So what games have you folks been playing lately besides Smash or Three Houses?
I've picked up Borderlands 2 and CS:GO again recently, and I plan on starting a playthrough of A Hat in Time soon.
Ah nice; Borderlands 2 is great. Who are you playing as this time round?
I don't own Three Houses yet but between my girlfriend playing it in front of me, having recently gotten a new phone allowing me to FINALLY try out Fire Emblem Heroes and slowly working my way through Fire Emblem Warriors DLC history maps, I'm on a bit of a Fire Emblem kick right now.
I'll probably try and find my 3DS and try and complete Awakening in a new playthrough rather than putting it down when I got bored.
Aside from Fire Emblem, Resident Evil has peaked my interest again with the news of 5 upcoming which was a blast in co-op. Currently playing Revelations on my Switch in preparation for it. I may even buy 6 despite it's critical lambast for the ridiculous co-op action.