Question for everyone.
What's the most important game that released this decade for you? Not necessarily "favorite" or "best". But like, the game that you wouldn't trade for any other because of the experience you had playing it.
I have an easy answer for that that I've talked about to death before, but I'm curious if anyone else here has a game like that in their life the last 10 years.
hmmm... it's pretty tough for me to narrow down. I'd at least say Pokemon Black, Super Smash Bros. 4, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and Minecraft are all in consideration
Pokemon Black, while not quite my favorite in the series, introduced to me to one of my favorite video game franchises of all time and was such an enjoyable experience from beginning to end
Smash 4 was the first Smash game I followed prerelease after getting hooked on the series in the first place with Brawl and my 2013-2015 was pretty much made on this game and it's hype cycle.
Meanwhile, Ultimate was the one that got me active in the community onto stuff like Discord and a certain site you may or may not have heard of called Smashboards
And Minecraft... boy, what a journey this game had. Never thought I'd see the day where it'd go from an indie to a AAA juggernaut and ultimately the single best selling game of all time. I spent hundreds of hours exploring the randomly generated terrains and building random structures, and I still to this day find myself booting the game up whether it be for Survival Mode, Creative Mode, or the community made stuff.