Oriko: "Very well, now, I should get back with the others"
-Also the reason Homura wasn't part of this is because she's more... Delicate, let's say-
Sieg: "It's alright if you don't want to tell now"
-Nor do I at the moment LOL, just that Scorponok must be retrieved-
Iroha: "He agreed, right?"
Atalanta: "You're correct"
-Very well then-

Jack: "It did, they had fire powers!"
-So Charlotte used a little trick where she placed herself in a box, and she was seemingly split in half by a saw!-
Star: "Good idea."
-I kind of figured it was that + the fact that Homura hadn't been saved yet at the time you had the other four show up at Castle Butterfly-
Peridot: "Y-Yeah, now's probably not the best time!"
Steven: "What about you, Sieg? Are...
you okay?"
-Maybe Aquamarine and the Decepticons won't succeed in being stealthy this time...-
(Should I introduce myself as well, Heshima? I don't want Atalanta to have to keep translating for me as well...)
(Knowing Ata, I doubt she would mind. But if you're still concerned about it, you can ask her yourself as well.) 
(I don't have a name of a my own, or at least that I can recall, but my species' name is Rapidash.)
-Several of them are impressed, while others are horrified, one even shouting "SHE'S DEAD!", not noticing that she's still both alive and unfazed-
Ruby: "Then you did great!"
Weiss: "Called it..."
-but at least know Ingrid enough to not be shocked of her randomly dropping in?-
Ingrid: "Hello there~"
Penny: "As did your friends from their home dimension. I would say that you are living up to the hero the legend claims you to be, Ralsei."
Ralsei: "Aw, shucks, it was nothing!"

-Just before the elevator doors close, an elderly newt stops the doors and, along with his equally elderly wife, kindly asks Sprig if he can hit the button for the 19th floor for them. Sprig, although anxious and in a hurry, still tries to be polite and does so. only for the male newt to realize it's not the right floor and to ask "Oh, shoot, can we try the 18th?" Sprig becomes a little more anxious, but still obliges. When they reach that floor, Sprig tries to urge them to leave so he can go retrieve the Royal Credit Card, but the male newt remarks "Nope. This isn't the casino either. Looks like we'll have to go to every floor until we find the right one." The female newt then adds "It may take hours, but what do we care? We're old and have all the time in the world.", causing both of them to proudly laugh, all the while Sprig remains frozen in the same anxious smile-
-The camera then cuts to show the outside of the elevator from the back, at which point Sprig smashes open the back window of the elevator uses the female newt's walker, before hopping out onto the ceiling lamps to try and retrieve the Golden Gift Cards, while the two elederly newts watch him in total confusion-
Rhombulus: "AGH! What the-?!"
Hekapoo: -Sighs in annoyance- "Hello, Ingrid. What brings you here to do?"
Link: "Impressive..."
Kanna: "So... what is a Rumor?"
Zelda: "I would be intruiged as well if I didn't already have a hand in making them."

Palutena: "Oh, not if I win first!" >:V
-they back to GAMING-
Epimenides: "All will bow down to her. That is, if you are willing to partner up."
Kazumi: "...That's so cool, Mister!" -then to Star- "And yes! She says she'll try to use that to her advantage!"
That means I must act as egotistical as Minou, ugh...
Oriko: "Nothing, I was simply pondering which articles I should get as souvenirs" -she's good at making lies on the spot-
Suzune: "She said they're Witch-like beings"
Iroha: "That's why they're dangerous"
da Vinci: "That's fair enough"

Spadamon: "I don't" -and Ophanimon does her best-
Minou: "...Anything for my mother~" -seems that's a yes-
Ford: "Heh, you can thank Mabel and my brother for this idea!" -He then retracts the grappling hook, causing to shift the branch down, at which point it becomes clear that it's not another tree branch at all, but a disguised metal lever, further made clear when the underground staircase leading to the bunker opens about a second later-
Stan: "What, are they like
also twins or somethin'? Have neither of them mentioned that?"
Wendy: "Huh...Well, go ahead and browse the gift shop then. Dipper and Mabel both got one of their favorite items here, so I'm sure you'll find something youl ike."

...W-Wait, THAT'S RIGHT! C-Could you explain some of the Zonai language, Zelda? 
Sparky: "(You can talk?! Are you actually a Pokemon...?)"
N-No, as a matter of fact, though, Sparky, he's actually from a similar species known as "Digimon"!
...Annnnnnnnnd those two are back to competitive gaming. 
-Epimendies has one more ally in his crusade to defeat Sothis...-