I don't know about you, but I certainly don't bookmark or save URL's of my favourite combos. I watch them and then move on to the next one.
Fair enough. However, nobody seems to remember who did it. If I had seen this combo, I certainly would have.
Simply saying we all imagined it does not make it so. It might fit the evidence but that does not make you correct beyond a doubt unfortunately. 4 people with the recollection of something happening, 3 of whom had the same stage is pretty convincing to me.
Ha...! It does not, but the burden of proof is upon you. It should be a simple task, anyhow. Find me this video.
Besides, why are these recollections so inconsistent? Three different stages now? The only explanation I can think of is that you all imagined it. A discussion about rest->rest combo, without specifying the stage, leaves the stage to the imagination of the individual, causing discrepancies. If a single video existed, you all would have probably recalled the same stage.
Forgive me, I have been recently informed that you wear gumboots, not flip-flops. My apologies.
I don't even know what gumboots are. And you consider me an American? Offended.
Regardless, this all pretty futile. I will admit that until I find the video I'm fighting a losing battle.
Good luck in your quest for your Holy Grail. Ha...! In the meantime, I shall watch you from the shadows, laughing at your futile efforts.
Hey Star King, you're wrong.
I remember that video and it was on DL not hyrule. Jiggs rested a fox on the bottom left blastline corner, at the very very tip so that he died as soon as he rested. Fox was at mid percent and was blown with moderate hitstun to about the place where a char respawns. Jiggs got down from the platform at the exact moment he flew by and quickly midair jumped rested.
Tool assisted, of course.
Ironically, this post made me even less convinced.
Three stages now. Out of five people (see my response to ciaza as to why I think this is the case).
You have to admit something, no matter which side turns out to be right. Your memories are ****ing garbage. If you guys are right, then that means you guys had trouble remembering which stage it was on, which character it was on, and which player did it. If I'm right, then your faulty memories turned something merely discussed into something that actually happened.
Exasperated. Yet, deep in the depths of my mind, there lies a tinge of amusement. Through the path of time, dreams of something only discussed becomes reality in your memories. Ah, how imperfect the human mind is.
There was a convo about this awhile back but I'm the only one who seems to actually clearly remember the combo. I might just get off my lazy *** and find said combo but it definitely did happen.
Indeed, there was a conversation about this. I remember it.
Somehow, if something so amazing happened, I don't think it would have slipped your guys' minds so easily. Out of so many, only one person clearly remembers the details of the combo? Ha...! I'm sure you can see why I'm skeptical.
Don't quote me that its on fox. I know its some heavy and I'm pretty sure its fox.
Fox is the same weight as Mario and Luigi.
The rest->rest memory issue people are having is absolutely remarkable lol. I don't know if I want to spoil it though so that people can wonder.
Interesting. You casually imply that you know something we don't. Not only that, but you imply that you can be convinced into "spoiling" it, saying that "[you] don't know if [you] want to"; meaning that you are in an unsure state of mind, capable of being swayed. Do you truly possess the truth, or are you simply a pitiful child starved for attention?
If it is the latter, I'll humor you and ask. What are you talking about?
save room, its far too active to die out anyways.
Save room? What a weak reason. Something tells me there's more to this than meets the eye.
The glorious 64 Social Thread being taken down a notch is a travesty. Alas... Today, mankind has witnessed the death of beauty.