I beat The World Ends With You a couple of days ago.
Reposting my full thoughts from the Nintenzone Social:
First off, one of the most notable things that I can probably say about the game is that there really isn't anything else quite like it. I feel the game is able to use both of the DS's screens quite well, with Neku being controlled on the top screen and his partner being controlled on the bottom screen. I especially feel like the game has some of the best use of the DS's touch screen.
One mechanic that I really enjoy about the game is the ability to lower your current level. I feel like having a lower mean a higher drop rate from battles is a great way to make the game challenging and reward the player for getting good at the combat. I also like how chaining battles together increases your drop rate further and rewards the player.
I feel like one of the game's biggest strength is the soundtrack. Honestly, most of the tracks are extremely catchy and have quite easily gotten stuck in my head. My only real problem with the soundtrack is that you typically won't hear the full versions of the tracks in game. Although, that might be different in Solo Remix (and Final Remix), but I can't speak for those because I played the game on the DS and Final Remix isn't out yet.
One thing that I would like to mention is the art style. I personally really feel like the art style gives the game a very stylized feel. The DS Sprites have also aged fairly well imo (although Solo Remix and Final Remix do look better).
And then there's the story. The story is honestly another one of the game's best aspects, although a lot of it is a bit difficult to talk about without getting into spoilers of some sort. While the story is a little tough to fully understand (just like a certain
other Square-Enix game I'm a fan of), I feel like I understood what was going on well enough, and I do think it is pretty satisfying when you finally know the full details of certain plot points (if that makes any sense). I still had trouble understanding the ending though, and I still don't quite know who
And that's another thing I want to talk about: the characters. I found a lot of the characters in this game to be quite memorable, both the heroes and the villains. My favorite of the heroes would have to be Neku, after he fully goes through all of his character arc, and my favorite villain would be Minamoto, as if it wasn't obvious by my avatar. There just aren't many villains that you see shouting random math jokes. Honestly, the worst I can say about any of the characters (well, really just one of them) is that some of them don't get a whole lot of development, although, most of the cast gets a good deal of screen time, and I wouldn't say any of them are out right poorly written.
Overall, I really enjoyed it and it's definitely one of my favorite DS games now. If I were to give it a rating, I'd give it anywhere from a 9.5 to a 9.75.
I'm looking forward to the new stuff the Final Remix is going to add when it comes out, even though it means that I won't be getting the Secret Reports on my next time playing.
And now that I finished TWEWY, I'm going to get back to playing the KH games pretty soon.