Eric: Never train against LV9s. I play against LV9s to relieve stress, if I really feel like it, and I have a Gamecube handy (which I usually don't). Also, be careful of spam. As easy as it is to see, if you don't approach it right, someone spamming a strong attack can destroy you.
5COL: Good ****. Congrats on winning the crew battle without me, though I really wish you guys had set it up earlier since I really wanted to play in it : (.
Yao: Once again you show how well you can read my patterns. At least now I'm beginning to perceive just how slow I am...
Scotu: Keep going at it! If I'm giving your Fox trouble, you'll really be dead against Doll..!
Anther: Too Good Falco.
Malice: Best dsmash vs Peach Parasol, ever.
Zelow: Fix whatever's making your Jiggs perform Sing instead of Rest, and you'll be UNSTOPPABLE. : ) Well, not really, but really **** scary. Good single game that we played the entire time we were there.
lain: 85 cents, now... Hopefully we can conduct our MM in the nice, air-conditioned, spacious church where FC is being held.
korora: Sheik???
Ballrest, FFA crew, etc: I would've liked to play in the not-as-hot room with you guys, but I don't like waiting for my turn that often.
Well, then. Randizzle, scotu, Malice, korora, and Eric have seen both my Peach and my Sheik. Roy is obviously not a viable character... yet. But I'd like opinion on whether my Peach or Sheik is better presently.