-The dilemma is killing her!-
Lily: "So maybe we could go see..."
-They try to see info of them in the map-
-True... A good place to relax in, definitely-
Ahim: "Hope we're not interrupting anything!"
Got it around the same time as Kirby plush as well as a Black Yoshi plush, IIRC. There was a whole bunch of Nintendo merchandise for sale there, but those were the three I wanted at the time that were within a reasonable price.
-Then someone knocked on the door-
Star: "And we should probably start by talking to them..."
-Asterios being Circe's nephew might help the Gorgan Sisters become acquainted with her, at least-
-Stonewatcher Island was formerly home to an ancient giant sculpture of a head, one that was rumored to be hiding a valuable treasure below the island, as well as then facing a heavily-armed monster watch tower that itself stored a valuable item-
-Six-Eye Reef, on the other hand, is one of many reefs of it's kind in the Great Sea, resembling one side of a six-sided die when viewed from above. The two passed this island by more distantly, since monster ships
do congregate within the walls of the reef-
-Joe's thoughts?-
Pearl: "Not at all. I'm just gathering some more home schooling supplies for Steven!"
Ingrid: "If she had... so you know she cannot."
-the independance of nations does give her a lot of free time... but she's so concerned for everything most of that free time is either to help Hyrule or help Chaldea, so she rarely gets times like this one due to her own worrying-
Moon: "She left her home dimension, and I'm not certain she practices the dark magic herself. It's possible she cannot prove it because she doesn't practice dark magic herself."
-Unless Byleth mentioned otherwise and I forgot?-
-So rather than lacking the free time, she instead rarely uses it...Helping the kingdom out and aiding Chaldea in missions is one thing, but not taking much time for herself at all is another-
Weiss: "If you did that, people would be none the wiser."
LMAO, yeah, that's fair enough, KoP

Kanna: "Ice cream!"

Arlon: "Aside from that bounty hunter we keep crossing paths with, we have no clue."
Phosphora: "What about that giant space dragon?"
Arlon: "We do not count him, as he has alreadt been slain."
Illya: "Call it a hunch..."
-Pretty much, yeah-
Illya: "Oooh, thank you!"
Luvia: "Do we know if that armored Phazon-plague has a weakeness? It seems to keep returning#
Kris: "...I guess we can pool some funds from our allowances."
Susie: "I was gonna use this to buy some soda, but that works too."

-So yeah, he could still improvise traps-
-But that'd mean being a
lot less involved in direct combat on the field-
Specter: "Don't mention it. They had mint chocolate chip and plain strawberry available, so I hope that's alright."
-Knowing Ridley, there's a good chance he'll eventually return to life somehow, or otherwise that a clone of him will cause problems for them on his own...But as far as Phazon is concerned, he's one threat that's out of the picture-
Nora: "Armored Phazon-plague?"