I usually go by 24 hour minimum, and that's if votes are near unanimous.
If not, then it can range from 24 to 60 hours depending on the voting.
This is because I want to give AEM time inbetween charts to edit so that he isn't outright swamped with them. He has a life too, you know.
Like right now, the votes are near unanimous to remove Petey, Meta Ridley, and Knuckle Joe while keeping Waluigi, Tingle, and Ridley.
I've planned on that and told AEM ahead of time to just have them removed when he gets around to making the charts. But I kept the voting anyway in case something unexpected were to happen, such as support to keep one of them or support to have someone like Tingle removed.
So now we're discussing Pokémon.
As I've said in the past, though, this chart is going in a specific direction. This is because of what Sakurai said in regards to adding Pokémon characters.
-The Veterans will all stay, but Pokémon Trainer is going to be split into the Trainer himself, Charizard, Squirtle, and Ivysaur. This is because Zelda/Sheik and Samus/Zero Suit Samus were split, and because we currently don't know WHAT'S going to happen with the Trainer.
-Mega Mewtwo and Mega Lucario will stay.
-Rayquaza will be cut because everybody wants him gone.
-Meowth will stay because he to this day still appears in the anime, meaning he still has a shot for Smash.
-Plusle & Minun will stay because of the common belief that "pra_mai" of Brawl's unused character data is them. (Even though I heavily doubt it was).
-Zoroark, Victini, and Genesect will stay because Sakurai claimed to not have done any market research on X/Y since it hasn't come out yet, while those three are the forerunners of B/W.
-Deoxys, Gardevoir, Darkrai, Dragonite, and Scizor are cut.
-Considering adding Eevee, Sylveon, and Blaziken (as well as Mega Blaziken).
This discussion will last until I get back; I need to take my laptop to get the screen repaired, so I won't be able to log on until who knows when.