued already!
Minou: Though make it as brief as you can
-And thus Kagari explained to them what she saw-

-Indeed, he really may need to do somethibg about them... Though their abilities do make them quite useful...-
Iroha: "It's why even after finding the truth, I chose to keep fighting them..."
Kama: ...What do you think?
Kiara: You could feel it too, huh?
Kama: The fact she sonehow irradiates an aura similar to us two? Of course
Kiara: Similar to a Beast, but much moreso us two. I don't what that could mean, but so far I have heard how highly dangerous some Digimon can be.

Medusa: "Sorry, but yes"
Sakura: "Hmmm, but also you may not want to change it..."
-The King of Spades launches more missiles and flames to try and counter Nel's dragon beams, but the laser beams that Veyle fired do strike the Megazord since they were shot by a compartively much smaller target and thus more difficult to spot opponent-
-Similarly, Medli managed to airlift Tetra high enough for her to get a good shot at the King of Spades directly, hitting him with several shots from her flintlock pistol that prevented him from using the White Tigerzord's weapons for a few seconds, as well as encasing his head in a water sphere to injure him further-

-All throughout the base, Darkners from both the Card Kingdom and Cyber World quickly started reverting to their inanimate Light World forms, and only those on the outside of the fortress still remained in their Dark World forms for now-

Sort of, as far as I know...

Star: "...Hey, I know what the deal with the Incubators and Soul Gems are. The whole "turning into a giant monster" thing, too..." :urg: "If you'd rather not even talk about your magic powers, I totally get why. won't ask about more questions about them. But I totally get why... "

-The very last memory of this teenager that they'd manage to find as she ran off was her finding a portal to Earth, spotting another teenage girl who, aside from her clothes and hairstyle, looked identical to the appearance she assumes now, talking to someone who looked like an elderly witch at a market place located on these boiling isles. After a few seconds pass, the snake-like demon teenager enters sthe portal to Earth, and in a panic, shapeshifts to look like the teenager she just saw when her mother shows up to talk to her-
-...Given this information as well as the fact she was being used for experiments and kept in a cell along with several others of her kind, it's highly likely that she ran off from them out of fear of her true form and identity being discovered. That doesn't mean she doesn't pose a potentially lethal threat to them since she can still drain magic from a distance, but it does explain why she was so nervous and eager to leave...-

-But they're also under mind control and can potentially help make the The Lich an even more powerful threat...-

Peridot: "But it's still an alternate version of Hyrule's surface." :p

You wanted to stop them t-to prevent anyone else from getting hurt and e-ending their suffering... -Fully sympathetic tone, even being reminded of her initial concerns about Amalgamates a bit-

-It's possible that she's too used to the outfit or genuinely likes it regardless of the flaws Medusa pointed out and Hekapoo agreed with...-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-She'll accidentally stumble into the Nether- :V
Zelestia: "He's like this with everyone, but don't worry, he's really nice" :)
Iskandar: "Reminds me of someone even!"
Jalter: "Wooooaaah..."
-Iroha is hit! While Oriko tried to fire from above and Suzune was recovering-
Sitonai: "And how did you revive?" -also asked casually given that hasn't been rare around here-
-somehow :V-
Rafal: "Well, you're certainly one to take everything with a good laugh... Wonder how long that would've lasted in my world."

Nel: "Rafal..."
Shez: "Oh, that's nothing, really. I just whipped it up on the spot." :lol:
Alear: "A miracle from the Emblems, something they can only do once..." -then shows her Emblem Ring- "It brought me back as one of their own."

Steven: "...Well, when you put it that way..." 🤔

(There's no obvious signs of anyone nearby...) -Trying to hide the fact they're onto the Frogadiers' prank-

-Then Penny thankfully isn't seriously damaged, but the pinch still depletes her Aura and surprisingly launches her a much shorter distance away- :V
-when she puts it that way indeed...-
Weiss: "Then get back inside."
Yang: "I think this fight's over now." :p

-If Grimlock didn't have such innate strength, he'd have been sliced in half, but right now he's managing to struggle with his sword, albeit barely-
-Tarasque's high defenses managed to tank the strikes, but the dragon groans in pain-
Martha: "There, there..." -reassuring him-

Yukari: "Thankfully with no more interruptions"
Poppy: "Oh, is she from a medieval-like world too?" -what is 'medieval'?-
Homura: "...A while" -would be awkward to say how many years she's chronologically lived-

Sasa: "Wait! Aaaaand she's gone" Should we follow her?
Kanna: First, did you see where that demon came from?
Kagari: Yes~ Seems we have found yet another different dimension, girls. One of boiling isles~
Alina: Please, do tell more~! I'm highly intrigued already!
Minou: Though make it as brief as you can
-And thus Kagari explained to them what she saw-

-Indeed, he really may need to do somethibg about them... Though their abilities do make them quite useful...-
Iroha: "It's why even after finding the truth, I chose to keep fighting them..."
Kama: ...What do you think?
Kiara: You could feel it too, huh?
Kama: The fact she sonehow irradiates an aura similar to us two? Of course
Kiara: Similar to a Beast, but much moreso us two. I don't what that could mean, but so far I have heard how highly dangerous some Digimon can be.

Medusa: "Sorry, but yes"
Sakura: "Hmmm, but also you may not want to change it..."
-The King of Spades launches more missiles and flames to try and counter Nel's dragon beams, but the laser beams that Veyle fired do strike the Megazord since they were shot by a compartively much smaller target and thus more difficult to spot opponent-
-Similarly, Medli managed to airlift Tetra high enough for her to get a good shot at the King of Spades directly, hitting him with several shots from her flintlock pistol that prevented him from using the White Tigerzord's weapons for a few seconds, as well as encasing his head in a water sphere to injure him further-

-All throughout the base, Darkners from both the Card Kingdom and Cyber World quickly started reverting to their inanimate Light World forms, and only those on the outside of the fortress still remained in their Dark World forms for now-

Sort of, as far as I know...

Star: "...Hey, I know what the deal with the Incubators and Soul Gems are. The whole "turning into a giant monster" thing, too..." :urg: "If you'd rather not even talk about your magic powers, I totally get why. won't ask about more questions about them. But I totally get why... "

-The very last memory of this teenager that they'd manage to find as she ran off was her finding a portal to Earth, spotting another teenage girl who, aside from her clothes and hairstyle, looked identical to the appearance she assumes now, talking to someone who looked like an elderly witch at a market place located on these boiling isles. After a few seconds pass, the snake-like demon teenager enters sthe portal to Earth, and in a panic, shapeshifts to look like the teenager she just saw when her mother shows up to talk to her-
-...Given this information as well as the fact she was being used for experiments and kept in a cell along with several others of her kind, it's highly likely that she ran off from them out of fear of her true form and identity being discovered. That doesn't mean she doesn't pose a potentially lethal threat to them since she can still drain magic from a distance, but it does explain why she was so nervous and eager to leave...-

-But they're also under mind control and can potentially help make the The Lich an even more powerful threat...-

Peridot: "But it's still an alternate version of Hyrule's surface." :p

You wanted to stop them t-to prevent anyone else from getting hurt and e-ending their suffering... -Fully sympathetic tone, even being reminded of her initial concerns about Amalgamates a bit-

-It's possible that she's too used to the outfit or genuinely likes it regardless of the flaws Medusa pointed out and Hekapoo agreed with...-
Nel: Huh... nice idea, Veyle. -will still stick to dragon form so Veyle is less likely to be targeted-
-Medb also flying up to bash the King of Spades?-

Ingrid: "I suppose that means we can crush the King of Spades now?"
Alear: "Medieval?" :confused:
Byleth: -nodded at that, knowing that's not the reason Homura's hesitating but assuming she'll roll around with it-

-for now, he'll assume those girls cannot do any nuclear stuff...-
Zelda: "Fair enough, I suppose... The landscape is indeed an invertion of the surface's."
Palutena: I'm sorry, did you two say you felt something akin to your own aura? That is... incredibly peculiar. We might need to keep a closer eye on our esteemed guest than we expected...

Byleth: "Well... I have worn this for a long time, even back during my mercenary days. A lot of fond memories happened while I donned this..."
-so it's gotten a lot of sentimental value...-


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-when she puts it that way indeed...-
Weiss: "Then get back inside."
Yang: "I think this fight's over now." :p
Steven: "A-Alright, I get what you mean." :chuckle:

-Winter nods, then quickly heads back into the dorm-

Penny: -Slowly standing back up- "...I fully concur with that. " :lol: "Having said that, good game, Yang!"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Steven: "A-Alright, I get what you mean." :chuckle:

-Winter nods, then quickly heads back into the dorm-

Penny: -Slowly standing back up- "...I fully concur with that. " :lol: "Having said that, good game, Yang!"
-but he'd still try to do something to show gratitude without telling her?- :V
-and then more knocks?-
Yang: "Yeah, you really brought a good fight. Might've been overwhelmed if I was still fighting like I did back at Beacon." :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-but he'd still try to do something to show gratitude without telling her?- :V
-and then more knocks?-
Yang: "Yeah, you really brought a good fight. Might've been overwhelmed if I was still fighting like I did back at Beacon." :p
-He's considering it, but might ask Byleth if surprising her in general is a good idea or not first- :V

-After about a minute, they hear a thud this time...-

-...But it's also immediately followed by Claptrap saying "Ow", so that one can be chalked up to Claptrap rolling around blindly because his eye got damaged again- :V


Penny: "I might have needed some slight repairs if that were the case..."

-Assuming Yang's less-focused and more anger-driven fighting style would've caused her to lose the training fight instead...-

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-He's considering it, but might ask Byleth if surprising her in general is a good idea or not first- :V

-After about a minute, they hear a thud this time...-

-...But it's also immediately followed by Claptrap saying "Ow", so that one can be chalked up to Claptrap rolling around blindly because his eye got damaged again- :V


Penny: "I might have needed some slight repairs if that were the case..."

-Assuming Yang's less-focused and more anger-driven fighting style would've caused her to lose the training fight instead...-
-Sothis left the room, leaving Byleth as the sole person near Steven and Connie-
Weiss: "...All of that for Claptrap...?"
Yang: "I was thinking my anger would've been easier for you to abuse, actually."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-Sothis left the room, leaving Byleth as the sole person near Steven and Connie-
Weiss: "...All of that for Claptrap...?"
Yang: "I was thinking my anger would've been easier for you to abuse, actually."
-Who can immediately tell that the two kids still wish they could help Sothis out of gratitude somehow?-

-The thud sounded different from the quieter and multiple knocks from before, so it's likely just a coincidence-

-...I think I misread Yang's dialogue in the last post lmao-

Penny: "To be fair, I was not as trained for combat myself back compared to after I became the guard of Mantle."

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Who can immediately tell that the two kids still wish they could help Sothis out of gratitude somehow?-

-The thud sounded different from the quieter and multiple knocks from before, so it's likely just a coincidence-

-...I think I misread Yang's dialogue in the last post lmao-

Penny: "To be fair, I was not as trained for combat myself back compared to after I became the guard of Mantle."
Byleth: "...You're not going to stick to not showing gratitude, will you?"
Weiss: "... Let's just keep watching..."
Yang: "I find that hard to believe, honestly. You did amazing at the Vytal Festival before..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "...You're not going to stick to not showing gratitude, will you?"
Weiss: "... Let's just keep watching..."
Yang: "I find that hard to believe, honestly. You did amazing at the Vytal Festival before..."
Steven: "Wh-What? What gave you that idea?" :lol:

(Hopefully Shuriken and Hurricane realized that they're not gonna scare us...)

-Then they hear three knocks again- :V

Penny: "It is true that I was programmed and trained to fight effectively, but I still learned to improve my combat skills and capabilities after I was repaired and brought back online the first time. Compared to back then, I was not nearly as combat capable as I am now."
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Steven: "Wh-What? What gave you that idea?" :lol:

(Hopefully Shuriken and Hurricane realized that they're not gonna scare us...)

-Then they hear three knocks again- :V

Penny: "It is true that I was programmed and trained to fight effectively, but I still learned to improve my combat skills and capabilities after I was repaired and brought back online the first time. Compared to back then, I was not nearly as combat capable as I am now."
Byleth: "Nothing, but that reaction just confirmed it."
Weiss: -sighed at that- "Should we just ignore them."
Yang: "That's fair, I guess. You really got some big upgrades by the time we got to Mantle."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-somehow :V-
Rafal: "Well, you're certainly one to take everything with a good laugh... Wonder how long that would've lasted in my world."

Nel: "Rafal..."
Shez: "Oh, that's nothing, really. I just whipped it up on the spot." :lol:
Alear: "A miracle from the Emblems, something they can only do once..." -then shows her Emblem Ring- "It brought me back as one of their own."
Mana: "...Why is this place dark?"
Ana: "She's done for"
Iskandar: "I know I wouldn't have hesitates on anything until my last breath. After all, that's what happened back in my life"
Zelestia: "Oh, you died youbg for a human?"
Iskandar: "35, assassinated, but few regrets so no point in getting all hungup over it" -drinks from mug-
Jalter: "...Well, I guess the other guys would say the same" -referring to cafeteria staff-
Sitonai: "So you're like a Servant too..."
I remember that one. It's still also badass. I think ZUN said he'd be collaborating with Toby Fox again in the future, so whatever projects they're working on is something to look forward.

I think I originally meant to type something like "Throwing out the suggestion for everyone to think of more name ideas", but decided K_K's dialogue was clear enough without it. I ended up forgetting to erase most of the leftover text by the time I posted.
But I also already edited "Throwing the" out over 7 hours ago. :V

-She is, but is worried that asking Kazumi about them right now might be insensitive...-

Say...What was your role on you and your friends' team? Were you a support as well or were you the team leader?


Steven: "You still haven't said whether or not you'd be okay with teaming up. We don't like the Decepticons or the fact that you just go around hurting innocent people and taking over planets, but Overlord and everyone he's trying to revive sound even worse..."

(...) -Now he's wondering if they should ask how Tart and the others survived, beyond getting help from Ingrid, or how they survived long enough for her to be able to help them in the first place...-

Sweet: "You got it!" -Puts the CD from Miku's Pokemon album on, playing a random track from it that isn't the first or final track-
What a guy he is, he's composed for Game Freak, he's managed to collab with ZUN on projects, managed to play with and beat Sakurai in Smash to add Sans as a costume, and somehow managed to crawl Kikiyama out of wherever they're hiding for an interview that can be summed up as "yes, no, no, yes, yes, I like this menu btw, no"

Woops, my b!
Fate: "Hmmm, let me think... Shiny? ...No, maybe not"
Kazumi: "I was the sniper! Usually I was the one who would end the finisher on our opponents!"
Breakdown: "...They really are..." :urg:
-Atalanta finds the topic awkward since, well, it's never easy to deal with loss-
-And Tart is now melancholic-
-The Water-type song would play, a melancholic remix of Petalburg Town's theme one of Miku singing about the friendship between a Pelipper and a Mudkip who like to fly together but the former thinks they're impeding the latter to evolve as they do so by going in their beak but in the end the Mudkip assures them it's their choice and loves flying together as things are-
-The song is a duet with the other program named Luka as well-
-The King of Spades launches more missiles and flames to try and counter Nel's dragon beams, but the laser beams that Veyle fired do strike the Megazord since they were shot by a compartively much smaller target and thus more difficult to spot opponent-
-Similarly, Medli managed to airlift Tetra high enough for her to get a good shot at the King of Spades directly, hitting him with several shots from her flintlock pistol that prevented him from using the White Tigerzord's weapons for a few seconds, as well as encasing his head in a water sphere to injure him further-

-All throughout the base, Darkners from both the Card Kingdom and Cyber World quickly started reverting to their inanimate Light World forms, and only those on the outside of the fortress still remained in their Dark World forms for now-

Sort of, as far as I know...

Star: "...Hey, I know what the deal with the Incubators and Soul Gems are. The whole "turning into a giant monster" thing, too..." :urg: "If you'd rather not even talk about your magic powers, I totally get why. won't ask about more questions about them. But I totally get why... "

-The very last memory of this teenager that they'd manage to find as she ran off was her finding a portal to Earth, spotting another teenage girl who, aside from her clothes and hairstyle, looked identical to the appearance she assumes now, talking to someone who looked like an elderly witch at a market place located on these boiling isles. After a few seconds pass, the snake-like demon teenager enters sthe portal to Earth, and in a panic, shapeshifts to look like the teenager she just saw when her mother shows up to talk to her-
-...Given this information as well as the fact she was being used for experiments and kept in a cell along with several others of her kind, it's highly likely that she ran off from them out of fear of her true form and identity being discovered. That doesn't mean she doesn't pose a potentially lethal threat to them since she can still drain magic from a distance, but it does explain why she was so nervous and eager to leave...-

-But they're also under mind control and can potentially help make the The Lich an even more powerful threat...-

Peridot: "But it's still an alternate version of Hyrule's surface." :p

You wanted to stop them t-to prevent anyone else from getting hurt and e-ending their suffering... -Fully sympathetic tone, even being reminded of her initial concerns about Amalgamates a bit-

-It's possible that she's too used to the outfit or genuinely likes it regardless of the flaws Medusa pointed out and Hekapoo agreed with...-
Nel: Huh... nice idea, Veyle. -will still stick to dragon form so Veyle is less likely to be targeted-
-Medb also flying up to bash the King of Spades?-

Ingrid: "I suppose that means we can crush the King of Spades now?"
Alear: "Medieval?" :confused:
Byleth: -nodded at that, knowing that's not the reason Homura's hesitating but assuming she'll roll around with it-

-for now, he'll assume those girls cannot do any nuclear stuff...-
Zelda: "Fair enough, I suppose... The landscape is indeed an invertion of the surface's."
Palutena: I'm sorry, did you two say you felt something akin to your own aura? That is... incredibly peculiar. We might need to keep a closer eye on our esteemed guest than we expected...

Byleth: "Well... I have worn this for a long time, even back during my mercenary days. A lot of fond memories happened while I donned this..."
-so it's gotten a lot of sentimental value...-
-Oh, Medb totally was, who would then DO AN AXE STRIKE FROM ABOVE-
-Grimlock, also now free from struggling woth the White Tigerzord's sword, fired from his rocket launcher at him-

Yukari: "Though the mortals are doing a good job..."
Poppy: "Oh, sorry about that! It means your world must have a lot of castles and knights and maybe magic!"
Homura: "...It is...Sorry if I'm making things awkward" -though she won't tell of the whole time traveling she did, even if it's not a precisely a secret, it hasn't been widespread-

-And Kagari told them all that-
Kanna: So this place, the Boiling Isles, is a separate dimension of magic and spellcasters...
Minou: Alongside other creatures like demons. Maybe we could take a visit ourselves.
Sasa: Okay, but what about the one that just fled? Does that mean she could tell we're mages too?
Alina: Maybe, but these are wonderful news~ We could have a new playground to make new art in~
Kagari: Let me see if I can figure how she opened that portal... Also, we might need to look out for that girl from this place once we're there 'Luz Noceda'

-Else, he'll have to act...-
-For now Isabeau has found Corbeau, who is socializing in Gravity Falls AKA flirting with women and succeeding because of her androgynous handsome looks-
Iroha: "Even if... That Witch was Ui, or Kuroe..." -she said, with so much regret in her voice-
Kama: Correct. This woman... She's brimming with so much lust and depravity that it's a wonder how did she not try anything last night. Made of data or not.
Kiara: And yet weirdly enough, I don't sense any real hostility. As if, her maternal aura and kindness are genuine.

Sakura: "Oh well, then no need to change it. I get it, this ribbon was a gift from ny sister when we were little" :)
Rin: ❗

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Mana: "...Why is this place dark?"
Ana: "She's done for"
Iskandar: "I know I wouldn't have hesitates on anything until my last breath. After all, that's what happened back in my life"
Zelestia: "Oh, you died youbg for a human?"
Iskandar: "35, assassinated, but few regrets so no point in getting all hungup over it" -drinks from mug-
Jalter: "...Well, I guess the other guys would say the same" -referring to cafeteria staff-
Sitonai: "So you're like a Servant too..."
Pit: "I'm surprised she even got there..."
Rafal: "How could you have no regrets over such a short life..."
Shez: "Honestly though, if I ever get to have a lot of time to set something early, I can make things that'd make even the most stuck-up of royalty melt... assuming nothing goes wrong. I learned quite a lot of cooking tricks during my time as a mercenary so I tend to have a lot of pride in it."
-this time, Byleth casted Ragnarok on Suzune, hoping the stronger fire would drive her to dodge-
Alear: "It's been intriguing to learn how many similarities there are between Emblems and Servants, especially since I'm also rather unique for an Emblem. If I recall, someone mentioned Mash being a close comparison since we achieved our status while living."
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
What a guy he is, he's composed for Game Freak, he's managed to collab with ZUN on projects, managed to play with and beat Sakurai in Smash to add Sans as a costume, and somehow managed to crawl Kikiyama out of wherever they're hiding for an interview that can be summed up as "yes, no, no, yes, yes, I like this menu btw, no"

Woops, my b!
Fate: "Hmmm, let me think... Shiny? ...No, maybe not"
Kazumi: "I was the sniper! Usually I was the one who would end the finisher on our opponents!"
Breakdown: "...They really are..." :urg:
-Atalanta finds the topic awkward since, well, it's never easy to deal with loss-
-And Tart is now melancholic-
-The Water-type song would play, a melancholic remix of Petalburg Town's theme one of Miku singing about the friendship between a Pelipper and a Mudkip who like to fly together but the former thinks they're impeding the latter to evolve as they do so by going in their beak but in the end the Mudkip assures them it's their choice and loves flying together as things are-
-The song is a duet with the other program named Luka as well-
Toby Fox is genuinely one of the best modern video game developers. The guy's humor and talent are fantastic, but he also seems like a good person in general.

Squirtle: "(That sounds too similar to Shiny Pokemon...Which two of us are right now.)" :ohwell:


Okay, that's epic! Snipin's a good job!

RED Sniper: "Professionals have standards!"

Connie: "Steven's right. You don't have to change sides, but this "Overlord" and the Fallen sound like a much bigger threat. Instead of helping you invade yet another planet, how about we work together just on defeating a common enemy?"

(...I'm sorry...)

(Awwwwwwwww, that was a sweet song!) :)
(I'm not-) -Sniffle- (-crying!) :crying:

Byleth: "Nothing, but that reaction just confirmed it."
Weiss: -sighed at that- "Should we just ignore them."
Yang: "That's fair, I guess. You really got some big upgrades by the time we got to Mantle."
Steven: "Dang it, that was smart..." :urg:

(I swear, if those two knock again or try to scare either of us...)

Penny: "Much like how I had to learn about the world, however, I also had to learn how to fight. I was not programmed with all of my current combat protocols."

Nel: Huh... nice idea, Veyle. -will still stick to dragon form so Veyle is less likely to be targeted-
-Medb also flying up to bash the King of Spades?-

Ingrid: "I suppose that means we can crush the King of Spades now?"
Alear: "Medieval?" :confused:
Byleth: -nodded at that, knowing that's not the reason Homura's hesitating but assuming she'll roll around with it-

-for now, he'll assume those girls cannot do any nuclear stuff...-
Zelda: "Fair enough, I suppose... The landscape is indeed an invertion of the surface's."
Palutena: I'm sorry, did you two say you felt something akin to your own aura? That is... incredibly peculiar. We might need to keep a closer eye on our esteemed guest than we expected...

Byleth: "Well... I have worn this for a long time, even back during my mercenary days. A lot of fond memories happened while I donned this..."
-so it's gotten a lot of sentimental value...-
-Oh, Medb totally was, who would then DO AN AXE STRIKE FROM ABOVE-
-Grimlock, also now free from struggling woth the White Tigerzord's sword, fired from his rocket launcher at him-

Yukari: "Though the mortals are doing a good job..."
Poppy: "Oh, sorry about that! It means your world must have a lot of castles and knights and maybe magic!"
Homura: "...It is...Sorry if I'm making things awkward" -though she won't tell of the whole time traveling she did, even if it's not a precisely a secret, it hasn't been widespread-

-And Kagari told them all that-
Kanna: So this place, the Boiling Isles, is a separate dimension of magic and spellcasters...
Minou: Alongside other creatures like demons. Maybe we could take a visit ourselves.
Sasa: Okay, but what about the one that just fled? Does that mean she could tell we're mages too?
Alina: Maybe, but these are wonderful news~ We could have a new playground to make new art in~
Kagari: Let me see if I can figure how she opened that portal... Also, we might need to look out for that girl from this place once we're there 'Luz Noceda'

-Else, he'll have to act...-
-For now Isabeau has found Corbeau, who is socializing in Gravity Falls AKA flirting with women and succeeding because of her androgynous handsome looks-
Iroha: "Even if... That Witch was Ui, or Kuroe..." -she said, with so much regret in her voice-
Kama: Correct. This woman... She's brimming with so much lust and depravity that it's a wonder how did she not try anything last night. Made of data or not.
Kiara: And yet weirdly enough, I don't sense any real hostility. As if, her maternal aura and kindness are genuine.

Sakura: "Oh well, then no need to change it. I get it, this ribbon was a gift from ny sister when we were little" :)
Rin: ❗
-At this point, the combined attacks are likely tearing the White Tigerzord apart, and the rocket(s) Grimlock launched dealt powerful explosions that it destroyed it's flamethrower, preventing the King of Spades from using it even if he were to easily free himself from the water sphere surrounding his head-

Kris: "If anything, he should be turning back into an ordinary King of Spades card soon..."


And also that technology is a lot less advanced than it is in Basel. Or even most of the other planets we've been to... :lol:

Star: "Hey, it's totally fine. I get it after hearing about how mages where you girls are from get your powers and how evil the Incubators were...He didn't grant me or anyone I know any magic powers, but we kinda had to deal with someone similar..." -Referring to Toffee who, despite having a different goal and even despising the Incubators, was still similarly manipulative of most people he claimed to consider allies-

-It might not have even been the the fake "Luz" shapeshifter who opened the portal to Earth, as it already seemed be open when she found it, and closed without any apparent input from her a few seconds after she traveled through it. It's possible that someone or something else opened it, and due to already being on the lam from whoever was using her and fellow creatures for scientific and magic experiments and research, she simply took the opportunity to escape from their home dimension entirely-

-Isabeau not surprised?-

Peridot: "Wait, you already knew that? Why didn't you just tell us that before?!"


Hekapoo: "It is?"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Oh, Medb totally was, who would then DO AN AXE STRIKE FROM ABOVE-
-Grimlock, also now free from struggling woth the White Tigerzord's sword, fired from his rocket launcher at him-

Yukari: "Though the mortals are doing a good job..."
Poppy: "Oh, sorry about that! It means your world must have a lot of castles and knights and maybe magic!"
Homura: "...It is...Sorry if I'm making things awkward" -though she won't tell of the whole time traveling she did, even if it's not a precisely a secret, it hasn't been widespread-

-And Kagari told them all that-
Kanna: So this place, the Boiling Isles, is a separate dimension of magic and spellcasters...
Minou: Alongside other creatures like demons. Maybe we could take a visit ourselves.
Sasa: Okay, but what about the one that just fled? Does that mean she could tell we're mages too?
Alina: Maybe, but these are wonderful news~ We could have a new playground to make new art in~
Kagari: Let me see if I can figure how she opened that portal... Also, we might need to look out for that girl from this place once we're there 'Luz Noceda'

-Else, he'll have to act...-
-For now Isabeau has found Corbeau, who is socializing in Gravity Falls AKA flirting with women and succeeding because of her androgynous handsome looks-
Iroha: "Even if... That Witch was Ui, or Kuroe..." -she said, with so much regret in her voice-
Kama: Correct. This woman... She's brimming with so much lust and depravity that it's a wonder how did she not try anything last night. Made of data or not.
Kiara: And yet weirdly enough, I don't sense any real hostility. As if, her maternal aura and kindness are genuine.

Sakura: "Oh well, then no need to change it. I get it, this ribbon was a gift from ny sister when we were little" :)
Rin: ❗
At this point, the combined attacks are likely tearing the White Tigerzord apart, and the rocket(s) Grimlock launched dealt powerful explosions that it destroyed it's flamethrower, preventing the King of Spades from using it even if he were to easily free himself from the water sphere surrounding his head-

Kris: "If anything, he should be turning back into an ordinary King of Spades card soon..."


And also that technology is a lot less advanced than it is in Basel. Or even most of the other planets we've been to... :lol:

Star: "Hey, it's totally fine. I get it after hearing about how mages where you girls are from get your powers and how evil the Incubators were...He didn't grant me or anyone I know any magic powers, but we kinda had to deal with someone similar..." -Referring to Toffee who, despite having a different goal and even despising the Incubators, was still similarly manipulative of most people he claimed to consider allies-

-It might not have even been the the fake "Luz" shapeshifter who opened the portal to Earth, as it already seemed be open when she found it, and closed without any apparent input from her a few seconds after she traveled through it. It's possible that someone or something else opened it, and due to already being on the lam from whoever was using her and fellow creatures for scientific and magic experiments and research, she simply took the opportunity to escape from their home dimension entirely-

-Isabeau not surprised?-

Peridot: "Wait, you already knew that? Why didn't you just tell us that before?!"


Hekapoo: "It is?"
Alear: -sees Veyle shooting beams with her palms and decided to do the same to help out, causing more beams-

Ingrid: "Unless something else is responsible for his return...."
Alear: "Yes, it does have all of these things, actually."
Byleth: "That someone may have been responsible for the eradication of all Incubators. As much as I hate to say it, Toffee did some good..."

-it's very much what her daughter is like?-
Zelda: "It's less fun if you don't figure it out yourself, I believe."

Link: "...." -trying to reassure Iroha with a hand over her shoulder-
Palutena: Very curious. Do you mind if I share your findings with the other Rulers?

Byleth: "Still, I suppose a wardrobe update could still freshen things up. But before that, I could always show some of my different outfits after this..."
Sothis: -staring at a phone screen- "Why wait? I have pictures of all your attires." :p

Steven: "Dang it, that was smart..." :urg:

(I swear, if those two knock again or try to scare either of us...)

Penny: "Much like how I had to learn about the world, however, I also had to learn how to fight. I was not programmed with all of my current combat protocols."
Byleth: "So, you truly wish to thank her?"
Weiss: -walking to the door and opening it- "I know you Frogadiers are out there. If you try to knock and run off again, I will report you to the Rulers for causing disturbance." -then closes it-
Yang: "Your father probably wanted you to have as normal of a life as possible..."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "So, you truly wish to thank her?"
Weiss: -walking to the door and opening it- "I know you Frogadiers are out there. If you try to knock and run off again, I will report you to the Rulers for causing disturbance." -then closes it-
Yang: "Your father probably wanted you to have as normal of a life as possible..."
Steven: "It's the least I could do after all the advice she gave us..."

(...Awwww man...)
(Uh, w-well, we hope the episode still scared you guys!)

Penny: "I am not certain that was possible with my military duties..."

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
Pit: "I'm surprised she even got there..."
Rafal: "How could you have no regrets over such a short life..."
Shez: "Honestly though, if I ever get to have a lot of time to set something early, I can make things that'd make even the most stuck-up of royalty melt... assuming nothing goes wrong. I learned quite a lot of cooking tricks during my time as a mercenary so I tend to have a lot of pride in it."
-this time, Byleth casted Ragnarok on Suzune, hoping the stronger fire would drive her to dodge-
Alear: "It's been intriguing to learn how many similarities there are between Emblems and Servants, especially since I'm also rather unique for an Emblem. If I recall, someone mentioned Mash being a close comparison since we achieved our status while living."
Mana: "Um, no mobs so far..."
Oriko: Soon...
Iskandar: "It's only right after being summoned I realized the little scope of my conquests, but even so, I don'tregret that part"
Jalter: "Hm, not like I'd understand how any of that feels. but whatever, the food will be good and it's all that matters"
-But after the explosion, she didn't see Suzune amongst the raitus, instead Kazumi appeared and attempted to wach with her staff-
Sitonai: "Can't say I spoke to her, but I've heard and it's probably an ampt comparison. How does it feel, by the way?"
Toby Fox is genuinely one of the best modern video game developers. The guy's humor and talent are fantastic, but he also seems like a good person in general.

Squirtle: "(That sounds too similar to Shiny Pokemon...Which two of us are right now.)" :ohwell:


Okay, that's epic! Snipin's a good job!

RED Sniper: "Professionals have standards!"

Connie: "Steven's right. You don't have to change sides, but this "Overlord" and the Fallen sound like a much bigger threat. Instead of helping you invade yet another planet, how about we work together just on defeating a common enemy?"

(...I'm sorry...)

(Awwwwwwwww, that was a sweet song!) :)
(I'm not-) -Sniffle- (-crying!) :crying:
So all in all, it's good those things are happening to him.

Fate: "Right, hmm... Lightning?"
Kazumi: "I always did my best to not miss too!"
Dropkick: "You're kidding, right?"
Shatter: "Pardon my partner, he's a little too triggerhappy"
Tart: "You're not at fault... But... I miss them..."
Jack: "Told you it was good!" :D
-At this point, the combined attacks are likely tearing the White Tigerzord apart, and the rocket(s) Grimlock launched dealt powerful explosions that it destroyed it's flamethrower, preventing the King of Spades from using it even if he were to easily free himself from the water sphere surrounding his head-

Kris: "If anything, he should be turning back into an ordinary King of Spades card soon..."


And also that technology is a lot less advanced than it is in Basel. Or even most of the other planets we've been to... :lol:

Star: "Hey, it's totally fine. I get it after hearing about how mages where you girls are from get your powers and how evil the Incubators were...He didn't grant me or anyone I know any magic powers, but we kinda had to deal with someone similar..." -Referring to Toffee who, despite having a different goal and even despising the Incubators, was still similarly manipulative of most people he claimed to consider allies-

-It might not have even been the the fake "Luz" shapeshifter who opened the portal to Earth, as it already seemed be open when she found it, and closed without any apparent input from her a few seconds after she traveled through it. It's possible that someone or something else opened it, and due to already being on the lam from whoever was using her and fellow creatures for scientific and magic experiments and research, she simply took the opportunity to escape from their home dimension entirely-

-Isabeau not surprised?-

Peridot: "Wait, you already knew that? Why didn't you just tell us that before?!"


Hekapoo: "It is?"
Alear: -sees Veyle shooting beams with her palms and decided to do the same to help out, causing more beams-

Ingrid: "Unless something else is responsible for his return...."
Alear: "Yes, it does have all of these things, actually."
Byleth: "That someone may have been responsible for the eradication of all Incubators. As much as I hate to say it, Toffee did some good..."

-it's very much what her daughter is like?-
Zelda: "It's less fun if you don't figure it out yourself, I believe."

Link: "...." -trying to reassure Iroha with a hand over her shoulder-
Palutena: Very curious. Do you mind if I share your findings with the other Rulers?

Byleth: "Still, I suppose a wardrobe update could still freshen things up. But before that, I could always show some of my different outfits after this..."
Sothis: -staring at a phone screen- "Why wait? I have pictures of all your attires." :p
-Medb made sure to keep slashing with Emblem Camilla's axe, while Grimlock returned to beast mode and ran at the King-

Yukari: "He is still fighting, I can see..."
Sayori: "Almost like it came from a roleplaying game!" :O
Homura: "...I'm really glad Kyubey is gone..."

Minou: Even if she wasn't the one who opened that portal, we need to catch and question her.
Sasa: Think it's the same place the three girls from Los Angeles ended in?
Kanna: Not unlikely, but if not, it still confirms this world has had gates to other worlds opened in the past before our arrival.

-As for Isabeau, she's wearing a trenchcoat, a hat and shades-
Iroha: "...Thank you..."
Kiara: Just don't let her know.
Ophanimon: "So you really have no goals here?"
Kama: "Nope, I just do wheatever hoping I don't get called to fight. It's so tiresome"

Sakura: "Oooh, go ahead! I'm still interested!"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Steven: "It's the least I could do after all the advice she gave us..."

(...Awwww man...)
(Uh, w-well, we hope the episode still scared you guys!)

Penny: "I am not certain that was possible with my military duties..."
Byleth: "Is this truly how you feel?"
Weiss: "It did not, as a matter of fact. I've seen scarier in Remnant. Though I will admit the stories were quite good."
Yang: "He would probably still try his best at that. He seemed like as good of a parent as he could be..."

Mana: "Um, no mobs so far..."
Oriko: Soon...
Iskandar: "It's only right after being summoned I realized the little scope of my conquests, but even so, I don'tregret that part"
Jalter: "Hm, not like I'd understand how any of that feels. but whatever, the food will be good and it's all that matters"
-But after the explosion, she didn't see Suzune amongst the raitus, instead Kazumi appeared and attempted to wach with her staff-
Sitonai: "Can't say I spoke to her, but I've heard and it's probably an ampt comparison. How does it feel, by the way?"
-soon there will be LOTS-
Rafal: "....How foolish."
Shez: "Yeah, basically." -food is served!-
-which Byleth blocked with ease... but now she was looking all over the place for Suzune-
Alear: "Being an Emblem? I... got used to it, I suppose. I don't really think any differently about myself than I did before becoming one."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
So all in all, it's good those things are happening to him.

Fate: "Right, hmm... Lightning?"
Kazumi: "I always did my best to not miss too!"
Dropkick: "You're kidding, right?"
Shatter: "Pardon my partner, he's a little too triggerhappy"
Tart: "You're not at fault... But... I miss them..."
Jack: "Told you it was good!" :D
I'm glad he's getting a bigger team to help him make Deltarune. Not just because it's a great game, but also because it's a game he's been wanting to make since even before Undertale itself.

Pichu: "(I'm...still not sure about it, but...Lightning does sound pretty cool...)"

-She thought of Lightning already earlier, remember?-

Now I wonder if you'd get along with Ruby. :p

Steven: "You don't think we can fight anyone bigger or stronger than us?"

(I'm certain that they would be glad that you survived...)

(You were correct. It was quite a lovely song and heartwarming song) :)

Byleth: "Is this truly how you feel?"
Weiss: "It did not, as a matter of fact. I've seen scarier in Remnant. Though I will admit the stories were quite good."
Yang: "He would probably still try his best at that. He seemed like as good of a parent as he could be..."
Steven: "Even after everything I heard about Fodlan's history, it's obvious that Sothis went through a lot, too. And I don't even know if we'd be able to prove to Viridi that there are still plenty of good humans out there if Sothis hadn't helped us figure out where to even start..."

(Wait, not even the Seamstress?!)
(Or the ending?)

Penny: "...He was." :)

Alear: -sees Veyle shooting beams with her palms and decided to do the same to help out, causing more beams-

Ingrid: "Unless something else is responsible for his return...."
Alear: "Yes, it does have all of these things, actually."
Byleth: "That someone may have been responsible for the eradication of all Incubators. As much as I hate to say it, Toffee did some good..."

-it's very much what her daughter is like?-
Zelda: "It's less fun if you don't figure it out yourself, I believe."

Link: "...." -trying to reassure Iroha with a hand over her shoulder-
Palutena: Very curious. Do you mind if I share your findings with the other Rulers?

Byleth: "Still, I suppose a wardrobe update could still freshen things up. But before that, I could always show some of my different outfits after this..."
Sothis: -staring at a phone screen- "Why wait? I have pictures of all your attires." :p
-Medb made sure to keep slashing with Emblem Camilla's axe, while Grimlock returned to beast mode and ran at the King-

Yukari: "He is still fighting, I can see..."
Sayori: "Almost like it came from a roleplaying game!" :O
Homura: "...I'm really glad Kyubey is gone..."

Minou: Even if she wasn't the one who opened that portal, we need to catch and question her.
Sasa: Think it's the same place the three girls from Los Angeles ended in?
Kanna: Not unlikely, but if not, it still confirms this world has had gates to other worlds opened in the past before our arrival.

-As for Isabeau, she's wearing a trenchcoat, a hat and shades-
Iroha: "...Thank you..."
Kiara: Just don't let her know.
Ophanimon: "So you really have no goals here?"
Kama: "Nope, I just do wheatever hoping I don't get called to fight. It's so tiresome"

Sakura: "Oooh, go ahead! I'm still interested!"
-The White Tigerzord crashed to the ground, severally damaged, throwing the King of Spades around the control room and stunning him-

Susie: "Uh, maybe the darkness just hasn't left that area yet!"

-Alear doesn't know what that is, either?- :V

Star: "...He sounds like just as much of a jerk as Toffee was, even if Toffee himself couldn't stand those evil little fuzzballs..." (I really shouldn't mention that Toffee tried to kill me, several of my friends, or the fact that he did kill my grandmother to these five yet...)

-But what if she just tries to drain their magic? That could severally weaken or even outright kill them, and as timid as this shapeshifter creature seems, it's also clear that she's willing to fight for her own freedom since she escaped her original holding cell...-

-No one in Gravity Falls recognizes her, of course-

Peridot: "Fair point. I will henceforth treat anything new I learn about the Depths like a brand new and previously undiscovered historical or scientific knowledge as well as a puzzle adventure video game!"

...I-I'm so sorry if you actually had to s-see anyone you knew or cared about b-become one of those...th-things... :urg:

Hekapoo: "I'm surprised you didn't just mention that you had other outfits before..."
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-soon there will be LOTS-
Rafal: "....How foolish."
Shez: "Yeah, basically." -food is served!-
-which Byleth blocked with ease... but now she was looking all over the place for Suzune-
Alear: "Being an Emblem? I... got used to it, I suppose. I don't really think any differently about myself than I did before becoming one."
Oriko: Sorry you're going through this, Iroha-san...
Zelestia: "Don't worry, he's like this with everyone"
Isakandar: "Haha! It's alright, it reminds me of someone if anything!"
Jalter: "Alright, time to see what this is made of!"
-Suzune used a short warp spell to end on her left, intending to strike while Byleth was busy blocking Kazumi!-
Sitonai: "But like, can you fly and possess people?"
I'm glad he's getting a bigger team to help him make Deltarune. Not just because it's a great game, but also because it's a game he's been wanting to make since even before Undertale itself.

Pichu: "(I'm...still not sure about it, but...Lightning does sound pretty cool...)"

-She thought of Lightning already earlier, remember?-

Now I wonder if you'd get along with Ruby. :p

Steven: "You don't think we can fight anyone bigger or stronger than us?"

(I'm certain that they would be glad that you survived...)

(You were correct. It was quite a lovely song and heartwarming song) :)
Admittedly I didn't know that last part.

Hayate: "Didn't you already think of it before?"
Kazumi: "Oh? Who is Ruby?"
Dropkick: "Overlord has a spawn of Unicron on his side and a nearly immortal rampaging bot of great lethatlity"
Tart: "...They would be...I remember my last moments together with each..."
Jack: "Yes! And there are even more!"


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Admittedly I didn't know that last part.

Hayate: "Didn't you already think of it before?"
Kazumi: "Oh? Who is Ruby?"
Dropkick: "Overlord has a spawn of Unicron on his side and a nearly immortal rampaging bot of great lethatlity"
Tart: "...They would be...I remember my last moments together with each..."
Jack: "Yes! And there are even more!"
Pichu: "(I did, a-and I still wasn't sure about it....)"
Squirtle: "(I don't see how it or Sparkle are any different than Sparky...Mostly because you're both Electric-type Pokemon.)" 😅

She's one of Chaldea's melee and ranged-combat specialists, and she wields a weapon that doubles as a combat scythe AND a high caliber sniper rifle!

Connie: "Nearly immortal isn't the same thing as immortal..."
Steven: "What's this...umm...robot that Unicron created able to do?"

(You mean just during the more recent battle...?)

Cap'n: "Want to listen to some more tracks from it or is that enough to sell you on the album? Or rather, enough to get you to buy that same album!"
K_K: "Get it? 'Cause we're the ones actually selling albums!"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-Medb made sure to keep slashing with Emblem Camilla's axe, while Grimlock returned to beast mode and ran at the King-

Yukari: "He is still fighting, I can see..."
Sayori: "Almost like it came from a roleplaying game!" :O
Homura: "...I'm really glad Kyubey is gone..."

Minou: Even if she wasn't the one who opened that portal, we need to catch and question her.
Sasa: Think it's the same place the three girls from Los Angeles ended in?
Kanna: Not unlikely, but if not, it still confirms this world has had gates to other worlds opened in the past before our arrival.

-As for Isabeau, she's wearing a trenchcoat, a hat and shades-
Iroha: "...Thank you..."
Kiara: Just don't let her know.
Ophanimon: "So you really have no goals here?"
Kama: "Nope, I just do wheatever hoping I don't get called to fight. It's so tiresome"

Sakura: "Oooh, go ahead! I'm still interested!"
-The White Tigerzord crashed to the ground, severally damaged, throwing the King of Spades around the control room and stunning him-

Susie: "Uh, maybe the darkness just hasn't left that area yet!"

-Alear doesn't know what that is, either?- :V

Star: "...He sounds like just as much of a jerk as Toffee was, even if Toffee himself couldn't stand those evil little fuzzballs..." (I really shouldn't mention that Toffee tried to kill me, several of my friends, or the fact that he did kill my grandmother to these five yet...)

-But what if she just tries to drain their magic? That could severally weaken or even outright kill them, and as timid as this shapeshifter creature seems, it's also clear that she's willing to fight for her own freedom since she escaped her original holding cell...-

-No one in Gravity Falls recognizes her, of course-

Peridot: "Fair point. I will henceforth treat anything new I learn about the Depths like a brand new and previously undiscovered historical or scientific knowledge as well as a puzzle adventure video game!"

...I-I'm so sorry if you actually had to s-see anyone you knew or cared about b-become one of those...th-things... :urg:

Hekapoo: "I'm surprised you didn't just mention that you had other outfits before..."
Alear: "Alright, everyone, let's end this!"
Veyle: "Let's, let's do that, Sister!"

-Alear once more turned into a fully blue-haired form-

-and Veyle also once again looks different-

Ingrid: "No matter the circumstances, we have to make sure he's been dealt with."
Alear: "A roleplaying game? This sounds fun."

-she doesn't but she can at least understand the idea of "playing a role" :V-
Byleth: "They're a good riddance, if you ask me."

-but being near Corbeau in a non-hostile way can make the people assume it's the mother she and her sisters speak so fondly of?-
Zelda: That should keep her busy for a few hours. "Just steer clear of anything dangerous. And avoid any place where a stable would usually stand."

Link: "It must've taken a lot of courage to face your friends in such a state..."
Palutena: Obviously. "Yeah, Kama is surprisingly lazy when you get to know her." :p

Byleth: "You never asked."
-and thus Sothis showed pictures of all the potential FEH alts-

-and also a female version of this-

Steven: "Even after everything I heard about Fodlan's history, it's obvious that Sothis went through a lot, too. And I don't even know if we'd be able to prove to Viridi that there are still plenty of good humans out there if Sothis hadn't helped us figure out where to even start..."

(Wait, not even the Seamstress?!)
(Or the ending?)

Penny: "...He was." :)
Byleth: "I suppose, but Sothis can have quite the extravagant tastes. I'm not sure you could afford anything she might want."
Weiss: "When you're a Huntress, few things are scarier than the real world. But I can see why these things scared you two." :p
Yang: "Then he was probably still trying to get you a normal life by doing things like going to school. Or as close to one as possible. And you met people like us because of that so I'd say he did a good job." :)

Oriko: Sorry you're going through this, Iroha-san...
Zelestia: "Don't worry, he's like this with everyone"
Isakandar: "Haha! It's alright, it reminds me of someone if anything!"
Jalter: "Alright, time to see what this is made of!"
-Suzune used a short warp spell to end on her left, intending to strike while Byleth was busy blocking Kazumi!-
Sitonai: "But like, can you fly and possess people?"
Pit: "...Now did she even manage to get to the Nether without a portal... is her game modded?"
Rafal: "You... already said that. Do you say other things, O Great Conqueror?"
-like Shez said, the taste is nothing crazy, just typical breakfast stuff but OH GOD THE TEXTURES-

-Shez really does wonders when she cooks-
Alear: "I can hover a little bit but Emblems never possess. They merge with others and they remain in full control.

However, I'm a... strange exception to that. When I Engage, my abilities are gifted through merging like any other Emblem but since I still have a physical body, I can use that to anchor myself and remain present while Engaged. All while benefiting from the same benefits as whoever I Engage with... I realize this might be a bit complicated to get, so I can always Engage to show you." :lol:
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-The White Tigerzord crashed to the ground, severally damaged, throwing the King of Spades around the control room and stunning him-

Susie: "Uh, maybe the darkness just hasn't left that area yet!"

-Alear doesn't know what that is, either?- :V

Star: "...He sounds like just as much of a jerk as Toffee was, even if Toffee himself couldn't stand those evil little fuzzballs..." (I really shouldn't mention that Toffee tried to kill me, several of my friends, or the fact that he did kill my grandmother to these five yet...)

-But what if she just tries to drain their magic? That could severally weaken or even outright kill them, and as timid as this shapeshifter creature seems, it's also clear that she's willing to fight for her own freedom since she escaped her original holding cell...-

-No one in Gravity Falls recognizes her, of course-

Peridot: "Fair point. I will henceforth treat anything new I learn about the Depths like a brand new and previously undiscovered historical or scientific knowledge as well as a puzzle adventure video game!"

...I-I'm so sorry if you actually had to s-see anyone you knew or cared about b-become one of those...th-things... :urg:

Hekapoo: "I'm surprised you didn't just mention that you had other outfits before..."
Alear: "Alright, everyone, let's end this!"
Veyle: "Let's, let's do that, Sister!"

-Alear once more turned into a fully blue-haired form-
View attachment 399324
-and Veyle also once again looks different-
View attachment 399323

Ingrid: "No matter the circumstances, we have to make sure he's been dealt with."
Alear: "A roleplaying game? This sounds fun."

-she doesn't but she can at least understand the idea of "playing a role" :V-
Byleth: "They're a good riddance, if you ask me."

-but being near Corbeau in a non-hostile way can make the people assume it's the mother she and her sisters speak so fondly of?-
Zelda: That should keep her busy for a few hours. "Just steer clear of anything dangerous. And avoid any place where a stable would usually stand."

Link: "It must've taken a lot of courage to face your friends in such a state..."
Palutena: Obviously. "Yeah, Kama is surprisingly lazy when you get to know her." :p

Byleth: "You never asked."
-and thus Sothis showed pictures of all the potential FEH alts-
View attachment 399325

-and also a female version of this-
-Martha tries to see if Emblem Tiki's bracelet has recharged for her to Engage with her-

Yukari: "Maybe you're right, wouldn't hurt to take a peek"
Sayori: "Like you said you're a queen and a dragon! Which makes it so cool!" :D
Poppy: "Ooooh~!"
Homura: "He had been at it since the beginning of mankind... I hate the Incubators more than anything..."
Suzune: "For once, I can empathize. That damned furball contracted with Kagari knowing her intentions and did nothing about it"

Kagari: I so agree in capturing her and see what she's made of~ However, wouldn't it be a pain given her ability to drain magic?
Minou: Hmmm, perhaps we need to approach her in a different way...

Corbeau: "Ah, Mother" :)
Isabeau: "Having fun?"
Corbeau: "Of course, there are so many cute girls around for me to resist~"
Iroha: "...Thank you, I just hope no one has to become like that again..."
-She's emitting the fact that she's in part responsible for this friend of hers Kuroe to have become a Witch, even if it was unintentional, and how grief-struck she was after killing her-
Ophanimon: "She seems quite sociable" :p
Kama: "Hmph"
Ophanimon: "Hm, but what led to you choosing to summon her after the Beast one was killed? After all, I didn't hear the samehappen with that Koyanschihuahua person"

-and soon Byleth would see their jaws dropped-
Medusa: "...Uh...This...This is..."
Sakura: "You are gorgeous!"
Pichu: "(I did, a-and I still wasn't sure about it....)"
Squirtle: "(I don't see how it or Sparkle are any different than Sparky...Mostly because you're both Electric-type Pokemon.)" 😅

She's one of Chaldea's melee and ranged-combat specialists, and she wields a weapon that doubles as a combat scythe AND a high caliber sniper rifle!

Connie: "Nearly immortal isn't the same thing as immortal..."
Steven: "What's this...umm...robot that Unicron created able to do?"

(You mean just during the more recent battle...?)

Cap'n: "Want to listen to some more tracks from it or is that enough to sell you on the album? Or rather, enough to get you to buy that same album!"
K_K: "Get it? 'Cause we're the ones actually selling albums!"
Fate: "Hm, though maybe you'd think that's too on the nose..."
Kazumi: "...Sounds like she's a very cool person then!" :D
Dropkick: "He has some of Unicron's lifeforce still running in his circuits instead of regular Energon, with all the enhancements that would grant him"
Breakdown: "...So strength beyond most, being able to phase through other things and other stuff"
Tart: "I meant back in France during our time..."
Atalanta: "Oh..."
Jack: "Hmmmm, what do you think?" -to her Pokémon-
Pit: "...Now did she even manage to get to the Nether without a portal... is her game modded?"
Rafal: "You... already said that. Do you say other things, O Great Conqueror?"
-like Shez said, the taste is nothing crazy, just typical breakfast stuff but OH GOD THE TEXTURES-

-Shez really does wonders when she cooks-
Alear: "I can hover a little bit but Emblems never possess. They merge with others and they remain in full control.

However, I'm a... strange exception to that. When I Engage, my abilities are gifted through merging like any other Emblem but since I still have a physical body, I can use that to anchor myself and remain present while Engaged. All while benefiting from the same benefits as whoever I Engage with... I realize this might be a bit complicated to get, so I can always Engage to show you." :lol:
Miyu: "That may be a valid question"
Oriko: Knowing Iroha-san, it's sheer bad luck
Iskandar: "Doesn't takes out that you do ragardless. You really sound like how he usually did" :p
Jalter: "...Maybe I should ask you to make my meals from now on..."
Sitonai: "...Yeah, you're right. I'd rather have a demonstration to understand"
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Fate: "Hm, though maybe you'd think that's too on the nose..."
Kazumi: "...Sounds like she's a very cool person then!" :D
Dropkick: "He has some of Unicron's lifeforce still running in his circuits instead of regular Energon, with all the enhancements that would grant him"
Breakdown: "...So strength beyond most, being able to phase through other things and other stuff"
Tart: "I meant back in France during our time..."
Atalanta: "Oh..."
Jack: "Hmmmm, what do you think?" -to her Pokémon-
Pichu: "(Too on the nose?)"
Sweet: "That's an expression that means something is a hundred percent accurate accurate or precise!"

You probably saw her while we were trying to save Nanoha's home city and shut down that giant Witch. It was Halloween and I forget what her costume was, but she usually dresses in mostly black, red and grey outfits.

Steven: "So he's...like a ghost with super strength?

(...I can only hope your farewells were more...peaceful back then...)

(Well, I guess we could listen to one more song from the album first.) :p
(As long as it's not overly sappy!) -Trying to hide the fact that he cried listening to that last one- :V

Byleth: "I suppose, but Sothis can have quite the extravagant tastes. I'm not sure you could afford anything she might want."
Weiss: "When you're a Huntress, few things are scarier than the real world. But I can see why these things scared you two." :p
Yang: "Then he was probably still trying to get you a normal life by doing things like going to school. Or as close to one as possible. And you met people like us because of that so I'd say he did a good job." :)
Connie: "What does she usually like? Expensive furniture or food?"

(Aw c'mon!) :urg:

(I was slightly creeped out by a few parts, but I wasn't scared.) :lol: -Too proud to admit a few parts about the Mr. Littlepot and the Seamstress stories did scare her-

Penny: "...That is an assessment with which I completely agree." :) -Once again looking at Pietro's hat, though notably with a much warmer smile than a bittersweet one this time, thinking back fondly on her memories of her father and inventor-

Alear: "Alright, everyone, let's end this!"
Veyle: "Let's, let's do that, Sister!"

-Alear once more turned into a fully blue-haired form-
View attachment 399324
-and Veyle also once again looks different-
View attachment 399323

Ingrid: "No matter the circumstances, we have to make sure he's been dealt with."
Alear: "A roleplaying game? This sounds fun."

-she doesn't but she can at least understand the idea of "playing a role" :V-
Byleth: "They're a good riddance, if you ask me."

-but being near Corbeau in a non-hostile way can make the people assume it's the mother she and her sisters speak so fondly of?-
Zelda: That should keep her busy for a few hours. "Just steer clear of anything dangerous. And avoid any place where a stable would usually stand."

Link: "It must've taken a lot of courage to face your friends in such a state..."
Palutena: Obviously. "Yeah, Kama is surprisingly lazy when you get to know her." :p

Byleth: "You never asked."
-and thus Sothis showed pictures of all the potential FEH alts-
View attachment 399325

-and also a female version of this-
-Martha tries to see if Emblem Tiki's bracelet has recharged for her to Engage with her-

Yukari: "Maybe you're right, wouldn't hurt to take a peek"
Sayori: "Like you said you're a queen and a dragon! Which makes it so cool!" :D
Poppy: "Ooooh~!"
Homura: "He had been at it since the beginning of mankind... I hate the Incubators more than anything..."
Suzune: "For once, I can empathize. That damned furball contracted with Kagari knowing her intentions and did nothing about it"

Kagari: I so agree in capturing her and see what she's made of~ However, wouldn't it be a pain given her ability to drain magic?
Minou: Hmmm, perhaps we need to approach her in a different way...

Corbeau: "Ah, Mother" :)
Isabeau: "Having fun?"
Corbeau: "Of course, there are so many cute girls around for me to resist~"
Iroha: "...Thank you, I just hope no one has to become like that again..."
-She's emitting the fact that she's in part responsible for this friend of hers Kuroe to have become a Witch, even if it was unintentional, and how grief-struck she was after killing her-
Ophanimon: "She seems quite sociable" :p
Kama: "Hmph"
Ophanimon: "Hm, but what led to you choosing to summon her after the Beast one was killed? After all, I didn't hear the samehappen with that Koyanschihuahua person"

-and soon Byleth would see their jaws dropped-
Medusa: "...Uh...This...This is..."
Sakura: "You are gorgeous!"
-Before any of them can attack, the King of Spades manages to crawl forward enough to see that the area that several other Darkners are rapidly turning back into their Light World forms-

They've sealed the Fountain...

-In anger, the King of Spades takes control of the White Tigerzord again, but this time, tries to fly it away in a vain attempt to escape rather than focus on trying to kill anyone in the group again-

Susie: "Any chance you can warp us outside with another one of those portal things?

I don't think Poppy or her friends knew that Alear was a dragon. :p

XJ-5: "I don't think any of us explained what square dancing was yet, either."

Star: "We never met any ourselves, but we're glad they're gone..."
Marco: "For all their talk about wanting to save or prolong the universe's lifespan, it sounds like all they really cared about were themselves..."

-They could try to either capture her with a non-magic trap, or try to talk to her again to learn more information about the dimension she's from while being subtle enough to not give away that they want to invade it...But they'd have to tread lightly and not rely much on their magic. This teenager's own magic-draining powers seem to either be natural to her species or possibly even anti-magic...-

-Has she found any potential recruits for Isabeau's army?-

Peridot: "Wait, where stables would be on the surface? What objects are in place of stables in the Depths?"

W-With the Incubators presumed extinct, i-it's highly unlikely that anyone else ever will again...

-Judging by what they know about Witches, there was likely no way Iroha could've known that Kuroe would've become a Witch, and none of them would blame her for it or for grieving over her friend's death...-

Hekapoo: "I thought Medusa asked about that earlier..."

-Speaking of, Medusa is at a loss for words?- :V

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Miyu: "That may be a valid question"
Oriko: Knowing Iroha-san, it's sheer bad luck
Iskandar: "Doesn't takes out that you do ragardless. You really sound like how he usually did" :p
Jalter: "...Maybe I should ask you to make my meals from now on..."
Sitonai: "...Yeah, you're right. I'd rather have a demonstration to understand"
-it's very comically bad if she got into the Nether without realizing it lmao-
-but that makes good content :V-
Rafal: ".......Like who?"
Shez: "I usually cook for friends so you'd have to acknowledge me as one first." :p

-Jalter groans in edgy? :V-
Byleth: -tried kicking Kazumi out of the way before blocking Suzune... but the others have an opening they can abuse-
Alear: "Understood..." -she gets ready to call upon the power of her Emblem Ring with a unique invocation- "EMBLEM ETERNAL!"

-whether she Engaged witb the nearby Veyle or Sitonai herself is up to you :V-

Connie: "What does she usually like? Expensive furniture or food?"

(Aw c'mon!):urg:

(I was slightly creeped out by a few parts, but I wasn't scared.) :lol: -Too proud to admit a few parts about the Mr. Littlepot and the Seamstress stories did scare her-

Penny: "...That is an assessment with which I completely agree." :) -Once again looking at Pietro's hat, though notably with a much warmer smile than a bittersweet one this time, thinking back fondly on her memories of her father and inventor-
Byleth: "She can be quite the extravagant one in tastes. However, like a good mother, she'll appreciate anything made with heart, regardless of quality. With that said, you really don't need something like that solely because she gave you good advice..."
Weiss: "Sorry for disappointing you. We don't scare easy." :p
Yang: "Put 'er there, pal!" -offering a handshake-

-Martha tries to see if Emblem Tiki's bracelet has recharged for her to Engage with her-

Yukari: "Maybe you're right, wouldn't hurt to take a peek"
Sayori: "Like you said you're a queen and a dragon! Which makes it so cool!" :D
Poppy: "Ooooh~!"
Homura: "He had been at it since the beginning of mankind... I hate the Incubators more than anything..."
Suzune: "For once, I can empathize. That damned furball contracted with Kagari knowing her intentions and did nothing about it"

Kagari: I so agree in capturing her and see what she's made of~ However, wouldn't it be a pain given her ability to drain magic?
Minou: Hmmm, perhaps we need to approach her in a different way...

Corbeau: "Ah, Mother" :)
Isabeau: "Having fun?"
Corbeau: "Of course, there are so many cute girls around for me to resist~"
Iroha: "...Thank you, I just hope no one has to become like that again..."
-She's emitting the fact that she's in part responsible for this friend of hers Kuroe to have become a Witch, even if it was unintentional, and how grief-struck she was after killing her-
Ophanimon: "She seems quite sociable" :p
Kama: "Hmph"
Ophanimon: "Hm, but what led to you choosing to summon her after the Beast one was killed? After all, I didn't hear the samehappen with that Koyanschihuahua person"

-and soon Byleth would see their jaws dropped-
Medusa: "...Uh...This...This is..."
Sakura: "You are gorgeous!"
-Before any of them can attack, the King of Spades manages to crawl forward enough to see that the area that several other Darkners are rapidly turning back into their Light World forms-

They've sealed the Fountain...

-In anger, the King of Spades takes control of the White Tigerzord again, but this time, tries to fly it away in a vain attempt to escape rather than focus on trying to kill anyone in the group again-

Susie: "Any chance you can warp us outside with another one of those portal things?

I don't think Poppy or her friends knew that Alear was a dragon. :p

XJ-5: "I don't think any of us explained what square dancing was yet, either."

Star: "We never met any ourselves, but we're glad they're gone..."
Marco: "For all their talk about wanting to save or prolong the universe's lifespan, it sounds like all they really cared about were themselves..."

-They could try to either capture her with a non-magic trap, or try to talk to her again to learn more information about the dimension she's from while being subtle enough to not give away that they want to invade it...But they'd have to tread lightly and not rely much on their magic. This teenager's own magic-draining powers seem to either be natural to her species or possibly even anti-magic...-

-Has she found any potential recruits for Isabeau's army?-

Peridot: "Wait, where stables would be on the surface? What objects are in place of stables in the Depths?"

W-With the Incubators presumed extinct, i-it's highly unlikely that anyone else ever will again...

-Judging by what they know about Witches, there was likely no way Iroha could've known that Kuroe would've become a Witch, and none of them would blame her for it or for grieving over her friend's death...-

Hekapoo: "I thought Medusa asked about that earlier..."

-Speaking of, Medusa is at a loss for words?- :V
-you know how sometimes you wanna use a Ring but it's literally just one fight away from being fully charged?-
-....yeah, I'm not that mean, Martha can Engage if she wants :V-

Ingrid: "Why, that is Yukari's specialty, actually. After you, my friend." :)
Alear: "You... really don't need to treat me differently just because I'm royalty. We're equals here." :lol:
Kanna: "Do you think these Incubators are worse than Ruby, Illya-chan?"

-but a certain Hylian is still stuck in her mind?-
Link: -bluntly answering Peridot's question- "Lynels."
Palutena: "She had become a resentful deity because of betrayal and no one had given her a proper chance. I figured the least I could do was offer her one."
Queen Medusa: "Oh please, that's bull**** coming from you. What was in that Beast that was any redeeming? She was no netter than me!"
Palutena: "The Beast form of Kama... actually showed clarity when realizing her actions would tear entire families apart and, in her final moments, tried to cheer up my daughters. I... never told this to anyone yet because I figured no one would believe me with how callous and selfish the Beast Kama was but it truly is deeply burned into my mind... It was such a beautiful moment despite everything..."
-while there are many ruses and lies revolving around Kama's presence in Chaldea, what Palutena just said was actually entirely truthful-

Pandora: "Lemme be the judge of that!" -looks at the pics- "Hm... first one still feels like a crime against fashion but replacing the oversized jacket with a white cape actually does a lot. Suits your bright green hair better too. Not a bad start. The Christmas stuff is a good way to make the jacket actually feel like it's part of the whole thing too. Again, not bad." -then some of the hotter ones- "..........................."
Byleth: "... Is something the matter?"
Pandora: "Yeah, Sakura's on the money here. With the right stuff, you're drop dead gorgeous, girl."" I'm almost jealous, even. Almost.
Last edited:

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-it's very comically bad if she got into the Nether without realizing it lmao-
-but that makes good content :V-
Rafal: ".......Like who?"
Shez: "I usually cook for friends so you'd have to acknowledge me as one first." :p

-Jalter groans in edgy? :V-
Byleth: -tried kicking Kazumi out of the way before blocking Suzune... but the others have an opening they can abuse-
Alear: "Understood..." -she gets ready to call upon the power of her Emblem Ring with a unique invocation- "EMBLEM ETERNAL!"

-whether she Engaged witb the nearby Veyle or Sitonai herself is up to you :V-
-That's pretty much it- :V
Mana: "There must be something to mine here..." -she tries to mine!-
Iskandar: "His name was Waver. Bit of a socially awkward fella who wanted to prove himself to others"
Jalter: "Aw come on, really?!"
-Which Iroha and Oriko both tried to do at once while Suzune's blade clashed with Byleth's-
-With Sitonai herself because why not?- :V
Sitonai: "HUH!?"
Pichu: "(Too on the nose?)"
Sweet: "That's an expression that means something is a hundred percent accurate accurate or precise!"

You probably saw her while we were trying to save Nanoha's home city and shut down that giant Witch. It was Halloween and I forget what her costume was, but she usually dresses in mostly black, red and grey outfits.

Steven: "So he's...like a ghost with super strength?

(...I can only hope your farewells were more...peaceful back then...)

(Well, I guess we could listen to one more song from the album first.) :p
(As long as it's not overly sappy!) -Trying to hide the fact that he cried listening to that last one- :V
Nanoha: "Maybe too much in fact..."
Kazumi: "...I think I know who you mean!" :O
Shatter: "And that lifeforce can corrupt others if it leaked to others into mere puppets to Unicron's will..."
-And if that Overlord guy could subdue someone like that, makes sense the DJD is recruiting others to destroy him-
Tart: "...At least with Melissa and Eliza..."
Atalanta: So not with all of them...
-The next would be this more catchy cheery one about Miku having a journey through Kanto, moreso looking to catch Mew, also featuring the other programs Rin & Len-
-Before any of them can attack, the King of Spades manages to crawl forward enough to see that the area that several other Darkners are rapidly turning back into their Light World forms-

They've sealed the Fountain...

-In anger, the King of Spades takes control of the White Tigerzord again, but this time, tries to fly it away in a vain attempt to escape rather than focus on trying to kill anyone in the group again-

Susie: "Any chance you can warp us outside with another one of those portal things?

I don't think Poppy or her friends knew that Alear was a dragon. :p

XJ-5: "I don't think any of us explained what square dancing was yet, either."

Star: "We never met any ourselves, but we're glad they're gone..."
Marco: "For all their talk about wanting to save or prolong the universe's lifespan, it sounds like all they really cared about were themselves..."

-They could try to either capture her with a non-magic trap, or try to talk to her again to learn more information about the dimension she's from while being subtle enough to not give away that they want to invade it...But they'd have to tread lightly and not rely much on their magic. This teenager's own magic-draining powers seem to either be natural to her species or possibly even anti-magic...-

-Has she found any potential recruits for Isabeau's army?-

Peridot: "Wait, where stables would be on the surface? What objects are in place of stables in the Depths?"

W-With the Incubators presumed extinct, i-it's highly unlikely that anyone else ever will again...

-Judging by what they know about Witches, there was likely no way Iroha could've known that Kuroe would've become a Witch, and none of them would blame her for it or for grieving over her friend's death...-

Hekapoo: "I thought Medusa asked about that earlier..."

-Speaking of, Medusa is at a loss for words?- :V
-you know how sometimes you wanna use a Ring but it's literally just one fight away from being fully charged?-
-....yeah, I'm not that mean, Martha can Engage if she wants :V-

Ingrid: "Why, that is Yukari's specialty, actually. After you, my friend." :)
Alear: "You... really don't need to treat me differently just because I'm royalty. We're equals here." :lol:
Kanna: "Do you think these Incubators are worse than Ruby, Illya-chan?"

-but a certain Hylian is still stuck in her mind?-
Link: -bluntly answering Peridot's question- "Lynels."
Palutena: "She had become a resentful deity because of betrayal and no one had given her a proper chance. I figured the least I could do was offer her one."
Queen Medusa: "Oh please, that's bull**** coming from you. What was in that Beast that was any redeeming? She was no netter than me!"
Palutena: "The Beast form of Kama... actually showed clarity when realizing her actions would tear entire families apart and, in her final moments, tried to cheer up my daughters. I... never told this to anyone yet because I figured no one would believe me with how callous and selfish the Beast Kama was but it truly is deeply burned into my mind... It was such a beautiful moment despite everything..."
-while there are many ruses and lies revolving around Kama's presence in Chaldea, what Palutena just said was actually entirely truthful-

Pandora: "Lemme be the judge of that!" -looks at the pics- "Hm... first one still feels like a crime against fashion but replacing the oversized jacket with a white cape actually does a lot. Suits your bright green hair better too. Not a bad start. The Christmas stuff is a good way to make the jacket actually feel like it's part of the whole thing too. Again, not bad." -then some of the hotter ones- "..........................."
Byleth: "... Is something the matter?"
Pandora: "Yeah, Sakura's on the money here. With the right stuff, you're drop dead gorgeous, girl."" I'm almost jealous, even. Almost.
Martha: "Finally! Engage!" -using Emblem Tiki to turn into a Divine Dragon, Martha would fly after the Tigerzord alongside Medb-

Yukari: "Sure, I already want to go take my nap anyway" -opens one-
Sayori: "But still, it's really cool!"
Parado: "Oh yeah, heard dragons here look like humans"
Poppy: "There are... Many dragons where we come from"
Illya: "I have only heard very bad things about them, so I don't like them. It's like if the mascot of a mgical girl group was corrupt! Like imagine Luna but she was secretly plotting against Usagi! Or Kero plotting against Sakura to kill her!" -referring to Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura-

-Indeed, and if they brainwash her, they'll have to also be subtle about it-
-They know they could ask the Lich to use Magical Ruby to bring them to the Boiling Isles, but it's better to know what could they be facing, and what other mysteries could be of use in this town-
-So maybe they'll attempt the first option and just try to speak to her for now...-

-Oh, absolutely. To Corbeau flirting with these women is just having some fun, nothing serious...-
Isabeau: "How are things?"
Corbeau: "Wonderful! It's beendelightful to see their flustered faces~" -telepathically- Shame we're not allowed to take any of them.
Isabeau: Don't worry, your younger sister and her friends are already on that task. A shame since I can detect some with potential around.
Iroha: "I can only hope that... Eh? What's a Lynel?"
-The worst part that they're unaware of is that Iroha and Kuroe already knew where Witches came from by then, but Kuroe having severe self-steem issues and guilt downright embraced becoming a Witch in her last few moments as a magical girl in front of her, and Iroha's words unintentionally pushed her further to witchification-
-And that... Actually made Kama blush-
Artemis: "WAIT! She became nicer in her last moments?" :O
Euryale: "You never said that!"

Medusa: "I mean... Just look at the pictures in your swimwear"
Sakura: "And this other one too! It's like a dancer outfit"
Medusa: "Or something I'd expect from an assassin who uses her body as a weapon. There's more than one like that around"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-That's pretty much it- :V
Mana: "There must be something to mine here..." -she tries to mine!-
Iskandar: "His name was Waver. Bit of a socially awkward fella who wanted to prove himself to others"
Jalter: "Aw come on, really?!"
-Which Iroha and Oriko both tried to do at once while Suzune's blade clashed with Byleth's-
-With Sitonai herself because why not?- :V
Sitonai: "HUH!?"
-something blows up?-
Nel: "That sounds familiar."

-Rafal scoffed at that comment-
Shez: "Sorry, them's the rules." :p
-how would they do it, with projectiles?-
Alear: -now looking all blue and hovering, much like other Emblems- "How does it feel?"
Last edited:


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Nanoha: "Maybe too much in fact..."
Kazumi: "...I think I know who you mean!" :O
Shatter: "And that lifeforce can corrupt others if it leaked to others into mere puppets to Unicron's will..."
-And if that Overlord guy could subdue someone like that, makes sense the DJD is recruiting others to destroy him-
Tart: "...At least with Melissa and Eliza..."
Atalanta: So not with all of them...
-The next would be this more catchy cheery one about Miku having a journey through Kanto, moreso looking to catch Mew, also featuring the other programs Rin & Len-
Pichu: "(...Maybe you're both right...)" -Really has no idea what a good name or nickname might be-

That rang a bell? :p

Peridot: "Yeesh, no wonder you people want this Overlord destroyed! But that's no excuse to be dragging people back into the rest of your guys' war!"

(I see...I'm still sorry they couldn't be here,. even if they had passed long ago...)

I keep getting a playback error. I might have to look up the song up...

Sothis: "She can be quite the extravagant one in tastes. However, like a good mother, she'll appreciate anything made with heart, regardless of quality. With that said, you really don't need something like that solely because she gave you good advice..."
Weiss: "Sorry for disappointing you. We don't scare easy." :p
Yang: "Put 'er there, pal!" -offering a handshake-
-Sothis just told them that herself- :V

Steven: "I know it might not seem like much, but she might have just helped out humans and Viridi herself a lot in the long run. And besides, isn't it normal to just want to do something as thanks for them doing the same?"

(We had a really good scare planned, too...) :urg:
-Hurricane can only be heard grumbling in annoyance-

-Which Penny gladly accepts!-

-you know how sometimes you wanna use a Ring but it's literally just one fight away from being fully charged?-
-....yeah, I'm not that mean, Martha can Engage if she wants :V-

Ingrid: "Why, that is Yukari's specialty, actually. After you, my friend." :)
Alear: "You... really don't need to treat me differently just because I'm royalty. We're equals here." :lol:
Kanna: "Do you think these Incubators are worse than Ruby, Illya-chan?"

-but a certain Hylian is still stuck in her mind?-
Link: -bluntly answering Peridot's question- "Lynels."
Palutena: "She had become a resentful deity because of betrayal and no one had given her a proper chance. I figured the least I could do was offer her one."
Queen Medusa: "Oh please, that's bull**** coming from you. What was in that Beast that was any redeeming? She was no netter than me!"
Palutena: "The Beast form of Kama... actually showed clarity when realizing her actions would tear entire families apart and, in her final moments, tried to cheer up my daughters. I... never told this to anyone yet because I figured no one would believe me with how callous and selfish the Beast Kama was but it truly is deeply burned into my mind... It was such a beautiful moment despite everything..."
-while there are many ruses and lies revolving around Kama's presence in Chaldea, what Palutena just said was actually entirely truthful-

Pandora: "Lemme be the judge of that!" -looks at the pics- "Hm... first one still feels like a crime against fashion but replacing the oversized jacket with a white cape actually does a lot. Suits your bright green hair better too. Not a bad start. The Christmas stuff is a good way to make the jacket actually feel like it's part of the whole thing too. Again, not bad." -then some of the hotter ones- "..........................."
Byleth: "... Is something the matter?"
Pandora: "Yeah, Sakura's on the money here. With the right stuff, you're drop dead gorgeous, girl."" I'm almost jealous, even. Almost.
Martha: "Finally! Engage!" -using Emblem Tiki to turn into a Divine Dragon, Martha would fly after the Tigerzord alongside Medb-

Yukari: "Sure, I already want to go take my nap anyway" -opens one-
Sayori: "But still, it's really cool!"
Parado: "Oh yeah, heard dragons here look like humans"
Poppy: "There are... Many dragons where we come from"
Illya: "I have only heard very bad things about them, so I don't like them. It's like if the mascot of a mgical girl group was corrupt! Like imagine Luna but she was secretly plotting against Usagi! Or Kero plotting against Sakura to kill her!" -referring to Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura-

-Indeed, and if they brainwash her, they'll have to also be subtle about it-
-They know they could ask the Lich to use Magical Ruby to bring them to the Boiling Isles, but it's better to know what could they be facing, and what other mysteries could be of use in this town-
-So maybe they'll attempt the first option and just try to speak to her for now...-

-Oh, absolutely. To Corbeau flirting with these women is just having some fun, nothing serious...-
Isabeau: "How are things?"
Corbeau: "Wonderful! It's beendelightful to see their flustered faces~" -telepathically- Shame we're not allowed to take any of them.
Isabeau: Don't worry, your younger sister and her friends are already on that task. A shame since I can detect some with potential around.
Iroha: "I can only hope that... Eh? What's a Lynel?"
-The worst part that they're unaware of is that Iroha and Kuroe already knew where Witches came from by then, but Kuroe having severe self-steem issues and guilt downright embraced becoming a Witch in her last few moments as a magical girl in front of her, and Iroha's words unintentionally pushed her further to witchification-
-And that... Actually made Kama blush-
Artemis: "WAIT! She became nicer in her last moments?" :O
Euryale: "You never said that!"

Medusa: "I mean... Just look at the pictures in your swimwear"
Sakura: "And this other one too! It's like a dancer outfit"
Medusa: "Or something I'd expect from an assassin who uses her body as a weapon. There's more than one like that around"
-The King of Spades turns the Tigerzord around, while sitll flying backwards to try and escape the Dark Fountain's shutdown, to try and fire some missiles at them...only to be struck by some highly explosive bombs, cancelling the attack entirely-


Linebeck: "Every good pirate needs to know how to aim a cannon!" -Shoots another bomb either form his own ship or, if there's no bodies of water nearby, any other type of ship armed with a standard cannon-

-Upon being struck by bombs fired by Linebeck for a hird time, the White Tigerzord began crashed to the ground, forcing the King of Spades to try and stand it back up-

-The gap leads to the site of the fight with the King of Spades?-

Are they friendly or mostly monsters created by villains like Kuroto?

Star: -Sneezed at the mention of Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura since both the Holy Moon Chalice and Sealing Wand resmelbes her own Wand-
Marco: "Bless you."
Star: "Thank you."

-But first, they'll have to actually find her, and they can't just visit this "Luz"'s house or try to talk to her from outside it without seeming suspicious...-

-But if they try to recruit anyone here, their plan and Minou and her friends' entire effort to brainwash the residents of Gravity Falls into thinking that they're longtime residents of the town could be foiled...-

Peridot: "I second Iroha's question. A Lyn-what?"
TLink: "A Lynel. I remember Link telling us about those monsters earlier this year...They're a lot deadlier and more intelligent than most other monsters working under Ganondorf, here."

-...That's even worse...but from the sounds of it, it still sounds like Iroha can't truly be faulted for it-
-Alphys and Gaster would feel even worse for her if they knew...-

-Pandora is totally jealous?- :V
Hekapoo: "Did you really just roll with whatever outfits you found or personally liked?"
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Martha: "Finally! Engage!" -using Emblem Tiki to turn into a Divine Dragon, Martha would fly after the Tigerzord alongside Medb-

Yukari: "Sure, I already want to go take my nap anyway" -opens one-
Sayori: "But still, it's really cool!"
Parado: "Oh yeah, heard dragons here look like humans"
Poppy: "There are... Many dragons where we come from"
Illya: "I have only heard very bad things about them, so I don't like them. It's like if the mascot of a mgical girl group was corrupt! Like imagine Luna but she was secretly plotting against Usagi! Or Kero plotting against Sakura to kill her!" -referring to Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura-

-Indeed, and if they brainwash her, they'll have to also be subtle about it-
-They know they could ask the Lich to use Magical Ruby to bring them to the Boiling Isles, but it's better to know what could they be facing, and what other mysteries could be of use in this town-
-So maybe they'll attempt the first option and just try to speak to her for now...-

-Oh, absolutely. To Corbeau flirting with these women is just having some fun, nothing serious...-
Isabeau: "How are things?"
Corbeau: "Wonderful! It's beendelightful to see their flustered faces~" -telepathically- Shame we're not allowed to take any of them.
Isabeau: Don't worry, your younger sister and her friends are already on that task. A shame since I can detect some with potential around.
Iroha: "I can only hope that... Eh? What's a Lynel?"
-The worst part that they're unaware of is that Iroha and Kuroe already knew where Witches came from by then, but Kuroe having severe self-steem issues and guilt downright embraced becoming a Witch in her last few moments as a magical girl in front of her, and Iroha's words unintentionally pushed her further to witchification-
-And that... Actually made Kama blush-
Artemis: "WAIT! She became nicer in her last moments?" :O
Euryale: "You never said that!"

Medusa: "I mean... Just look at the pictures in your swimwear"
Sakura: "And this other one too! It's like a dancer outfit"
Medusa: "Or something I'd expect from an assassin who uses her body as a weapon. There's more than one like that around"
-The King of Spades turns the Tigerzord around, while sitll flying backwards to try and escape the Dark Fountain's shutdown, to try and fire some missiles at them...only to be struck by some highly explosive bombs, cancelling the attack entirely-


Linebeck: "Every good pirate needs to know how to aim a cannon!" -Shoots another bomb either form his own ship or, if there's no bodies of water nearby, any other type of ship armed with a standard cannon-

-Upon being struck by bombs fired by Linebeck for a hird time, the White Tigerzord began crashed to the ground, forcing the King of Spades to try and stand it back up-

-The gap leads to the site of the fight with the King of Spades?-

Are they friendly or mostly monsters created by villains like Kuroto?

Star: -Sneezed at the mention of Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura since both the Holy Moon Chalice and Sealing Wand resmelbes her own Wand-
Marco: "Bless you."
Star: "Thank you."

-But first, they'll have to actually find her, and they can't just visit this "Luz"'s house or try to talk to her from outside it without seeming suspicious...-

-But if they try to recruit anyone here, their plan and Minou and her friends' entire effort to brainwash the residents of Gravity Falls into thinking that they're longtime residents of the town could be foiled...-

Peridot: "I second Iroha's question. A Lyn-what?"
TLink: "A Lynel. I remember Link telling us about those monsters earlier this year...They're a lot deadlier and more intelligent than most other monsters working under Ganondorf, here."

-Pandora is totally jealous?- :V
Hekapoo: "Did you really just roll with whatever outfits you found or personally liked?"
Alear: "You're done for. Give up now." :glare:

-it's Yukari so totally :V-
Alear: "How were they raised? If at all..."
Kanna: "To think there were countless girls who listened to those Incubators..."

-couldn't they just further brainwash people to further get away with it? or are they genuinely playing it safe?-
Link: "Yep. And some of the ones down there have taken to wearing armor too. They're really rough to fight..."
Palutena: "I did not. I figured this was something that needed some time because I was confident all of you would have said I was crazy for even suggesting that his heartless monster did in fact have a heart..."
Queen Medusa: "I would have been one of those people for sure. We all remember what she did to that dragon, right?"
Palutena: "I am not saying her actions deserve any forgiveness, merely that I saw she could be more... Being able to summon a new one with a blank slate, one who could finally live a proper life... it felt like the right thing to do."
Queen Medusa: "Your kindness is revolting, Palutena..."
Palutena: "And I shall take that as a compliment." :p

-she legit isn't because of how highly she views herself... but the fact that it was an "almost" is still saying something :V-
Byleth: -shrugs- "I just go with whatever feels right."

-Sothis just told them that herself- :V

Steven: "I know it might not seem like much, but she might have just helped out humans and Viridi herself a lot in the long run. And besides, isn't it normal to just want to do something as thanks for them doing the same?"

(We had a really good scare planned, too...) :urg:
-Hurricane can only be heard grumbling in annoyance-

-Which Penny gladly accepts!-

Byleth: "I won't stop you... but you should probably focus on Viridi."
Weiss: "Well, maybe you should've thought it through before knocking on our door and pulling vanishing acts."


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California

Byleth: "I won't stop you... but you should probably focus on Viridi."
Weiss: "Well, maybe you should've thought it through before knocking on our door and pulling vanishing acts."
Steven: "...After she seriously offered to team up with Koyanskaya..." -Sighs- "you're probably right..."

(That was part of the prank!)
(I told you we shouldn't have hid the second time!)

-Meanwhile, Undyne was audibly shouting in the background-

HA! Told ya Yang would win!

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Steven: "...After she seriously offered to team up with Koyanskaya..." -Sighs- "you're probably right..."

(That was part of the prank!)
(I told you we shouldn't have hid the second time!)

-Meanwhile, Undyne was audibly shouting in the background-

HA! Told ya Yang would win!
-so they focus efforts on that?-
Weiss: "Or the third."
Hinoka: "No you didn't." :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
-so they focus efforts on that?-
Weiss: "Or the third."
Hinoka: "No you didn't." :p
Steven: "We'll concentrate on getting Viridi to realize that she's wrong about humans first. But if you guys and your friends ever need some backup on a mission, just let us know!"
Connie: "We'll be happy to be of assistance on it!"

(At least we made this Death costume ourselves...)
(And now we won't get to use it until next Halloween...)


What are you talking about?! I bet on Yang as soon as their Teams' spar was down to her and Penny!

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Steven: "We'll concentrate on getting Viridi to realize that she's wrong about humans first. But if you guys and your friends ever need some backup on a mission, just let us know!"
Connie: "We'll be happy to be of assistance on it!"

(At least we made this Death costume ourselves...)
(And now we won't get to use it until next Halloween...)


What are you talking about?! I bet on Yang as soon as their Teams' spar was down to her and Penny!
Byleth: "I shall keep it in mind."
Weiss: "Oh, you had a costume?"
Hinoka: "Pretty sure you said Penny's got this." :p


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Byleth: "I shall keep it in mind."
Weiss: "Oh, you had a costume?"
Hinoka: "Pretty sure you said Penny's got this." :p
-They do have magic barrier spells thanks to Sothis IIRC, but likely don't often travel with anyone who specializes in shielding and direct defense like Mash or Steven...-

(Of...Death? Is it based on that Littlepot guy?)
(Who else?) :p
(He was the only one who was a frog and we could easily make a convincing costume for!)

You were the one who pointed out that Penny was a robot! Weren't you betting on her?
Last edited:

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
-They do have magic barrier spells thanks to Sothis IIRC, but likely don't often travel with anyone who specializes in shielding and direct defense like Mash or Steven...-

(Of...Death? Is it based on that Littlepot guy?)
(Who else?) :p
(He was the only one who was a frog and we could easily make a convincing costume for!)

You were the one who pointed out that Penny was a robot! Weren't you betting on her?
-but the concept of defense is a bit overrated when she can just travel back in time-
Weiss: "With or without the hair?" :p
Hinoka: "I thought Yang would make scrape metal out of her!" :p

Digital Hazard

Weaboo Trash
Aug 20, 2014
My House
Switch FC
-something blows up?-
Nel: "That sounds familiar."

-Rafal scoffed at that comment-
Shez: "Sorry, them's the rules." :p
-how would they do it, with projectiles?-
Alear: -now looking all blue and hovering, much like other Emblems- "How does it feel?"
Mana: "Why did something blow up?!"
Iskandar: "It was intriguing to see his growth, I'll sat!"
-Pouty Jalter-
-It's how Oriko and Iroha attack indeed, beams and magic arrows-
Sitonai: "I feel like I have more power..."
Pichu: "(...Maybe you're both right...)" -Really has no idea what a good name or nickname might be-

That rang a bell? :p

Peridot: "Yeesh, no wonder you people want this Overlord destroyed! But that's no excuse to be dragging people back into the rest of your guys' war!"

(I see...I'm still sorry they couldn't be here,. even if they had passed long ago...)

I keep getting a playback error. I might have to look up the song up...
Fate: "and maybe you can also wait until you have a Trainer"
Kazumi: "Yeah! I saw her splitting a magical girl in half back then" -and it was one of Iroha's friends so good thing she didn't notice-
Shatter: "It's as earthlings say, desperate times require desperate measures"
Tart: "It's not your fault, but I miss them a lot..."
Well if you say so
-The King of Spades turns the Tigerzord around, while sitll flying backwards to try and escape the Dark Fountain's shutdown, to try and fire some missiles at them...only to be struck by some highly explosive bombs, cancelling the attack entirely-


Linebeck: "Every good pirate needs to know how to aim a cannon!" -Shoots another bomb either form his own ship or, if there's no bodies of water nearby, any other type of ship armed with a standard cannon-

-Upon being struck by bombs fired by Linebeck for a hird time, the White Tigerzord began crashed to the ground, forcing the King of Spades to try and stand it back up-

-The gap leads to the site of the fight with the King of Spades?-

Are they friendly or mostly monsters created by villains like Kuroto?

Star: -Sneezed at the mention of Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura since both the Holy Moon Chalice and Sealing Wand resmelbes her own Wand-
Marco: "Bless you."
Star: "Thank you."

-But first, they'll have to actually find her, and they can't just visit this "Luz"'s house or try to talk to her from outside it without seeming suspicious...-

-But if they try to recruit anyone here, their plan and Minou and her friends' entire effort to brainwash the residents of Gravity Falls into thinking that they're longtime residents of the town could be foiled...-

Peridot: "I second Iroha's question. A Lyn-what?"
TLink: "A Lynel. I remember Link telling us about those monsters earlier this year...They're a lot deadlier and more intelligent than most other monsters working under Ganondorf, here."

-...That's even worse...but from the sounds of it, it still sounds like Iroha can't truly be faulted for it-
-Alphys and Gaster would feel even worse for her if they knew...-

-Pandora is totally jealous?- :V
Hekapoo: "Did you really just roll with whatever outfits you found or personally liked?"
Alear: "You're done for. Give up now." :glare:

-it's Yukari so totally :V-
Alear: "How were they raised? If at all..."
Kanna: "To think there were countless girls who listened to those Incubators..."

-couldn't they just further brainwash people to further get away with it? or are they genuinely playing it safe?-
Link: "Yep. And some of the ones down there have taken to wearing armor too. They're really rough to fight..."
Palutena: "I did not. I figured this was something that needed some time because I was confident all of you would have said I was crazy for even suggesting that his heartless monster did in fact have a heart..."
Queen Medusa: "I would have been one of those people for sure. We all remember what she did to that dragon, right?"
Palutena: "I am not saying her actions deserve any forgiveness, merely that I saw she could be more... Being able to summon a new one with a blank slate, one who could finally live a proper life... it felt like the right thing to do."
Queen Medusa: "Your kindness is revolting, Palutena..."
Palutena: "And I shall take that as a compliment." :p

-she legit isn't because of how highly she views herself... but the fact that it was an "almost" is still saying something :V-
Byleth: -shrugs- "I just go with whatever feels right."
Martha: "If you want to be spared and not die again, you better do..."

-What Uni said- :V
Poppy: "It depends, some are evil, others are heroes, a few are even allied with Super Sentai and Kamen Riders, others... Were beaten by them. I know an alien dragon who is part of a Sentai though!"
Parado: "And we knew a Bugster who was one"
Illya: "It's so horrid..."
Suzune: "Hmph, yet not all of them were good" Such as myself.

-Indeed, figuring out where she lives is the easy part, but how to do so is what they need to figure out...-

-After what happened with McGucket, they're trying to play it safe in case anyone else would see it as sus-
Isabeau: By the way, I need you try something. Can we go somewhere more private?
Corbeau: Oh? Sure
Iroha: "I will keep it in mind, then..."
-Well, it sort of was. It was the equivalent of a friend trying to help another overcome suicide but because they don't understand how they feel it instead gave them the last push-
-Kuroe's last words to her were even that by becoming a Witch, she could stop hating herself and go back to before she met Iroha-
Ophanimon: "Seems you have a relationship that goes quite back, huh?"

Medusa: "I see... So no real attempt in using your charms, then"

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Mana: "Why did something blow up?!"
Iskandar: "It was intriguing to see his growth, I'll sat!"
-Pouty Jalter-
-It's how Oriko and Iroha attack indeed, beams and magic arrows-
Sitonai: "I feel like I have more power..."
-she should probably take some rest in-game-
Alear: "It's a shame he's not able to hang out with us..."
-smug Shez-
-it was enough to hit Byleth and break her guard-

Shez: That Oriko is one hell of a schemer...
Alear: "It's a thing that happened with all Emblems, really. But the unique thing about me is how I'm still here. I can still fight." :)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Fate: "and maybe you can also wait until you have a Trainer"
Kazumi: "Yeah! I saw her splitting a magical girl in half back then" -and it was one of Iroha's friends so good thing she didn't notice-
Shatter: "It's as earthlings say, desperate times require desperate measures"
Tart: "It's not your fault, but I miss them a lot..."
Well if you say so
Pichu: "(Oh, that's a good idea! A lot of Wild Pokemon don't get names, relatives tend to recognize each other easily!)"

...Yeah, we uhh, kinda didn't know if anyone was brainwashed or could potentially be saved back then...-Awkwardly scratching the back of her head-

-She's both telling the truth about that and correct about what the majority of the others t here thought at first, but it doesn't make her feel any less worse that they couldn't save all of hem-


Steven: "Well, as dangerous as he sounds, we've...kinda seen even worse and more dangerous people be defeated before..."
Connie: "We've even helped take some of them down and apprehend them!"

-That sounds almost comical to try and believe, and yet, these human kids don't seem like they're lying about it...-

-Heshima is wondering if there's anything they can do to cheer Tart up or honor her fallen friends and allies...-

Went ahead and looked it up. It's insanely catchy. :p And yeah, for whatever reason the video still isn't playing on this site. No idea why since it's not claiming that it's blocked in the US or anywhere else.

-Shuriken ahd Hurricane were even both headbanging to the music-

-but the concept of defense is a bit overrated when she can just travel back in time-
Weiss: "With or without the hair?" :p
Hinoka: "I thought Yang would make scrape metal out of her!" :p
-Even in the case where one of them could potentially end up critically wounded?-

(Frogadiers don't even have hair!)
(...But maybe Hop Pop's old hair would've made the costume more up to date and convincing...)
(...Dang it, you're right, we should've gotten a wig!) :urg:
(Or at least looked for one!) :urg:



Alear: "You're done for. Give up now." :glare:

-it's Yukari so totally :V-
Alear: "How were they raised? If at all..."
Kanna: "To think there were countless girls who listened to those Incubators..."

-couldn't they just further brainwash people to further get away with it? or are they genuinely playing it safe?-
Link: "Yep. And some of the ones down there have taken to wearing armor too. They're really rough to fight..."
Palutena: "I did not. I figured this was something that needed some time because I was confident all of you would have said I was crazy for even suggesting that his heartless monster did in fact have a heart..."
Queen Medusa: "I would have been one of those people for sure. We all remember what she did to that dragon, right?"
Palutena: "I am not saying her actions deserve any forgiveness, merely that I saw she could be more... Being able to summon a new one with a blank slate, one who could finally live a proper life... it felt like the right thing to do."
Queen Medusa: "Your kindness is revolting, Palutena..."
Palutena: "And I shall take that as a compliment." :p

-she legit isn't because of how highly she views herself... but the fact that it was an "almost" is still saying something :V-
Byleth: -shrugs- "I just go with whatever feels right."
Martha: "If you want to be spared and not die again, you better do..."

-What Uni said- :V
Poppy: "It depends, some are evil, others are heroes, a few are even allied with Super Sentai and Kamen Riders, others... Were beaten by them. I know an alien dragon who is part of a Sentai though!"
Parado: "And we knew a Bugster who was one"
Illya: "It's so horrid..."
Suzune: "Hmph, yet not all of them were good" Such as myself.

-Indeed, figuring out where she lives is the easy part, but how to do so is what they need to figure out...-

-After what happened with McGucket, they're trying to play it safe in case anyone else would see it as sus-
Isabeau: By the way, I need you try something. Can we go somewhere more private?
Corbeau: Oh? Sure
Iroha: "I will keep it in mind, then..."
-Well, it sort of was. It was the equivalent of a friend trying to help another overcome suicide but because they don't understand how they feel it instead gave them the last push-
-Kuroe's last words to her were even that by becoming a Witch, she could stop hating herself and go back to before she met Iroha-
Ophanimon: "Seems you have a relationship that goes quite back, huh?"

Medusa: "I see... So no real attempt in using your charms, then"
-The King of Spades is seemingly on the verge of defeat, and is silent...-

-...And then a array at least 100 Spade-shaped projectiles is cast from behind where all of them are standing-

Susie: "That's such a cool power...Wait, there he is!" -Brandishes her axe and runs to the scene, while Kris draws his sword and shield and follows suit-


XJ-8: "If these statements are true, and we have no reason to believe our allies are lying or mistaken, this is significant proof that a variety of different dragons exist throughout the universe."

Star: "The people trying to take over Gravity Falls are living proof of that." :glare:

-This shapeshifter imitating "Luz" obviously wouldn't want to let them in her house or talk to them if they tried to talk to her through a window in her yard when she was clearly already unnerved by them in the first place, and they could easily get the authorities called on them if her parents realize that they aren't some of her friends...-

-It might be for the best for their scheme for them to play it safe, but what does Isabeau need Corbeau's help for...?-

Peridot: "...Duly noted. Do any live outside of these locations corresponding to Stable properties on Hyrule's surface? They need to eat, right? Do they leave their habits on occasion?"

-...That's even far worse than I would've thought....-

-Well, she did along with Guifei once to try and look prettier to convince Ludo to ally with Chaldea rather than assassinate him-

-They and everyone else were rightfully disgusted even just trying to think of any compliments about Ludo- :V

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Martha: "If you want to be spared and not die again, you better do..."

-What Uni said- :V
Poppy: "It depends, some are evil, others are heroes, a few are even allied with Super Sentai and Kamen Riders, others... Were beaten by them. I know an alien dragon who is part of a Sentai though!"
Parado: "And we knew a Bugster who was one"
Illya: "It's so horrid..."
Suzune: "Hmph, yet not all of them were good" Such as myself.

-Indeed, figuring out where she lives is the easy part, but how to do so is what they need to figure out...-

-After what happened with McGucket, they're trying to play it safe in case anyone else would see it as sus-
Isabeau: By the way, I need you try something. Can we go somewhere more private?
Corbeau: Oh? Sure
Iroha: "I will keep it in mind, then..."
-Well, it sort of was. It was the equivalent of a friend trying to help another overcome suicide but because they don't understand how they feel it instead gave them the last push-
-Kuroe's last words to her were even that by becoming a Witch, she could stop hating herself and go back to before she met Iroha-
Ophanimon: "Seems you have a relationship that goes quite back, huh?"

Medusa: "I see... So no real attempt in using your charms, then"
-The King of Spades is seemingly on the verge of defeat, and is silent...-

-...And then a array at least 100 Spade-shaped projectiles is cast from behind where all of them are standing-

Susie: "That's such a cool power...Wait, there he is!" -Brandishes her axe and runs to the scene, while Kris draws his sword and shield and follows suit-


XJ-8: "If these statements are true, and we have no reason to believe our allies are lying or mistaken, this is significant proof that a variety of different dragons exist throughout the universe."

Star: "The people trying to take over Gravity Falls are living proof of that." :glare:

-This shapeshifter imitating "Luz" obviously wouldn't want to let them in her house or talk to them if they tried to talk to her through a window in her yard when she was clearly already unnerved by them in the first place, and they could easily get the authorities called on them if her parents realize that they aren't some of her friends...-

-It might be for the best for their scheme for them to play it safe, but what does Isabeau need Corbeau's help for...?-

Peridot: "...Duly noted. Do any live outside of these locations corresponding to Stable properties on Hyrule's surface? They need to eat, right? Do they leave their habits on occasion?"

-...That's even far worse than I would've thought....-

-Well, she did along with Guifei once to try and look prettier to convince Ludo to ally with Chaldea rather than assassinate him-

-They and everyone else were rightfully disgusted even just trying to think of any compliments about Ludo- :V
Ingrid: -sees the projectiles- "It would be a bad thing if any of our allies were struck by them..."

-Yukari gets the hint or just tells Ingrid to figure it out?-
Alear: "I see... Can any of them look human?"
Byleth: Is she thinking of herself? -about Suzune-

-that is a good question...-
Link: "You're free to study them to find your answers if you don't value your life."

Zelda: "Link!"
Palutena: "I suppose so..."

-Byleth took advantage of her stoic demeanor, assuming Ludo would have a hard time reading her emotions and assume the compliments are genuine...-
Byleth: "I suppose I bonded with Guifei over charming a foe... but I didn't seek out to have a proper outfit for the task..."

-Even in the case where one of them could potentially end up critically wounded?-

(Frogadiers don't even have hair!)
(...But maybe Hop Pop's old hair would've made the costume more up to date and convincing...)
(...Dang it, you're right, we should've gotten a wig!) :urg:
(Or at least looked for one!) :urg:


-again, Byleth and Sothis can travel back in time-
-as long as one of them stands, they can just go back to a point before any critical injury-
-of course, some protection could still be nice but it's really not as mandatory when you can travel time-
Weiss: -chuckling behind her hand at that-
Hinoka: "And you never betted on any of the last two. We agreed on just watching the rest of the fight!"

-okay, that one's actually true?-
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