The following series have been completely ruined for me by the same mindset:

Hating the fans made me hate what they were fans of.
It's like as much as I abhor Metroid, I wouldn't complain if Ridley made it.
You're right about that las part, but you can't just generalize every fan as that. It's like saying every Christian is delusional and radical, or every Atheist is persistent and stubborn. Or that every African is inferior and accusive, every Caucasian racist and discriminatory. Every PM/ Ridley fan rabid and self-centered, each detractor biased and rude. Every Muslim an outcast or terrorist, every Korean/Chinese/Japanese Insane and warlike. You can't brand people like that. Nobody can. But people do. And everyone in the world, I say EVERYONE, has an arbitrary reason to be branded stupid, bad, inferior,weird, self-centered, delusional, or somethign liek that, simply for being what they are.
Hating an entire fannies is being like those kinds of people who brand other like that. simply put, don't. But it's hard, I know. The vocal fanbases of a franchise, though are ussually the worst of all the said fanbases, making eveyone seem horrible, and the entire series gets ruined. AKA what happened to you. And I feel bad. So it's not just your fault, It's also theirs.
I don't know what the point of my post was. Just to raise my postcount with the hopes of not getting a warning for mentioning Religion and Ridley.