My favourite Pokemon:
When Pokemon first came out, I immediately fell in live with Raichu. However, there is something I have to say...
Despite looking cute and cool, Raichu has suffered many years of ridicule and neglect. Well all know the popular Pokemon Pikachu, which is shoved into our faces year after year... I'm sure Game Freak devs are tired slapping Pikachu's face one everything. BUT they can't do anything about it. Thus, Pikachu still gets praise... it
has to because it's the franchise's mascot. Not only that, but Pichu has its fair share of spotlight over the years.
The games and anime focus around Pokemon evolution. Sometimes it's presented as a maturing and friendship thing. But with Raichu, that doesn't seem to be the case. They seem to make it as though evolving Pikachu is an imperfect choice. You can't evolve Pikachu directly in Pokemon Yellow, and Pikachu is given special attention in X/Y (anime cry, etc.). Sure, Raichu has received some buffs,
finally. However, so has Pikachu, to try to make him more viable. In the anime, there's the whole beef that Pikachu has against evolving. Also, Raichu has often been labeled as the "bully", but some cases he's just presented as an opposing rival that Pikachu must overcome (being Pika's evolution). And Pikachu always triumphs Raichu in the end. Dare they let Raichu be undefeated against a Pikachu! There is also the chance that Pikachu may receive a Mega Evolution down the road... or Raichu, but we have to wait and see.
Both Pichu and Pikachu have received special moves/forms via many events. What about Raichu? Nothing. Pichu has also been in Melee (I don't think I need to touch on Pikachu -- he's a given in Smash), and received a trophy in Brawl. There's not even a Raichu Sticker... In fact, Pikachu's Melee trophy says:
Pikachu's trophy said:
It's safe to say that Pikachu is the most famous and popular of all Pokémon. It has electric pouches in both cheeks; when in danger, it shoots electricity at its enemies. Although Pikachu can evolve into Raichu by exposure to a Thunderstone, many trainers like Pikachu so much that they don't let it evolve.
Even in Smash Bros., Raichu gets cast aside. I don't see any other unevolved Pokemon trophy mentioning that many people love to keep them unevolved... actually, scratch that. There's Cleffa, but it specifies the cuteness. But I hope you understand what I'm getting at.
Raichu will probably be in Pikachu's shadow forever. He's like the Luigi of Pokemon, except less popular/recognized. If Pichu and Pikachu has had special events, then Raichu needs one. Heck, if Dunsparce has had special events, then Raichu desperately needs one.
There's people out there that may think Raichu is "ugly" or less appealing than his previous evolutions. That's fine, however, I personally love Raichu's design and think he's much cuter than Pichu and Pikachu. Here's some cute and cool pics Raichu found in the TCG:
Besides, some of the sexiest Gym Leaders are known for using Raichu:
So, like, what do we have here? A pro-American, war vet who's Guile's long lost brother, and a bishounen Emokage!? THAT'S SO COOL AND HOT! Raichu is owned by awesome Gym Leaders...
All this to say:

Jokingly rant aside, Raichu is the only Pokemon I must have in my in-game party. There's something that I really like about this rat. Even as a kid, I liked Raichu, and still do today.
But seriously, Raichu needs a special event.