Okay, LJM's
Down+Special is done, any other input to his specials will be greatly appreciated. If there are no objections, I shall proceed to tuning up some of the sprites and then lastly submitting the finalized separate png images:
Well, thinking about the Up Special again, I think it would be easier to have LJM mount the pogo stick immediately and bounce to save him from further delay. Anyway, glad to see you have a new dev setup. Is the picture you posted in game? something looks a bit "off" with Mr. Randoms, he doesn't appear to be as crisp as the other 2 fighters.
I also tried out your BETA ver. 04. Had fun with it but it seems the subtle game mechanics and particularly the UI needs some work. Here are a bit of my nitpicks:
- The menu looks fine but when playing, it seems the up and down button are left out even if I can still perform them in attacks.
- Is the jump button always above the attack buttons? As someone who has mostly played platformers, it feels natural to have the jump at the bottom and the actions above it. Never played a Smash game before though so maybe they do have that setup as a default.
- When running into an opponent, you kinda drag them along the stage instead of them stopping you from moving forward. In most fighting games, when you walk up to an opponent you do push them but very slowly as if they had weight to them.
- More sound effects will definitely add to the experience. Something along the lines of an arcade fighter will give more energy in the attacks, hits, landing, defeat, etc.
- CPU1 sometimes stays still or loops as if he's still jumping. It doesn't happen most of the time but it is noticeable as you play.
- A very minor nitpick but, I'm a bit iffy on how the penguin's land sprite feels a bit too long. Have it run for half a second shorter maybe?
Anyway, these are just nitpicks and I know that this is still BETA but I wanted to give some input hoping they would be addressed. That aside, I am looking forward to the finalized game. The game runs smoothly and I like the AI of the second CPU. I can see myself playing this in commutes, won't be the deepest fighter but it will make for e fun brawler. Hope you aren't put off with what I said, just thought these might be something to keep in mind for the next update.