It really, really didn’t.
Imma just say this and leave it at that, cuz I don’t wanna drag this out forever.
If you wanna dress like a Barbie store then be my guest, nothing’s stopping you! Be as pink as you wanna be.
But I don’t think it’s at all fair to say women who don’t express stereotypical femininity are ashamed of themselves. Trying to hide the fact that they’re women. Maybe they just don’t like dresses? Maybe more “
masculine” styles appeal to them more. That doesn’t make them less of a woman. Would you say I’m less of a black person because I’m not a big fan of rap music? For not adhering to African American stereotypes?
To me, a woman is just that. A woman, a female member of the human species. They can do what they wanna do, dress how they wanna dress, act how they wanna act. Who’s to say they’re not proud to be women? If acting non-femininely is who they are, and they’re proud of who they are, then they’re proud to be women!
Be who you want to be, that’s perfectly fine. But other women don’t want to be the way you are. And that’s okay.