The Spook Factor
Marco: (Reminds me of some of the students at Echo Creek High...)-He forgot they have a yokai who acts like a valley girl school girl-
Blackarachnia: "And seeing how they are in the middle of planification now..."
-...Hot chocolate and a book sounds nice-
Atalanta: "She could take control of the bodies of many with her tempting arrows... The nerve..."
-That's true... For now, does Queen see her?-
Then the objective must be completed perfectly...
-And so it is brewed while they look for books!-
(No wonder she and Toffee agreed to a contract...)
-Charlotte's skill kept Queen from noticing her presence, so she instead just stood by and drank another glass of acid while waiting to hear a report on the Arthra attack-
Byleth: -tosses a coin-
-Gaster immediately understood her concerns?-
Link: -clutching his arm-
-what KoP asked-
(Not every fight has to be rewarded with money.)Luka: "Neat"
Rin: "I'm not paying you..."
-I misread- :V -She's regardless interested on a fan's perspective-
-What Uni asked-
Tamamo: "Link..." -very worried-
Brynhildr: Not what I hoped... But I hope I can get used to this...
-And Peridot seems like a serious fan of the visual novel-
...No...Alphys, how have you been taking it...?
I-I worry for her every single day...Sh-She's the most DETERMINED monster th-there is, but...I don't know if DETERMINATION is enough this time...

-It gives her a purpose, and a chance to interact with others...-