I've watched the opening several times trying to like it, but I'm just not feeling the hype on this one. I'm not denying that the CGI clips from the trailers aren't still amazing, but when all of the CGI in this opening are clips from trailers that we've watched to pieces for months, a breath of fresh air via some new footage may not be expected, but it would be greatly appreciated, don't you think? Sure, "Why should they bother?" is a valid opinion in this case, but I also can't help but think, "Why not bother?" They decided to make new material for one of their commercials, why not show that same love to an opening sequence? I may be in the minority, but I honestly look forward to details like this in a new Smash Bros. game.
I know that an opening sequence shouldn't be the biggest of my worries for this game (I'm not canceling my pre-order or anything like that), but I still think it's still fair to have an opinion like this since we have been graced with awesome original openings for fighting games that you want to watch every time you start up a game. I especially think like this when I remember that Namco, a company that has made amazing intro videos for their fighting games (i.e. Soul Blade), helped develop this game. Even though they probably had no sway on the production of the trailers, I can't help but imagine on what could have been.