fabian i got your text message earlier and i texted u back but u never responded so ill post it here so u can see wat im gonna say
first off i smashed all day friday and saturday in 2 tournies i was smashed out and broke so i stayed home and relaxed i dont know wat your talking about saying im a ***** and i went to the other tourney instead when i didnt even leave my house today...so i dont know how u got the idea i went to that other tourney or u assumed i did cuz i didnt show up
and as far as me "fuc`king up your money friday by bringing mango and david"smash is just competition and to have fun and get better u shouldnt be banking your rent money on winning a tourney in the first place espicailly with your skill lvl not saying your bad but your no ****ing dsf.
so i dont kno wat u were thinking with that and u ended up getting second in doubles so u still won money y are u *****ing about it? telling me fuc'k u and **** like that u need to calm down dont tell me that type of **** on the phone i dont know who u think u are...
im your daddy that's who
and i wouldve won money on friday if you and joe didn't come, who else was there? what is fear? and he ended up leaving for singles anyways.
im no dsf, but i sure could beat on a 10man tourny that i was gonna win.
Thats why i called you a ***** if you went to the sherman oaks one, everyone was saying you did, especially 'cuz your known for it
remember that thing with omar at gamers loung the night before mlg?
i got your text like an hour ago and i check this **** and your calling me out of nowhere instead of talking to me in person? wtf weren't you pissed cuz i would do that **** in the past. i didn't show anyone the text and ****, calm down