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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Deleted member

I think we should wait on assuming "character is a promotion character" until we know they either have a role in the game they would be promoting, or that the game we want them to promote is announced.
It is highly possible that he will have a role in Prime 4.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
That feeling when you are watching someone play and they play like the A button is a foreign concept to them.
As someone who just watched Simon defeat Galeem using the Axe pretty much exclusively...I feel your pain.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
If I could choose the 5 dlc it would be Sylux, Porky, Elma, Eight and Jill Valentine.

Yeah I know “but those aren’t hype additions” yeah well **** off cause I never asked you.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
If I could choose the 5 dlc it would be Sylux, Porky, Elma, Eight and Jill Valentine.

Yeah I know “but those aren’t hype additions” yeah well **** off cause I never asked you.
If they're hype additions for you, then they're hype additions.
It's not wrong to want things that you like.


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2014
In the heart of the furry
Switch FC
SW 1285-9221-5627
Where was it gotten that Bayonetta had anything actually done for her when the placeholder was found? As far as I am aware the only thing that was actually found for her in the data was ZSS' data copied over onto a placeholder slot that eventually had Bayonetta herself placed in it.
Where is her licensing, body work, and modeling being done at that point coming from?

Deleted member

If I could choose the 5 dlc it would be Sylux, Porky, Elma, Eight and Jill Valentine.

Yeah I know “but those aren’t hype additions” yeah well **** off cause I never asked you.
They would be cool.

Good Guy Giygas

Smash Master
Jul 7, 2013
Official Doomguy Hype-Man®
Switch FC
I just can't get my head around people making definitive statements on who can or can't make the roster based on obscurity/relevance/moveset potential/any other excuse under the sun when Sakurai has utterly demolished those preconceptions time and time and time again.
Because fans obviously know more about the game that isn't even out yet than the team developing it. /s
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Smash Master
Jul 6, 2011
Onett, California
That feeling when you are watching someone play and they play like the A button is a foreign concept to them.
Most people probably assume the B moves are stronger, not realizing you can rack up more damage faster with the A moves. Most of them don't understand the importance of shielding and dodging either, and some of them never use grab. It's a bit weird.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
That feeling when you are watching someone play and they play like the A button is a foreign concept to them.
I actually made a post about this on the Nintenzone thread yesterday.
I couldn't help but notice that in the battle with...
the player, playing as Kirby, kept spamming his Up-B over and over and over and over, when he actually tried to use another move (Side-B) it inevitably whiffed because he had no idea what he was doing, reinforcing the spamming behavior.

This kind of play is the most casual of casual; he never used any normal attacks and barely ever took to the air unless he was forced to. This is the kind of gameplay you'd expect from a 10-year-old first timer (source: I was once that 10-year-old who never used normal attacks).

I don't know if it's better or worse that he wasn't spamming Kirby's Down-B... wait, no, it's worse, because Spamming Down-B requires you to get into the air.

Llort A. Ton

Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2015
The Other Side Of The Computer Screen
Switch FC
SW 1185 9411 4529
Porky isn't too much of a stretch. Nintendo always likes to say they know that people really, really want Mother 3 ported and have known for years ("Come on Reggie give us Mother 3" is over 4 years old now), so if they mean what they say, then they'd probably have an idea that Porky, the main villain of Mother 3 (and Earthbound, which is on SNES classic, Wii U VC, etc, so he's still fairly established among current Nintendo fans) , could be an ideal character to tie into Mother 3, given they actually want to port it or even remaster it.

Sylux apparently being a big player in MP4 could make him this game's Corrin. While a lot of people are guessing this games Corrin will be 3 Houses Corrin (and Im not counting that out), including a Metroid character in Smash DLC could do an inverse of what Smash did for Fire Emblem. More FE characters were put into Smash to popularize it in the west, maybe more Metroid characters could popularize it in the east (or just general advertising purposes).

The presence of Rare N64 games in the code is interesting and could bode well for Banjo, maybe he could be this games Cloud.

Deleted member

I actually made a post about this on the Nintenzone thread yesterday.
I agree with your post.
While i dislike playing competitive, i know for a fact that varying the moves you use can give you better results than any kind of spam.

I find it natural to work like that.


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2018
Wait, so how why was Cloud so hard to find in the data? (Unless he wasn't and people were just dumb)


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Are Porky and Sylux the new K.Roodley?
No, because they aren't obvious exclusions from the rosters that people feel should be in.
Porky (at least his M3 version) is a Japanese-exclusive villain only known to Mother fans and Sylux is a characterwho is going to play a major role in an unreleased title.

Neither have reached the notoriety that K. Rool and Ridley have.
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Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2018
Switch FC
"Heavy-affiliated-with-Nintendo third-parties" is an irrelevant criteria that needs to die out already. It doesn't matter most of the time. We literally have only two with content that remotely relates to having a Nintendo presence; Super Mario RPG and Bayonetta. The rest got in on their own merits as being gaming icons.

Sakurai doesn't care and never actually did. Nintendo might, but that doesn't mean it's that important. If a 3rd party is chosen, it's still going to be because they're important too for who they are. Cloud got in because he's the mascot of Final Fantasy and a gaming icon. It was pretty irrelevant that FF started on Nintendo. And Cloud had barely cameos on the Nintendo games. To pretend he's heavily affiliated with Nintendo is ludicrous. He isn't nor ever was. He's finally got his actual game on Nintendo, but that was well after Smash Ultimate's roster was decided too. He didn't gain any legitimate relevance to Nintendo till well after Smash itself existed, and especially after Smash Ultimate was completely finished being figured out who the base roster was. The closest thing Sakurai has said on the issue is that he wasn't sure what he would've done if Cloud had no Nintendo appearances. And that's cause... gasp... it wasn't an issue that came up at the time. So he had no actual opinion on it. In other words, it was a relevant criteria to begin with.

Just like it never was. Bayonetta is a special case only because we don't know how she got chosen to be in the game in the alone. We know she's been worked on and licensed way before the ballot(no way they can get that done in two weeks, let alone that would mean if somehow that's possible, they had to have a ton of votes from her day 1, and somehow magically get all the licensing, full body work and modeling done... in about 13 days). It's not feasible. Being an exception to the rule of 3rd party icons is fine. But why she was an exception is unknown. Geno is well known why Sakurai chose him; fan requests. That's pretty much it. Geno however isn't playable(yet), so that didn't do much beyond get him to exist in the game in smaller roles than playable or assist anyway. That's important to remember here. Of course, yes, Nintendo might only choose those they can promote. Whether it could be from an upcoming FF game release, Slime for DQ(I don't think Erdrick even has an upcoming game? Though Jade might?), or just for re-releases. DLC being promotional makes sense. Though it doesn't mean an affiliation with Nintendo so much as a game upcoming that will be on Nintendo later. Affiliation with Nintendo means they're effectively known as a Nintendo character by fans(Geno, Simon, more or less just about everybody but Cloud, really. But those were coincidences for every 3rd party but possible Bayonetta, so it's a meaningless thing to look into). Of course, appealing to Nintendo fans is a very very different thing from choosing a character simply because they had a ton of Nintendo games. That's not how you choose gaming icons. Like, at all.
...so what about steve?


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC

For Classic Mode, so far. Be warned for accidental spoiling.
Man, I really wished they cut the sides of these stages and made them the Final Destination/Battlefield versions of the corresponding stages.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
Can someone PM me a link to the stream everyone's watching? Can't find it anywhere publicly.


Smash Ace
Nov 2, 2018
Time Traveling
Switch FC
But again, you're unnecessarily narrowing the parameters. Yes, Square hasn't put regular enemies in fighting games, but the series in question there are Nier or Final Fantasy. Those are precedents for those series. Those series are lead by their protagonists. There's no need to treat Square as a monolith when each series has its own identity and promotional strategy. By that logic, we'd say Nintendo would opt for Pokemon Trainer over Pikachu. For Dragon Quest, historically crossovers have not involved the protagonists as much as Slime, because unlike Nier and Final Fantasy, the promotion focuses more greatly on the generic mascot.

Yes, there's no precedent for Dragon Quest in a fighting game. However, the next best thing is not how Square treats Final Fantasy in a fighting game, but how Square treats Dragon Quest in other crossovers. Don't discard the closest example we have just because it doesn't originate from a fighting game. I know Smash is a fighting game, but Slime is not invalidated by that unless he's seen as infeasible. Especially given how diverse the Smash cast is physiologically when compared to stuff like Tekken and SoulCalibur.

Now I'm not rejecting the possibility of a DQ protagonist, I'm just voicing the case for Slime. If we even end up getting a DQ character, which we absolutely might not.
Im not unnecessarily narrowing parameters, I am stating facts of Square's past business decisions. I get where you are coming from yes Nier and FF are different from DQ. That being said you cannot deny Slime is a regular enemy in DQ11 and DQ builders 2. Had Slime been the main hero like it was in its solo game I wouldn't be saying what im saying. Thats the equivalent of putting a cactuar to represent FF. Again I recognize different series, but my point still stands. Also again DQ is not Pokemon, DQ revolves around a hero setting out on a story and battling enemies. Pokemon is a story of catching all the Pokemon and being the best. In this case Yokai Watch is more similar to Pokemon than DQ is. Also the Mario and DQ crossover was made by Square, but whenever Square puts a singular character in another game. It is always the hero, Im not discarding anything or omitting anything. I am simply stating their business patterns. We have to keep in mind if a DQ rep gets in it would be to help cross promote DQ11 and the DQ 11 that is coming to the Switch. In DQ 11 Slime is a regular enemy. That is what hurts its chances. That being said I could see Slime being part of a moveset. In that way Slime is still there, but is not the main character. And yes Smash is diverse from Tekken and Soul Calibur. However it follows similar rules when it comes to 3rd party characters. Thats why we dont see obscure characters like the Ghost of Pacman, or Rush as a solo character. Again I understand these are different companies and these characters are not exactly like Slime. However in the context of this its still a fact Slime is a regular enemy in the recent DQ games. Square simply put, does not put regular enemies as their picks for guest characters. Again if I am wrong about this I will happily take the L. However I have researched this company extensively, on multiple types of crossovers. Thats why I do not see it happening. Also please see what Calane Calane wrote about this.
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Deleted member

If they’re highly requested 15 years from now, then maybe.

Other than that: no, not even close.
At best, Sylux was considered as an alternative to Ridley alongside Dark Samus before the space pirate joined Ultimate. If you asked some Metroid fans (myself included) about our most wanted character from the franchise in Smash, the answer could probably be similar to this:

“Although Ridley would be cool, Sakurai said no to him... So i guess that we could go with any of the hunters from Prime 3 and Hunters (mostly Sylux) or Dark Samus getting promoted after being an assist trophy.”


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
I agree with your post.
While i dislike playing competitive, i know for a fact that varying the moves you use can give you better results than any kind of spam.

I find it natural to work like that.
There's a feature in the game to discourage attack spam: stale moves.

That's actually something lost by the removal of the bonus system, in 64 and Melee, the game visibly docked points from you after the game ended for spamming your attacks, telling you you were doing something wrong. The game still punishes you for it, but not as visibly anymore.
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Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2018
Am I misremembering or aren’t there rights issues with Ms Pac-Man specifically?
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Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
Man, I really wished they cut the sides of these stages and made them the Final Destination/Battlefield versions of the corresponding stages.
Fixing up the boss stages to be standard/legal sounds ripe for a free DLC update. I wouldn't lose hope yet, some of those look too good to not be reused.
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