Near: Dude, you're seriously the homie. I think we need to play some melee sometime.
RRR: We didn't play each other, but you're Randall, so you're the man.
Heath: I enjoyed our set. I was shocked you went Fox, but it's really good. Good job on getting 4th!
Deepak: I didn't really talk to you much except for when I coached you for your last few sets. Good stuff repping that Mario and fighting the odds.
Chexr: Lol what is there to say. I swear to god every time we hangout we create like 50 new inside jokes. Also, props to your phone for showing us Annie's. That place was Godlike.
Luca: I'm glad we went secondaries, next time we gotta do that Young Link vs DK though. Also, don't spill your milkshake.
Amanze: I feel like I hardly even talk to you at tournaments anymore. What's up with that? You still crack me up though.
Breezy: I'll admit I was salty when you cleaned my clock at this tournament in brawl, but it's all good. I'll keep working at it. I had fun teaming with you. Let's do it again sometime.
YoshQ: I always appreciate your advice in brawl. Hope you keep working on your melee game. Your Marth is shaping up.
CrossfadingRage: Good Falcon, dude. Especially for only your second tournament. Maybe next time we'll have to play in singles and I'll show you the true power of Zelda.
Fargo/Moorhead crew: I played at least half of you guys. I think it's awesome that you guys are out there playing Smash. Keep it up!
Wake: I only played you in one friendly, but that's okay. I don't want to play someone with such a strong hatred for pie.
Seed: Good stuff, man! I hope you're keeping up the Falco practice!
Ocho: I didn't get to play you this time even though you really wanted to. We'll definitely have to go a few rounds next time.
LightsoutAce: It was good seeing you again! I feel like you've really improved since the last time. Your Sheik is pretty tough. Hope to see you again soon.
Flux: I didn't get to play you, but nice scarf, bro.
BlueZaft: I'm glad I finally got to play you. Your Marth is tough. I'm glad you got the Zelda matchup down.
Kai: Good to see you at another tournament. Hopefully we can go to more stuff together.
Collin: I didn't really get to see you play, but I heard you made a lot of people respect the robot.
Kevo: This is my first time being at a tournament you TO'd, but you did a great job in my opinion. Hope you keep the MN scene alive.
Sin: I wanted you to win so you could help with your house issue, but it'll be just a minor set back. I hope you didn't take the loss too strongly. You'll be at the top again soon. Let's play melee again soon! Rep the rat!
I think that's everyone, but if I missed you and you want a shoutout let me know. I love giving these out.