It is a 2001 game that started two systems prior to the 3DS?
I dont get it man. You can just outright say you want a Resident Evil character thus you dont want any other Capcom IP. That is how most people base their speculation on anyway. It is all biased.
Ace Attorney is also now on every modern system, smart phone, and soon Steam. I would say it having no reach to potential outsiders is a bit hasty. No doubt it cannot compare to RE on raw numbers, but come on now.
The thing is, if it’s not Resident Evil i’d accept it because there’s nothing I can do to change it. I would say I don’t want any other series but that’s simply not true.
If they add Phoenix Wright and he looks super fun, I won’t give a ****. I’ll enjoy it for what it is. That happens for me with every other character.
Would I vastly prefer Resident Evil? Sure! It’s a great series and historically bears quite the legacy. Would I be upset, furious, or dumbfounded if they added Ace Attorney? No, of course not. That doesn’t invalidate what I said however. Resident Evil is leaps and bounds larger than Ace Attorney and provides for a larger fanbase to be included in Smash.
Resident Evil also has Nintendo history, despite that being shown to have negligible impact in the past anyway.
None of that is bias. I made a literal mistake where I typed 3DS rather than DS or GBA, and it was a mistake I acknowledged as it was a slip of the mind. I knew it was on Nintendo consoles prior, but I had a brain fart.
I’m not anti- Ace Attorney. I even plan on playing it because i’m interested in it. I you thought I was, I apologize but that’s simply not the case.