For Platformers, it's a double edge sword. Increasing your health points and removing lives counters are fine, but as was pointed out in the Cuphead era, when your goal is just jumping from platform to platform, there isn't much of a way to make it easier without changing the actual level design. Unlike games like DMC where combat is the whole point and adjusting the enemies health and aggressiveness doesn't actually change much of the game design.
And I don't see an issue with that. It makes it easier for newer players, yet the general mechanics and gimmicks of the level still persist. Mega Man 10 is a decent example because the certain gaps are made thinner for newer players, while more experienced players will have to thread the needle with tighter jumps. But it's not like you can run right through enemies. And enemy health certainly matter in games like Mega Man or Metroid.
While DMC games encourage pulling off stylish combos and handling hordes of foes. When the enemies are less aggressive, that can take the challenge out of the fight for some. On top of difficulties changing the which enemies show up and in what combination, is still changing level design. Level design doesn't just alter what you walk and jump on, but also what you interact with. As well as bosses altering their moveset between these difficulties.
All I'm saying is that options for every genre is fine. And for someone who says they are proud of playing easy modes, shouldn't look down on people who might need that for another genre.