Okay, I'm gonna get this off my chest now, because this has been bugging me since the first few people commented. I understand people here are trying to win, and to save the surprises for later and what not, but I find the "Nintendo would never do this" or the "Why third parties over DK" argument a bit odd. Not to hate on your opinions, but I am fully aware Nintendo would have never actually done this.
When I was reading the rules, they stated you can do whatever you want with your roster, and that you didn't even need Nintendo characters, so when I was looking at the other rosters, I noticed no third parties. Now, I obviously love Smash and I wouldn't be here if I didn't, but when I was making my roster, I thought I would add some the 3rd parties to mix up the game a bit since every roster was so similar, and to say the least, I didn't expect to get so much back lash.
With that being said, know that for the rest of this game, I will be studying the choices the rest of you make. Character for character, change for change, elimination per elimination. And know for the next game, I will be back for a fiery vengeance and crush all of you with the best rosters you've ever seen in your natural born lives, and you will all suffer. *Insert Evil Laugh Here*
Disclaimer: That last paragraph is only meant to be a joke. I don't despise any of you so don't worry. However, I mean it when I say I will be back, and I will win.