So on the topic of movies. I decided for the fun of it to make my own little series.
Inspired by the Villain Pub from HISHE. I had this funny idea of Brandon Breyer somewhat and somehow ending up at this pub where villains hang out and is cope by villains of cinema of this year (Brixton Lore, Grimmel the Grisly, Joker, King Ghidorah, Lord Piggot-Dunceby, Maleficent, Mr. Glass, Palpatine, Pennywise, Rex Dangervest, Scar, Thanos, etc.) how he wants to do good only to find out he can still do so while being a villain at the same time.
Palpatine points out to Brandon there's villains who does it for petty reasons (Lord Piggot-Dunceby, Rex Dangervest and Scar).
Then others who does it for the fun of it. The sake of just being evil (Joker, King Ghidorah, Maleficent, Palpatine himself and Pennywise).
Those that has their reasons (Mr. Glass).
And then last but not least villains just like Brandon himself thinking they're doing things for the greater good (Brixton Lore, Grimmel the Grisly much to King Ghidorah's chagrin and Thanos).
Realizing that he can still do good while being a villain. Brandon once more embraces his alien heritage and villainy but on a more positive note this time thanking his new friends accepting them as his new family being welcomed to the pub by all of them.