Erroneous information - total votes received was 46M according to my data (in response to only 1.8 million votes being recieved)
Spongebob, Harambe, Goku, Shrek, Captain Crunch, Mickey Mouse, Battletoads, Obama, Captain Planet were all excluded immediately regardless of vote count
I won't repeat myself again, but yes it was possible. We just captured all votes in a campaign that filled into our company's database, and just did a raw export of the list. These are the numbers I sent over, I am confident that each vote was recorded, but it is possible bots played a role in Lip's high vote count. We sent the data over regardless and did not flag it as suspicious - we are not paid enough to care that much about one video game when we run marketing campaigns for many companies and games.
I have recorded entries past that date - our campaign didn't formally have an end date until December 2015 in our system, so I'll pull a report that shows who may have been entered past then. I just pulled the report from our database so I'll see whats going on - give me 5 to 10 minutes to parce through the data. Be right back
Ok, after looking at the information, there are recorded entries as late as two weeks ago, all with an email name of "test" - All of Harambe, and most of Captain Crunch and Peppa Pig's entires are tests that were input between 2017 and 2018. There are no entries for actual characters, just obvious jokes.
This tells me two things - 1. Our database system is still being tested ballot-wise
2. That likely means there will be another ballot and someone has been testing to ensure it will work in the future.
What we had sent was a static report as of December 2015, my current report (and what currently exists in our database) cannot be what was sent in Dec 2015 as it did not exist in the same capacity.
An index match of a report pulled as of Dec 2015 compared to today shows no irregularities besides the test entries
I hope everyone is ready for another ballot, which may mean more DLC or even a new game down the road!
The actual ballot can be taken down, but much like a web form for any marketing campaign, it can still be accessed internally. This is done for a variety of reason, mostly testing.