When I was very young and just playing games by myself or something, I used to just use my first name for my character. At some point (9 or 10 years old) I decided to change that to Mr.H, mostly because I thought it was funny to watch the NPCs say things l like "this is my nephew, Mr.H." I'd also do things like name my pokemon rival "Lance," then boast to my friends about how I beat "Lance" with a level 5 charmander, but I digress. When I first started Majora's Mask, I was feeling impulsive, so I made up a new name on the spot. "Pocket" sounded sort of cool for some reason, but it needed more, so I made it "Pocket Z," which I still use here and there. Once I started entering situations where my gaming name would be seen by an entire gaming community, I decided to make something new; "Mr.H" sounded like I thought I was better than others, and "Pocket Z" just didn't sound right for some reason. I decided to go with GroovyGreenHat; it is from the fact that I use the word "groovy" in everyday conversation and I always (and I mean ALWAYS) wear the same green unmarked baseball cap. I still use my old "Mr.H" tag when playing melee, though. Partially for nostalgia, partially because it fits in the meager 4 spaces they give you.