this was a fun tournament...shoutouts =D
smiles: YAYAYYA!!!!! DOC FTW!!! seriously, that was awesome.
ddr was fun too
jordan: sorry i was so mean to you all day....tripping you, picking waka laka, being a shiek player, etc. Teams was fun, lol. now that you're in SA we'll hang out for sure.
fear: yay teams was soooo fun! our plan to 3 stock wes and jordan didnt quite work out as planned, but its okay, we had some good team combos going on. Also it was cool hanging out at caveman's
MrC: lol
Coach: it was nice owning you at boggle. ;D next time enter the smash tournament
Wes: congrats at getting 1st. it sucks that for winning such a big tournament, you didn't get much money
come to SA and hang out.
DoH: <3 aw, once again no peach dittos
Magnolia: it was cool seeing eveyrone and hanging out.
galt/shiek twin/steven: why didnt you come? slacker!
caveman: stop losing
jk jk jk
felix/ryan: thank you for the tournament. this one was a lot of fun!! :D
everyone else: <3
UTDzac: good seeing you again.