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So, the tier list came out today


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Lucario (Aura Sphere > Aether/Quick Draw)Air dodge, Kirby (Inhale, Dair, Bair),Air dodge. If you get sucked in by inhale then woot, you get your second jump back. Pikachu (Thunder Jolt, Thunder)Air dodge. Aether to ledge., Fox (Shine, Bair)Air dodge. Getting repetitive eh?, Wolf (Lasers, Bair, Dair)Air dodge, everyone else (Fsmash to Edgehog, Airdodge Quick Draw, Neutral B, Fair, Bair, Dair, Nair)Jab, grab, bait
The fact is that Ike's recovery sucks. Don't try to cover it up by saying that only two characters can "effortlessly gimp" him (which is false). Anyone can just hug the edge when he does AetherAether lasts a long time. You only end up getting Aetherspiked to the bottom. Stop speaking out of your ***., or pop out a projectile when he rears his head above the stageThat's why you go for the ledge, or simply smash his face in or airdodge when he does Quick DrawNo good Ike player uses Quick Draw to recover. He falls fast, his recovery moves are extremely punishableFalse and VERY easy to preventOnly for a select few. If you just knock him out of his second jump, he is literally unable to recover, unlike most other people with useful Up B moves.You save your 2nd jump for better recovery. Easy Ike 101 there. The fact that Aether can't sweetspot the ledge on its way up is also a huge problem, since even if he IS in sweetspot range, he can just get knocked back out again by anything if the person is too lazy to just hug the edge.If you avoid the big freaken sword.

Ike is underrated by many people, and has quite a few things going for him, but the truth is that his weaknesses are just way too easy to exploit if you play smartly. He deserves low tier, which is exactly where he would be if the tier list was divided into more categories. Sonic isn't that underrated. I've fought good Sonics before, and I can tell you that they can be a tough cookie to crack: but only until you get the timing on knocking him out of the spin dash. Once you have that timing, Sonic is absolutely TOAST. Sonic will do well against opponents until they start realizing that "Hey! Wait a second! This guy has no priority! How about I jab the air so that he rams into it so I can continue my assault?" Sonic will surprise your opponents, but only to a point. Once they have experience with the matchup, pretty much ANYONE can **** Sonic. Link, I'm not really sure about, but his recovery really is THAT bad. Mario? Perhaps. Super Jump Punch doesn't have the greatest distance, but it has a ton of priority and a very large sweetspot. He does have a problem if he doesn't have his double jump, and he doesn't have too many recovery options, but that shouldn't be his main problem. I personally believe that his main problem is that he was meant to be balanced. By forcefully balancing him out, they unfortunately did the opposite, since compared to the other characters in the roster, he really isn't that good.
Your little speech here is exactly my point. Did I say Ike deserved to be mid tier? No. Did I say anyone else should be mid tier? No. I said characters were underrated. Your idiotic attempts to argue something that I wasn't even stating is sad. Now reread what I said.

In Brawl, there are four heavily underrated characters: Ike, Sonic, Link, Captain Falcon(Since a few people here thinks he's underrated :p) and Mario. You guys should stop complaining about so-and-so character should be lower and start working on ways to get Mario higher. The characters who deserve to be lower will in due time.
My point is that the tier list was made too ****ing early to set anything in stone. It's not even a year yet. Metagames are still in progression and potential has yet to be unleashed. Do you even know half the boards are saying the tier list is currently inaccurate?

Stop acting like you know everything, cause you don't.

I know the problems and weaknesses with Mario but it seems like a lot aguements don't even make sense. In tier discussion people were saying Mario isn't good at edgeguarding. I don't know, something just doesn't make sense and it really stinks.
And some people have even said his cape in Melee was better than it is in Brawl. The cape in Melee didn't even reverse momentum.
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