'I'm just gonna post some of the points stated that got me even more hyped by this small but important change; ya know, ignoring all the negative comments of, "change is bad, mmmkay"
-Could there be more colors available for teams? Easier than ever now, with just an outline, as it is just an aesthetic thing.
-Sakurai seems to be really paying attention to competitive players this go round.
-What will the Wii U version do?
-Maybe we can customize our own color schemes entirely!
-Can switch up the colors seen; story battles, verisimilitude in character interpretation, everyone can be how they look.
-Delightful added challenge if you want to confuse players about who is whom by choosing the same colors.
-No more faded and darker color schemes, the actually confusing look. Phew.
-E3 is in less than three weeks!!