Canonically, Ike travels to realms unknown and another individual isn't specifically mentioned outside of Soren/Ranulf's A Supports. Regardless of who he takes with him, if he even takes anyone, Ike most likely crosses an Outrealm gate (probably by accident) and ends up in Marth's world. He ends up meeting a nice lady, and BAM! One eon later, Priam.
Now, the nature of Supports is that there's no canonical answer for them save for the few that are fairly clear such as Chrom-Sumia. I'd say Eliwood-Ninian is also pretty canon, but that's beside the point.
Ike has no defined canonical support, and what supports he does have do not change his ending. Therefore, regardless of Soren or Ranulf, he leaves Tellius forever. He ends up in Marth's/Alm's realm, and ends up having a wife and children. If anything, I think Ike's canonical ending is one where he either travels alone, or takes both Ranulf and Soren with him to start another band of mercenaries elsewhere. But we do know that Priam is canon to Awakening due to Paralogue characters being legit as they have character-specific endings if you beat the game with them in your party.
If Priam is unmarried at the end of Awakening (he can only marry F Robin, anyway), he essentially repeats Ike's ending from Radiant Dawn and vanishes without anyone going with him (a direct reference to his ancestor?). It states he hopes to end up in a place where the Radiant Hero's legend is more recognized. (Basically, it's hinting that Priam eventually makes it to Tellius. New Tellius game with Priam as main Lord character pls.)
So, there's that.