A mess. I don't like this film. I like the idea of Batman and Superman fighting, and the actual FIGHT between them is pretty cool and engaging. But other than that chunk of the film (and the Doomsday fight to a degree), I don't like this movie. Most of the roles feel like mis-casts, especially Lex. What happened to the cool, calm, and collected villain we see in the DC comics? Instead, we get this crazed man who apparently had daddy issues and is obsessed with God-like beings. It feels weird. Eisenberg's version of Lex feels like a wannabe Joker, not the Lex we've grown to know.
I don't like the Superman character in general. The actor is fine, but the character is designed to be boring, which sucks because the actor did as good as he could in the role. And, I miss Bale's Batman. He sounded menacing and portrayed Batman's most key traits well. Ben Affleck feels like he's in neutral the entire time. I continue to like Batman's backstory, but I wish it wasn't shoved in there at the start of the film. DCEU should've taken to make stand-alone movies before this film and build up the characters like the MCU did in order to make the audience feel like they're engaged with the characters. But instead of showing love and care to the series, this movie feels like an assembly line film without any heart or charm. And Wonder Woman is fine in it, but it would've been better if she had her own movie first (which I heard is good) and have a Batman film with Affleck in it, and THEN have BvS. Instead, we get this and it feels like these characters are making random introductions. Also, what's up with the random Aquaman cameo? Felt kinda random and unnecessary.
It feels like the story is cramming in too much at once and I don't like that at all. And, the characters are a no for me as well. This film is one big no aside from the fight scenes. The fight scenes were fun and well-shot. Either way, this film was a big disappointment and it was a struggle to sit through. I unfortunately was bored for most of it.
Score: E tier