Happy Feet - Zhu
That ain't Falco - Can be sarcastic or not. If sarcastic, the character is Falco. Generally sarcastic "That ain't Falco" refers to Falco not behaving how Falco normally behaves. Otherwise, its meaning is literal: the subject character is not Falco. Often used when someone who normally plays Falco (in singles or otherwise) has selected a different character.
Ooooh - Excitement.
Oooooooh - Greater excitement, usually used to acknowledge initial excitement of the first "Ooooh".
Where you at? - Rhetorical question. Used as an expression of incredulity or astonishment at the severity of someone else's misfortune or predicament (such as being *****).
Get your *** whooped - Closing statement to ****; usually done when the **** is successful and someone is sufficiently beaten down (can be used at the end of the match, or the middle).
My **** hurts - Consequence of prolonged masturbation without some kind of lubricant (water based, spit, silicon based, or otherwise). Can also refer to satisfaction / excited bewilderment at the thoroughness of the **** another player(s) received / performed.