That's a little harsh. I understand his complaint, if he's going to watch something which he wants to see in English, surely he'd want to see it in... English?
I personally agree subs are a waste of time but if he wants to watch something before it comes out dubbed then I think he has every right to complain, especially if the viewers don't understand what a Lizardon is (which I didn't before I read that post).
What I said wasn't harsh in the slightest. It just didn't sugarcoat anything and try to sound pointlessly nice.
And it
is in English. It merely doesn't use the English localized names. It's a translation, not a localization. Know the difference.
Subs aren't a waste of time in the slightest. Also, I'm not so much defending the way the groups do things (Namely the Pocket-Monster Fansubs group since they're really the only ones who sub the latest Pokemon episodes) and saying that their way is best and superior, but defending their right to sub it however they please. Complain all you want, as pointless and a waste of time as that is, that's not going to change the fact that they're going to do it the way they want because it's what they've decided. Acting like and entitled child, saying they
have to do it the way he wants and throwing a rather pathetic sounding insult for good measure isn't going to get him far, change anything or be taken seriously.
As someone who has been watching their subs since Diamond & Pearl, sure, I actually agree that I wanted them to use the English names in their subs at first. I got over it and used to it however since I ended up getting used to knowing the names of Pokemon in 2 Pokedexes versus one. That, and after watching Pokemon Origins subtitled where it DID use the English names, it felt weird hearing them say one thing and there being something entirely different in the subtitles, but that's merely a personal feeling there. Probably because I know a moderate amount of Japanese and understand why a lot of the Japanese names are the way they are considering some of the puns they translate to.
tl;dr: There's no real reason to complain when he can just be patient and no look at the subs if he's going to be that picky. Don't know the English name for something? Look it up. You're old enough and smart enough, I hope. It's not like they fansub it and air it on TV for little kids who don't know any better or anything. Act your age and use your brain instead of whining like a baby and not doing anything yourself.