So when's the last time anyone has seen BlueYoshi around these parts?
He's the OP for the video thread, and it hasn't been updated for a while.
I'm wondering because I think it could be cool to have a completely separate thread for instructional videos.the main video thread is so large that is hard to find exactly what you need, plus it hasn't been updated recently at all(There are zero videos under the 'Instructional' subcategory). I think an instructional video thread would be useful and has enough sub categories in itself to justify a whole new thread, and that this would increase efficiency for players with very specific interests.
Examples of subcategories:
Advanced techs:
-shield pressure
-Rat vs.
---rat dittos for intermediate players
-Samus vs.
In any of the matchup vids people could help link to videos where a player simply shows a way to efficiently approach a matchup with success, and give some insight into why it's a good example of the specific matchup.
the back room was working on specific matchups but never made it past Pikachu on ness, but I think that they had a very useful project underway, and maybe finishing the project as a community Might b cool, but some videos wouldn't be a bad idea IMO.
If anyone wants to help me spearhead this let me know. I'm open to suggestion. If you think this is a bad idea, feel free to state how/why, but I'm fairly sure I disagree; I want to see and use something like this, and it could speed up the learning curve for new players, as well as become an easily accessible resource for brushing up.