Smash Hater
I want people to remember this if they are watching Civil War this weekend. In doubles as Leo was cloud even against Zero and Nairo this just kept on happening.Every time someone stands on the edge and does nothing except perfect shield his upb coming back down, which also achieves nothing, they deserve to lose.
You need to ask yourself, what is the point? In doubles there is a 1vs1 on one side of the stage when a cloud is offstage and even players like Zero just stand at the ledge, looking like an idiot doing nothing except shielding his upb. He could have used that time to do a 2vs1 with his team mate.
Either edgeguard cloud, or do something useful with the time he is offstage. If you are a character with a charge move, use that time to charge it up. Anything is better than standing still at the edge. It makes cloud seem better that he actually is.
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