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Social Social Thread 4.1™-Rockets, Spiders, Drums, Arms, Wings, Lightning, Marsupials and OP form a circle

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Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Hey man, I was a long advocate for :roypm: to return. If I had a dollar for every time I got **** on (and yeah, gamefaqs is worse)... Well, if you don't mind sharing... I'm guessing you had problems with Paper Mario?
Ok, the problems were actually since like forever and even made me extremely shy to talk when I joined, but I realised after I became OP that it was suprinsingly a problem when there should not be.

First, I had to deal with the name. Now, trust me, I do understand that presentation is a big part (look at my OP for proof, I spent hours on it), but the only thing I could not do was to name it anything other than Paper Mario because it's just litterally his name. Now, I did tried with slogn and gorgeous effects, the name problem still was probably the first thing that made people not like him. It's like, it just screams too much like "ah, not those clones character again!, didn't we got enough already?"

It's actually a great way to have a character underated btw. The worst is it's purely coincidential so, I should by no mean see comments like saying that Paper Mario = jumpman or whatever.

If the name wasn't a problem, then the biggest one was BY FAR, the "another mario" argument.

I think you're honestly a lyer if you didn't heard it AND was supporting OR heard about it in speculation days. This argument is basically that there would sort of be an "overrepping" of the mario series with 2 marios. First, ironically, they were ok to put dr mario BACK, they were even ok to put jr back. Oh, and even rosalina!!!!

^reminder, this argument was there ALL THE TIME. Meaning that you could hear it when 4 reps was confirmed....there was a slight hope. When Rosalina got announced....then people began to use this thing avidly. The worst is that jr got the exact same problem so you get why I still didn't get the alts complain reaction upon CONFIRMATION (yes, this was really an early reaction when the leak was heard and I just don't get it...).

So, if you were not happy after Rosalina for another mario, first, you should want to bite Sakurai and second, you should want to hate it more because he actually not only put another rep, but another mario too!!!!!

Like, I can't tell how flawed this argument is. I had to do a very long arguments on the OP to basically explain that Paper Mario has a series that is so much different that if I try to think logically, it would make sense to have its own series. The thing is, now, I have no reasons to expect it, but to get to the point where it logically made sense is something.

But when the roster was actually announced....I just couldn't take this anymore because the argument was WITH UNDENIABLE PROOF proved extremely flawed. Guess what was the reaction after? People that were actually supporting (not all, a few) put the blame on both jr and dr mario, but dr mario received all the flacks. Imagine, I was on the thread, being completely neutral on dr mario and I see flaming of him int he thread because of an unrelated cause after people were complaining to have too much mario rep.....like, I seriously got obsessed at one point and it almost went into insanity.....don't go there btw, it's dangerous.

Because I was just tired to have public support, i moved the whole thing into a group. Result, yes, there's not much talk, but at least the only talk it gets is sain for everyone's health.

The other thing that it had which is surprinsingly not much common here is being a mario/g&w clone (yes, the later was talked a lot). Now, I sort of got used to it because that one was understandable, it's just tedious to repeat the same speech which is why i tend to do long essay like the one you read.

Though, go on gamefaqs and good luck enduring this....miiverse too.

^I never tried nor I want to go far.

Now, this was aggraved by the low popularity aspect. This is the thing I can only slightly control, but it didn't helped to start with....ok it's kind of a mess. See, the problem it had before was it was wanted, but people wasn't talking about it. My goal was to fix that which I consider I did and still do today, but having to start that late with that surely didn't helped, it's actually kinda awesome to have gotten 125 supporters on just this time....

Now, you might wonder why i got so far with all this?

Ok, I don't know if you lived this feel, but my goal being love sharing, seeing legit supports post is extremely satisfying. I was just hype and if the post had a moveset, it would make me hype for a week.

And july 29, when they announced the stage, my alerts were flooded.

Overall, I still am happy with what I did for people who loved the series, but as I told, it wasn't easy....

Deleted member

Pretty sure that statement will be forgotten as time flies by. Therefore, I still expect a lot of Ridley-supporters when (if) Smash 5 production shows up.
What do you expect from the Metroid fanbase? :smirk:


Jul 7, 2014
Some people don't like lots of stages because of the way they work.
Some people like the variety. Some like the simple layout. Yeah, eh.

Oh hi Crashboards, long time no see
Alas, poor Smashboards. I knew it, Crashboards!
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The shorts wearing blue anubis
Oct 5, 2014
Well I found a fun thing. Been going around for glory starting as little mac and then after 2 rounds I swap to lucario and totally destroy my opponent. I created a whole new ocean with all the salty rage that has occurred!

Some will win and think they are gods of smash and then they insta rage quit after getting mauled in under a minute when I show them THE AURA!

Its fun making people think some other character is my main when its really not!


Jul 7, 2014
Well I found a fun thing. Been going around for glory starting as little mac and then after 2 rounds I swap to lucario and totally destroy my opponent. I created a whole new ocean with all the salty rage that has occurred!

Some will win and think they are gods of smash and then they insta rage quit after getting mauled in under a minute when I show them THE AURA!

Its fun making people think some other character is my main when its really not!
Did they call you names? Like, since For Glory allows name tags, they could have said something like "STOP" or "YOUSUCK".


The shorts wearing blue anubis
Oct 5, 2014
Did they call you names? Like, since For Glory allows name tags, they could have said something like "STOP" or "YOUSUCK".
They did that till I brought them THE AURA and ate their soul. Then they just vanished faster than they could taunt!


The shorts wearing blue anubis
Oct 5, 2014
lol that's cool. inb4 they also used Little Mac and SD themselves
2 guys did go little mac and 1 did suicide after changing color to mirror my orange Mac (he wanted me to suicide from not knowing which Mac was me but I have my name above my head and thus durrr)

I just punched them to the ledge and then threw them off and down smash to victory! (Fun fact: Little mac is great at ledge guarding other little macs)


Jul 7, 2014
2 guys did go little mac and 1 did suicide after changing color to mirror my orange Mac (he wanted me to suicide from not knowing which Mac was me but I have my name above my head and thus durrr)

I just punched them to the ledge and then threw them off and down smash to victory! (Fun fact: Little mac is great at ledge guarding other little macs)
Well of course, Little Mac has that down smash. That, and a horrible recovery. Ditto matches are always even.


The shorts wearing blue anubis
Oct 5, 2014
Well of course, Little Mac has that down smash. That, and a horrible recovery. Ditto matches are always even.
Little Mac also hilariously hard counters those wimpy as hell zeldas that only use side B, up B and down B and play keep away with rolls.

Someone actually hit the eject button when I KO punched them too, like right before they hit the blast zone they turned off their Wii U out of sheer rage since I snagged them mid roll with the punch.


Drawing like a tramp
Oct 20, 2014

I should start playing :4dedede:. He's so hard to K.O sometimes.

Anyway, what's new here ?


Jul 7, 2014
Little Mac also hilariously hard counters those wimpy as hell zeldas that only use side B, up B and down B and play keep away with rolls.

Someone actually hit the eject button when I KO punched them too, like right before they hit the blast zone they turned off their Wii U out of sheer rage since I snagged them mid roll with the punch.
Wait, really? They pressed the ragequit button? That's bad.
Well at least that person got a penalty I guess..


The shorts wearing blue anubis
Oct 5, 2014
Wait, really? They pressed the ragequit button? That's bad.
Well at least that person got a penalty I guess..
Yeah powering off is a penalty for sure. He was a super salty DK that could not handle the Kinetic Ouch punch!


Jul 7, 2014
I never got why people wanted them in. Is Rhythm Heaven that big of a Nintendo Franchise?
Gematsu bruh. Gematsu.
If it weren't for them no one would be asking for the Chorus Men. Well yeah some would ask for them. Approximately a 30% chance if Gematsu didn't exist.


Mr. Blue Sky
Nov 29, 2006
The Netherlands
I see. But still, I can't see much character potential in characters from a rhythm game, bc usually they perform only one action. Where will the other moves come from?
I don't know. I have far from a creative mind to have thought of something that's at least a decent moveset.

Proof or it didn't happen
I swear to god if you say Gematsu
Wii U datamining showed a stage with the name 'rhythm'.


Hold Baroque Inside
Oct 19, 2012
Ok, the problems were actually since like forever and even made me extremely shy to talk when I joined, but I realised after I became OP that it was suprinsingly a problem when there should not be.

First, I had to deal with the name. Now, trust me, I do understand that presentation is a big part (look at my OP for proof, I spent hours on it), but the only thing I could not do was to name it anything other than Paper Mario because it's just litterally his name. Now, I did tried with slogn and gorgeous effects, the name problem still was probably the first thing that made people not like him. It's like, it just screams too much like "ah, not those clones character again!, didn't we got enough already?"

It's actually a great way to have a character underated btw. The worst is it's purely coincidential so, I should by no mean see comments like saying that Paper Mario = jumpman or whatever.

If the name wasn't a problem, then the biggest one was BY FAR, the "another mario" argument.

I think you're honestly a lyer if you didn't heard it AND was supporting OR heard about it in speculation days. This argument is basically that there would sort of be an "overrepping" of the mario series with 2 marios. First, ironically, they were ok to put dr mario BACK, they were even ok to put jr back. Oh, and even rosalina!!!!

^reminder, this argument was there ALL THE TIME. Meaning that you could hear it when 4 reps was confirmed....there was a slight hope. When Rosalina got announced....then people began to use this thing avidly. The worst is that jr got the exact same problem so you get why I still didn't get the alts complain reaction upon CONFIRMATION (yes, this was really an early reaction when the leak was heard and I just don't get it...).

So, if you were not happy after Rosalina for another mario, first, you should want to bite Sakurai and second, you should want to hate it more because he actually not only put another rep, but another mario too!!!!!

Like, I can't tell how flawed this argument is. I had to do a very long arguments on the OP to basically explain that Paper Mario has a series that is so much different that if I try to think logically, it would make sense to have its own series. The thing is, now, I have no reasons to expect it, but to get to the point where it logically made sense is something.

But when the roster was actually announced....I just couldn't take this anymore because the argument was WITH UNDENIABLE PROOF proved extremely flawed. Guess what was the reaction after? People that were actually supporting (not all, a few) put the blame on both jr and dr mario, but dr mario received all the flacks. Imagine, I was on the thread, being completely neutral on dr mario and I see flaming of him int he thread because of an unrelated cause after people were complaining to have too much mario rep.....like, I seriously got obsessed at one point and it almost went into insanity.....don't go there btw, it's dangerous.

Because I was just tired to have public support, i moved the whole thing into a group. Result, yes, there's not much talk, but at least the only talk it gets is sain for everyone's health.

The other thing that it had which is surprinsingly not much common here is being a mario/g&w clone (yes, the later was talked a lot). Now, I sort of got used to it because that one was understandable, it's just tedious to repeat the same speech which is why i tend to do long essay like the one you read.

Though, go on gamefaqs and good luck enduring this....miiverse too.

^I never tried nor I want to go far.

Now, this was aggraved by the low popularity aspect. This is the thing I can only slightly control, but it didn't helped to start with....ok it's kind of a mess. See, the problem it had before was it was wanted, but people wasn't talking about it. My goal was to fix that which I consider I did and still do today, but having to start that late with that surely didn't helped, it's actually kinda awesome to have gotten 125 supporters on just this time....

Now, you might wonder why i got so far with all this?

Ok, I don't know if you lived this feel, but my goal being love sharing, seeing legit supports post is extremely satisfying. I was just hype and if the post had a moveset, it would make me hype for a week.

And july 29, when they announced the stage, my alerts were flooded.

Overall, I still am happy with what I did for people who loved the series, but as I told, it wasn't easy....
Ohhh boy

Detractors are going to come up with any argument against a character you support. In all honesty, we still don't know how exactly Sakurai chooses characters. There's so many factors and credentials he gave over the years, but there's also a bunch of exceptions, so we could only speculate. I don't really put down any legitimate character idea, unless if it's something ridiculous like Naruto or something haha. I just wish more people would be respecting of other's interests, even if they don't agree with such character. Maybe then the atmonshpere will feel more friendly.

Keep supporting the characters you love and want to see. I've seen people crap on characters I've love to have, but y'know what? Being the thread owner of such character (Roy), and seeing people post things like "I love all the work you're put into the OP. All you supporters are awesome!" puts a smile on my face. I think the good times out weight the bad, but that's just me.


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2014
Kikkipop 12
I see. But still, I can't see much character potential in characters from a rhythm game, bc usually they perform only one action. Where will the other moves come from?
From other mini games in Rhythm heaven, like what the did with the Wii Fit trainer and Villager
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