Lily: "But yeah, I had quitea great time!"
Medea: "That's what I see"
Cú: "Good luck rreturning there if you want, I also gotta go fish later"
Knock-Out: "You said it boss" -already analyzing well the schemes with his own sensors-
-He's quite eager to see what they can do... So long they don't scratch his paint-
Fate: "I am"
Just not used to this...
-About time to return to their new house for the day?-
Linebeck: "There are lakes around here?" -Assuming this is still on the Bureau's ship-
-It won't as long as one of the Dalek's lasers don't misfire on him- :V
-All the praise, more so from anything like young Pokemon-
Pikachu: "(I think we should let her focus on training now, you two.)"
Pichu: (R-Right, sorry, Fate...)"
Byleth: "It's the right thing to do... and the ones managing the place offer a good contract." -partly joking-
Eirika: "Paranormal?"
Lilith wants to make sure they feel home-
Dedede: "Ha! That ain't wrong!" -Is fairly wealthy despite only being self-proclaimed royalty-
Meta Knight: "In all fairness, payment or at least help from those who can return the favor is often needed for one to maintain a home and eat healthily. Many simply cannot do jobs like this without also making a living."
Dipper: "It's a term for things that go kind of beyond the scope of "normal" that we're used to. Things that we can't fully explain, don't totally believe in despite evidence to the contrary, things that seem to go against the normal laws of science or reality...or at least things that we don't know that much about at first."
-So far, some of them do, but others aren't used to the new environment or miss their old homes-
-Others still seem more inclined to return to the wild as they don't trust most people here-
-Medusa shoots a large amount of projectiles with her eyes to try and clash with them-
-she ain't from a turn-based RPG so she doesn't wait her turn to attack :V-
Shez: "Whatever it is, it's about to come out..." -swords in hand out of pure reflex-
-she'd punch and shoot a few of them, but the last one landed on its intended target-
I'm also curious so I wouldn't mind knowing.
Kamui: "Oh, seeing animals would be wonderful, actually!" Though I might have to actually put on sandals for that... Zoos aren't exactly the cleanest place.
-then again, no place is, but in a vacation where there's no worry about defending herself by turning into a dragon? she's fine with footwear then-
Azura: "I mean, she's not wrong." -said matter-of-factly, with no flirtatous tone-
Weiss: -summons the Arma Gigas to stab the Demogorgon-
-Superion keeps separating into his components in an effort to make evasion easier, and at the same time they shoot less flasier missiles of their own-
-It keeps moving, and cracking-
Well I might share in a bit I suppose.
Also, ngl, I had the Poppy fight against the remaining Shadow Raider kinda to fill the obligatory holiday fight quota here rather than this.
But oh well, maybe next year... If Halloween or Christmas don't remain eternal. Again. My fault at plenty of that tho.
Jeanne: "LEt's go see in little then~!"
Hayate: "I'm just stating the obvious" :3
-Of course, he didn't stop attacking either-
-What KoP said-
Sakura: "Well, he's a partner of mine..."
(Does Sakura know how to translate what he says or no?)
-Some of Superion's misisles actually bypass or avoid Spamton NEO's sound waves, and as a result, damage him and cancel his sound wave projectile attack early-
(Be ready for a potential fight, everyone!)
-All of the Pokekon assume battles stances, Shuriken and Hurricane in particular striking the exact same battle stances while facing the egg from different angles in perfect symmetry,
-Jenny then tries to capture Coyle with a long-range Grab attack-
Fair enough in regards to both. And yeah, in hindsight, I probably should have started the Halloween stuff in late September since I ended up doing a lot of stuff with Spooky's Specimen army. I don't plan on adding a bunch of extra stuff that'll drag the holiday event out to May this time, though.
I'm honestly not sure who's going to win...
-It seems to have bomece less and less of an issue for Kamui over time, at least during more casual days for Chaldea-
-But first, BREAKFAST-
Tetra: "Ugh, forget it..."
-The Arma Gigas would have dealt more severe damage to the Demogorgon than most of the others' weapons barring some of Rider wepaons anyway, but having it's flesh seared and badly burnt by Takeru's fire attacks left it's dense, armored skin weakened enough for the sword to impale the Demogorgon clean through the chest, all but killing it on the spot-
Spooky: "Umm...hi?" -Confusedly waves back at Gengar, not sure who or what he is, although she can at least gather that he's probably a similar creature to whatever Heshima, Winter and Jigglypuff are-