I agree with an earlier point which says that there should be 4 tiers. As you progress down the tiers they overlap more as there is greater chance's for upsets to occur.
The top 4 have a near impossible chance of a suffering from a tard match as they are well pros and so they should be in their own tier.
So the question is, how are the other tiers constructed and maintained? I think they should be split into further divisions of 4 to keep them competitive and boost incentive to progress up the rankings.
In the event that someone loses to someone else who is in a lower tier, they should be rewarded by being given more points relative to the number of tiers above their opponent is, again providing more incentive.
This doesn't necessarily mean that they are better, as stated before its how well you do against the community that defines your place not how well you do against a person.
This totalitarian state ruled by the fuzz needs his divine judgement for any law to be past apparently. Although were given this illusion of democracy through our discussion its him who has the final say.
I think there should be a poll on this matter as it seems to affect everyone taking part in a future tourney. The previous results from the past year are important as they provide all of the facts and evidence in unbiased numbers.
As with all systems there are flaws but unless we actively and continuously try to shape them, there will be no progression. Experimentation is the road to progress but only if something is done and not just discussed.
I agree with his top 6 idea for this tourney though seems about right, don't worry I'm gonna fight for those last 10 places

Is it to early for MM hype who wants some bring it, grow a pair and play me. (No top 4 though I don't feel like getting senselessly ***** gotta learn more first before I start those shenanigans)